New Christian Hymn and Tune Book

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1Awake, my tongue, thy tribute bringDUKE STREETPage Scan
2Jehovah reigns his throne is highPage Scan
3Before Jehovah's awful throneOLD HUNDREDPage Scan
4From all that dwell below the skiesPage Scan
5Thee we adore, eternal LordPage Scan
6Kingdoms and thrones to God belongPage Scan
7Ere mountains reared their forms sublimeUXBRIDGEPage Scan
8God of my life, to thee belongUPTONPage Scan
9With deepest reverence at thy thronePage Scan
10Servants of God, in joyful laysMAINZERPage Scan
11O love, beyond conception greatPage Scan
12Ere the blue heavens were stretched abroadPage Scan
13God is the refuge of his saintsPage Scan
14With one consent let all the earthTRUROPage Scan
15Jehovah reigns; he dwells in lightPage Scan
16The Lord will come, the earth shall quakePage Scan
17The Lord is King, lift up thy voicePage Scan
18Eternal God, celestial KingLEYDENPage Scan
19Now for a song of lofty praisePage Scan
20Awake, my soul, awake, my tongueLUTONPage Scan
21Sweet is the work, my God! my King!PARK STREETPage Scan
22High in the heavens, eternal GodPage Scan
23Triumphant Lord, thy goodness reignsPage Scan
24Hail, great Creator, wise and goodHARVEY'S CHANTPage Scan
25O God, our help in ages pastPage Scan
26Jesus, thou art the sinner's friendPage Scan
27God moves in a mysterious wayDUNDEEPage Scan
28Thy kingdom, Lord, for ever standsPage Scan
29O thou whose own vast temple standsPage Scan
30Songs of immortal praise belongBROOMSGROVEPage Scan
31I sing th' almighty power of GodROCHESTERPage Scan
32Jehovah, God, they gracious powerSTEPHENSPage Scan
33Sweet is the memory of thy gracePage Scan
34Behold the sure foundation-stonePage Scan
35Blest be the everlasting GodST. ANNS.Page Scan
36How precious is the book divinePage Scan
37Long as I live I'll praise thy nameMEDFIELDPage Scan
38Awake, awake the sacred songBRIDGMANPage Scan
39What glory gilds the sacred pagePage Scan
40Lord, let thy Spirit penetratePage Scan
41Holy, holy, holy, Lord God AlmightyNICAEAPage Scan
42O worship the King, all-glorious aboveLYONSPage Scan
43Ye servants of God, your Master proclaimPage Scan
44Early, my God, without delayLANESBOROPage Scan
45Come, ye that know and fear the LordPage Scan
46Yes, I will bless thee, O my GodHUMMELPage Scan
47Lord, while for all mankind we prayGENEVAPage Scan
48When all thy mercies, O my God!Page Scan
49Great is the Lord our GodDOVERPage Scan
50O bless the Lord, my soul!SWABIAPage Scan
51Come sound his praise abroadSILVER STREETPage Scan
52The Lord Jehovah reignsPage Scan
53My soul, repeat His praisePage Scan
54Grace, 'tis a charming soundCRANBROOKPage Scan
55Raise your triumphant songsGERARPage Scan
56Thy name, Almighty LordPage Scan
57God is the fountain whencePage Scan
58Give to the winds thy fearsCLAPTONPage Scan
59Awake, and sing the songLUTHERPage Scan
60To God the only wisePage Scan
61Lord, I delight in theeCARLISLEPage Scan
62Blest are the pure in heartGILCRESTPage Scan
63Great Source of life and lightPage Scan
64Heirs of unending lifePage Scan
65'Twas by an order from the LordROCKINGHAMPage Scan
66O love of God, how strong and truePage Scan
67Holy! Holy! Holy! Lord God of SaboathDOXOLOGYPage Scan
68The spacious firmament on highCREATIONPage Scan
69The heavens declare thy glory, LordPage Scan
70Thou art, O God, the life and lightWAVERTREEPage Scan
71Jesus, thou source of calm reposePage Scan
72My Prophet thou, my heavenly GuidePage Scan
73The Lord my pasture shall prepareSELENAPage Scan
74Though waves and storms go o'er my headPage Scan
75My hope is built on nothing lessPage Scan
76When adverse winds and waves arisePage Scan
77I'll praise my Maker while I've breathNEWCOURTPage Scan
78I love the volume of thy wordPage Scan
79Holy Bible, book divineWILMOTPage Scan
80Precious Bible, what a treasurePRECIOUS BIBLEPage Scan
81Joy to the world, the Lord is comeANTIOCHPage Scan
82To us a Child of hope is bornZERAHPage Scan
83While shepherds watched their flocks by nightATHENSPage Scan
84Hark, the glad sound! the Saviour comesPage Scan
85Hark, the herald angels singHERALD ANGELSPage Scan
86Bright and joyful was the mornLAURAPage Scan
87Hail the blest morn when the great MediatorFENNOR
88When marshalled on the nightly plainDUANE STREETPage Scan
89Our Lord is risen from the deadPage Scan
90Thy worthiness is all our songHOSANNAPage Scan
91Ye nations round the earth, rejoiceMENDONPage Scan
92Awake, my soul, and with the sunPage Scan
93God, in the gospel of his SonPage Scan
94Zion, awake, thy strength renewPage Scan
95Jesus shall reign where'er the sunAPPLETONPage Scan
96Redeemed from guilt, redeemed from fearsPage Scan
97Glory to thee, whose powerful wordPage Scan
98Thy footsteps, Lord, with joy we tracePage Scan
99Eternal Lord, from land to landGILEADPage Scan
100There's nothing bright above, belowPage Scan

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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