New Hymn and Tune Book: an Offering of Praise for the Use of the African M. E. Zion Church of America

Editor: Philip Phillips
Publisher: A.M.E. Z. Book Concern, New York, 1889
Denomination: African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
Language: English
Notes: Some of the pages in the hymnal scan come from the 1866 New Hymn and Tune Book (Methodist Episcopal Church). Hymns are listed by page number, Appendix and Chants follow hymns.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
125aO thou who driest the mourner's tearBONDPage Scan
125bBeing of beings, God of loveBEMERTONPage Scan
125cAll praise to our redeeming LordPage Scan
125dThat doleful night before his deathSUFFERING SAVIOURPage Scan
125eWo to the men on earth who dwellPage Scan
125fGlory to thee, thou righteous GodPage Scan
126aDUKE STREETPage Scan
126bMCCABEPage Scan
126cPARADISEPage Scan
127aFrom all that dwell below the skiesDUKE STREETPage Scan
127bGod of all power, and truth, and gracePage Scan
127cAh! Lord with trembling I confessPage Scan
127dInto thy gracious hands I fallMCCABEPage Scan
127eHow do thy mercies close me round!Page Scan
127fFar from my thoughts, vain world, begonePARADISEPage Scan
127gGod of my life, to thee I callPage Scan
128aRETREATPage Scan
128bALWAYPage Scan
128cMIGDOLPage Scan
129aFrom every stormy wind that blowsRETREATPage Scan
129bThou Lamb of God, thou Prince of PeacePage Scan
129cSoon may the last glad song ariseMIGDOLPage Scan
129dSweet is the work, my God, my KingALWAYPage Scan
129eSinners, obey the heavenly callPage Scan
129fAway my unbelieving fear!Page Scan
130aWESLEYPage Scan
130bGROSTETTEPage Scan
130cNAAMANPage Scan
131aTo us a child of royal birthWESLEYPage Scan
131bEternal Source of every joyGROSTETTEPage Scan
131cTo Jesus, our exalted LordPage Scan
131dMy opening eyes with rapture seePage Scan
131eOf Him who did salvation bringNAAMANPage Scan
131fThe tempter to my soul hath saidPage Scan
132aWAREPage Scan
132bHINGHAMPage Scan
132cJUDAHPage Scan
133aO for a glance of heavenly dayWAREPage Scan
133bGod of my life, whose gracious powerHINGHAMPage Scan
133cAwake, Jerusalem, awakePage Scan
133dArm of the Lord, awake, awake!Page Scan
133eGlory to Thee, whose powerful wordJUDAHPage Scan
133fArm of the Lord, awake, awake!Page Scan
134cOLD HUNDREDPage Scan
135aThy presence, gracious God, affordPILESGROVEPage Scan
135bJesus, from whom all blessings flowPage Scan
135cServants of God! in joyful laysBRIDGEWATERPage Scan
135dOn all the earth thy Spirit showerPage Scan
135eBefore Jehovah's awful throneOLD HUNDREDPage Scan
135fO thou great God, whose piercing eyePage Scan
136aFORESTPage Scan
136bWARRENPage Scan
136cBACAPage Scan
137aO that my load of sin were goneFORESTPage Scan
137bHappy the man who finds the gracePage Scan
137cJesus, my all, to heaven is goneWARRENPage Scan
137dCome, O thou greater than our heartPage Scan
137eAssembled at thy great commandBACAPage Scan
137fAuthor of faith, we seek thy facePage Scan
138aORIELPage Scan
138bRESTPage Scan
138cUXBRIDGEPage Scan
139aO God! to thee we raise our eyesORIELPage Scan
139bLo! round the throne, a glorious bandPage Scan
139cHead of the Church triumphant, whose Spirit fillsRESTPage Scan
139dO God, my God, my all thou artPage Scan
139eHelp us, O Lord, thy yoke to wearUXBRIDGEPage Scan
139fWhen to the exiled seer were givenPage Scan
140aOLIVE'S BROWPage Scan
140bANGLOSPage Scan
140cATLANTICPage Scan
141aI thirst, thou wounded Lamb of GodOLIVE'S BROWPage Scan
141bCome, Father, Son and Holy GhostATLANTICPage Scan
141cDraw near, O Son of God, draw nearANGLOSPage Scan
141dO where is now that glowing lovePage Scan
141eO love, thy sov'reign aid impartPage Scan
141fComfort, ye ministers of gracePage Scan
142bDEVOTIONPage Scan
142cSTERLINGPage Scan
143aBehold the Christian warrior stand CHRISTIAN PRAISEPage Scan
143bGreat God, attend, while Zion singsPage Scan
143cGreat God, let all our tuneful powersDEVOTIONPage Scan
143dAnd will the great eternal GodPage Scan
143eJesus, thy blood and righteousnessSTERLINGPage Scan
143fFather of all, whose powerful voicePage Scan
144aDELL ROSEPage Scan
144cEFFINGHAMPage Scan
145aShow pity Lord, O Lord, forgiveDELL ROSEPage Scan
145bMy hope, my all, my Saviour, ThouPage Scan
145cSinners, obey the gospel wordCRUCIFIXIONPage Scan
145dO Lord, thy heavenly grace impartPage Scan
145eWhen, O my Savior, shall it beEFFINGHAMPage Scan
145f'Tis finished! the Messiah diesPage Scan
146bCORSONPage Scan
146cMILTONPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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