New Songs of the Gospel (Nos. 1, 2, and 3 combined)

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
201Gone from my heart the world and all its charms[Gone from my heart the world and all its charms]Page Scan
202O listen to our wondrous tory[O listen to our wondrous tory]Page Scan
203The cross that he gave may be heavy[The cross that he gave may be heavy]Page Scan
204Do you know my Saviour as I know him?[Do you know my Saviour as I know him?]Page Scan
205Stand up, stand up for Jesus[Stand up, stand up for Jesus]Page Scan
206It may be in the valley, where countless dangers hide[It may be in the valley, where countless dangers hide]Page Scan
207O thou bleeding Lamb of God[O thou bleeding Lamb of God]Page Scan
208He will hear me when I call[He will hear me when I call]Page Scan
209When the pow'r of God descended[When the pow'r of God descended]Page Scan
210I am on a shining pathway[I am on a shining pathway]Page Scan
211O Lord in me thy work revive[O Lord in me thy work revive]Page Scan
212I will not be weary, though trials may come[I will not be weary, though trials may come]Page Scan
213There's a homeland, beyond life's wide sea[There's a homeland, beyond life's wide sea]Page Scan
214O Father, when my troubled soul[O Father, when my troubled soul]Page Scan
215The fight is on, the trumpet sound is ringing out[The fight is on, the trumpet sound is ringing out]Page Scan
216Not my own, for Jesus bought me[Not my own, for Jesus bought me]Page Scan
217“Whosoever,” saith the Lord[“Whosoever,” saith the Lord]Page Scan
218One thing I of the Lord desire[One thing I of the Lord desire]Page Scan
219There is One who loved me truly, and so well[There is One who loved me truly, and so well]Page Scan
220His love is an ocean so boundless and deep[His love is an ocean so boundless and deep]Page Scan
221You ask what makes me happy, my heart so free from care[You ask what makes me happy, my heart so free from care]Page Scan
222O what glory when He saved me by His grace[O what glory when He saved me by His grace]Page Scan
223We're sailing, sailing over life's great sea[We're sailing, sailing over life's great sea]Page Scan
224O what a change from a world of despair[O what a change from a world of despair]Page Scan
225The clouds may hover o'er me[The clouds may hover o'er me]Page Scan
226How precious an hour with my Saviour[How precious an hour with my Saviour]Page Scan
227Lifetime is working time[Lifetime is working time]Page Scan
228There's a message sweet and clear[There's a message sweet and clear]Page Scan
229O the grace of God is boundless[O the grace of God is boundless]Page Scan
230When a soul returns from a life of sin[When a soul returns from a life of sin]Page Scan
231When upon life's journey you may think there's none to care[When upon life's journey you may think there's none to care]Page Scan
232When days of toil have all gone by[When days of toil have all gone by]Page Scan
233I am wondrously saved, hallelujah to God[I am wondrously saved, hallelujah to God]Page Scan
234O the glory hallelujah[O the glory hallelujah]Page Scan
235O how dark the way before me[O how dark the way before me]Page Scan
236Tho' oft thy pray'rs seem all in vain[Tho' oft thy pray'rs seem all in vain]Page Scan
237When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no more[When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no more]Page Scan
238The cares and toils of life may come[The cares and toils of life may come]Page Scan
239From the throne flows a wondrous stream[From the throne flows a wondrous stream]ScorePage ScanAudio
240I have found the Saviour precious, he is all in all to me[I have found the Saviour precious, he is all in all to me]Page Scan
241I was wrecked on a rocky and desolate shore[I was wrecked on a rocky and desolate shore]Page Scan
242Love keeps me singing, along the rough road[Love keeps me singing, along the rough road]Page Scan
243When my trials here are over and I lay my burden down[When my trials here are over and I lay my burden down]Page Scan
244When I stand, with my Lord[When I stand, with my Lord]Page Scan
245There's a sweet and precious story[There's a sweet and precious story]Page Scan
246The word of the Lord can never fail[The word of the Lord can never fail]Page Scan
247As of old when the hosts of Israel[As of old when the hosts of Israel]Page Scan
248You ask me why the name of Christ[You ask me why the name of Christ]Page Scan
249Over yonder stands the mansion Christ prepared for me[Over yonder stands the mansion Christ prepared for me]Page Scan
