The New Hymnal for American Youth

Editor: H. Augustine Smith
Publisher: D. Appleton-Century Company, New York and London, 1930
Language: English
Notes: Apparently identical in content to the Revell edition
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
100We would see Jesus, lo! his star is shiningCUSHMAN
101Thou didst leave thy throne and thy kingly crownMARGARET
102Ye fair green hills of GalileeSAINTS OF GOD
103O Jesus, youth of NazarethEATON
104When the Lord of love was hereARMSTRONG
105Blest land of Judea! thrice hallowed of songASHLAND
106Galilee, bright GalileeSHERWIN
107Holy, holy, holy, Lord, thy disciplesTRINITY
108When the golden evening gatheredSTOCKWELL, NEW
109O Son of man, our hero strong and tenderLONDONDERRY
110My Master was so very poorMY MASTER
111Thine arm, O Lord, in days of oldPHOENIX
112Dear Lord, who sought at dawn of daySTIREWALT
113Thou who taught the thronging peopleCOLLEGE
114Thy palm-trees fed with dew and sunHOSANNA
115Ride on, ride on in majestyST. DROSTANE
116All glory, laud, and honorST. THEODULPH
117Hosanna! loud hosanna!ELLACOMBE
118Draw nigh to thy Jerusalem, O LordPICTON
119Into the woods my Master wentLANIER
120Beneath the cross of JesusST. CHRISTOPHER
121I bind my heart this tideFEALTY
122I cannot think or reasonCOMRADES OF THE CROSS
123When I survey the wondrous crossHAMBURG
124In the cross of Christ I gloryRATHBUN
125O joyous Easter morningFAITHFUL
126Easter flowers are blooming brightEASTER FLOWERS
127The day of resurrectionLANCASHIRE
128The Light along the agesROTTERDAM
129Christ, the Lord, is risen todayWORGAN
130Welcome, happy morning! age to age shall sayFORTUNATUS
131On wings of living lightJUBILATE
132No longer, Lord, thy sons shall sowVICTORY
133The strife is o'er, the battle doneVICTORY
134Blow, golden trumpets, sweet and clearGOLDEN TRUMPETS
135aAll hail the power of Jesus' nameMILES LANE
135bAll hail the power of Jesus' nameCORONATION
136Crown him with many crownsDIADEMATA
137Fairest Lord JesusCRUSADER'S HYMN
138Shepherd of tender youthKIRBY BEDON
139I cannot put the Presence byST. BEDE
140Immortal Love, forever fullSERENITY
141O thou great Friend to all the sons of menMORECAMBE
142I sought his love in sun and starsHARVARD
143I know not how that Bethlehem's BabeVERITAS
144Jesus calls us, o'er the tumultGALILEE
145Just as I am, thine own to beJUST AS I AM
146Now in the days of youthFROM STRENGTH TO STRENGTH
147I heard the voice of Jesus sayVOX DILECTI
148O Jesus, thou art standingST. HILDA
149Draw thou my soul, O ChristST. EDMUND
150I need thee every hourNEED
151Art thou weary, art thou languidSTEPHANOS
152Dear Lord and Father of mankindWHITTIER
153Dear God, our Father, at thy knee confessingFELIX
154O Love that wilt not let me goST. MARGARET
155My faith looks up to theeOLIVET
156Nearer, my God, to theeBETHANY
157aJesus, Lover of my soulHOLLINGSIDE
157bJesus, Lover of my soulMARTYN
158Jesus, the very thought of theeSAWLEY
159'Mid all the traffic of the waysST. AGNES
160Jesus, Saviour, pilot mePILOT
161Father in heavenSOUTHAMPTON
162God of our youth, to whom we yieldLEST WE FORGET
163Strong of body, high of spiritPISANI
164The body, Lord, is ours to keepDOLUT
165For mercy, courage, kindness, mirthMELROSE
166I thank thee, Lord, for lifeROCHESTER
167Lord of health, thou life within usIL BUON PASTOR
168Welcome morning, bright and blueENGLAND'S LANE
169O God, whose will is life and goodBASSETT
170God who created meRUGBY
171Father, who on man doth showerQUEM PASTORES LAUDAVERE
172Glad that I live am ICOUNTRY LANES
173Temper my spirit, O LordAGNI
174O Jesus, once a Nazareth boyGABRIEL
175Father in heaven, who lovest allSAXBY
176Lord, as we thy name professST. BEES
177I would be true, for there are those who trust mePEEK
178In the hour of trialPENITENCE
179Christian, dost thou see themST. ANDREW OF CRETE
180Stand fast for Christ thy SaviourNEILSON
181O God of truth, whose living wordQUEENSWOOD
182Be strong! We are not here to play, to dream, to driftFORTITUDE
183Believe not those who sayKING EDWARD
184March on, O soul, with strengthARTHUR'S SEAT
185My faith, it is an oaken staffMUSWELL HILL
186The gray hills taught me patienceMANCHESTER
187We know the paths wherein our feet should pressDEED
188O Son of Man, thou madest knownBROOKFIELD
189O God, who workest hithertoEAGLEY
190Hail the hero workersROSMORE
191Jesus, thou divine CompanionLOVE DIVINE
192When thro' the whirl of wheels, and engines hummingINDUSTRY
193Be of good cheer, the Master saidST. AGNES
194We bear the strain of earthly careSERENITY
195Awake my soul, stretch every nerveCHRISTMAS
196O Jesus, I have promisedANGEL'S STORY
197O Master, let me walk with theeMARYTON

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