250There is a land of wondrous beauty[There is a land of wondrous beauty]Page Scan
251I am happy today, with a joy from above[I am happy today, with a joy from above]Page Scan
252From glory's height he came down to save[From glory's height he came down to save]Page Scan
253When the trump of God shall usher in the awful judgment day[When the trump of God shall usher in the awful judgment day]Page Scan
254We shall be like him, when he shall come in glory[We shall be like him, when he shall come in glory]Page Scan
255There's a mother on her knees in prayer[There's a mother on her knees in prayer]Page Scan
256The mercy of Jesus is wondrous and free[The mercy of Jesus is wondrous and free]Page Scan
257God is calling loud for reapers[God is calling loud for reapers]Page Scan
258He took me out of the miry clay[He took me out of the miry clay]Page Scan
259Tarry with me, my Saviour[Tarry with me, my Saviour]Page Scan
260Do something for somebody ev'ry day[Do something for somebody ev'ry day]Page Scan
261A wandering boy was aweary[A wandering boy was aweary]Page Scan
262Our fellowship is blessed[Our fellowship is blessed]Page Scan
263Be not dismayed whate'er betide[Be not dismayed whate'er betide]Page Scan
264There's a shout in the camp: “Keep the fires brightly burning[There's a shout in the camp: “Keep the fires brightly burning]Page Scan
265The Name of Jesus is so sweet[The Name of Jesus is so sweet]Page Scan
266I once was burdened with my sin[I once was burdened with my sin]Page Scan
267I saw a wayworn trav'ler[I saw a wayworn trav'ler]Page Scan
268Jesus, my Saviour, is all things to me[Jesus, my Saviour, is all things to me]Page Scan
269When blinded are the eyes of faith[When blinded are the eyes of faith]Page Scan
270Faith of our fathers, living stillST. CATHERINEPage Scan
271A picture bright in tints of gold[A picture bright in tints of gold]Page Scan
272Come to the Father, O Wanderer come[Come to the Father, O Wanderer come]Page Scan
273My hope is built on nothing less[My hope is built on nothing less]Page Scan
274Go with the wonderful story[Go with the wonderful story]Page Scan
275In the place of mansions fair[In the place of mansions fair]Page Scan
276Jesus has entered within the veil[Jesus has entered within the veil]Page Scan
277Cloudless skies will meet my sight[Cloudless skies will meet my sight]Page Scan
278Life wears a different face to me[Life wears a different face to me]Page Scan
279My faith looks up to Thee[My faith looks up to Thee]Page Scan
280In land or store I may be poor[In land or store I may be poor]Page Scan
281Tho' I know I must go thro' the valley low[Tho' I know I must go thro' the valley low]Page Scan
282With my heart I believe on the Saviour[With my heart I believe on the Saviour]Page Scan
283Lord, we are pleading, pleading for pow'r[Lord, we are pleading, pleading for pow'r]Page Scan
284All to Jesus, I surrender[All to Jesus, I surrender]Page Scan
285Send salvation, Lord, send Thy full salvation, Lord[Send salvation, Lord, send Thy full salvation, Lord]Page Scan
286O spread the tidings 'round, wherever man is found[O spread the tidings 'round, wherever man is found]Page Scan
287Tho' your sins are as red as the crimson[Tho' your sins are as red as the crimson]Page Scan
288Nearer, my God, to Thee[Nearer, my God, to Thee]Page Scan
289Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine[Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine]Page Scan
290God sent His mighty power[God sent His mighty power]Page Scan
291My body, soul and spirit[My body, soul and spirit]Page Scan
292Keep pressing on, forget the things[Keep pressing on, forget the things]Page Scan
293I’ve wandered far away from God[I’ve wandered far away from God]Page Scan
294Just as I am, without one plea[Just as I am, without one plea]Page Scan
295I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice[I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice]Page Scan
296How oft across life's narrow path[How oft across life's narrow path]Page Scan
297Come, every soul by sin oppressed[Come, every soul by sin oppressed]Page Scan
298Jesus, my Lord, to Thee I cry[Jesus, my Lord, to Thee I cry]Page Scan
299There's a great day coming, a great day coming[There's a great day coming, a great day coming]Page Scan
300Come, soul, and find thy rest[Come, soul, and find thy rest]Page Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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