The New Alphabetical Hymnal: Great Songs of the Church No. 2. 35th ed.

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d1A joyful song of praise we sing
d2A mighty fortress is our God
d3A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord
d4Abide with me, fast falls the eventide
d5After the life paths we're treading
d6Again the Lord of life and light
d7Alas, and did my Savior bleed? And did my Sovereign die?
d8All for Jesus, all for Jesus, All my being's ransomed powers
d9All hail the power of Jesus' name, Let angels prostrate fall
d10All my heart this night [day] rejoices
d11All people that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice
d12All praise to thee, my God, this night
d13All the way my Savior leads me
d14All things are ready, come to the feast
d15All things praise thee, Lord most high
d16All to Jesus I surrender
d17Almost persuaded now to believe, Almost
d18Am I a soldier of the cross
d19Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, That saved
d20Ancient of days, who [that] sittest enthroned [throned] in glory
d21Angry words, O let them never
d22Another week with all its cares hath flown
d23Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go
d24Arise, my soul, arise, shake off
d25Art thou weary, art thou languid
d26As a tree beside the water
d27Ask for the showers of blessing
d28Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep
d29At even ere [when] the sun was set
d30At evening time no gathering night
d31Awake, and sing the song of Moses and the Lamb
d32Awake, my soul, and with the sun
d33Awake, my soul, in [to] joyful [joyous] lays
d34Awake my soul, stretch every nerve
d35Awake, my tongue, thy tribute bring
d36Away in a [the] manger, no crib
d37Be not dismayed whate'er betide
d38Beautiful valley of Eden! Sweet is thy noon-tide calm
d39Beneath the cross of Jesus I fain would take my stand
d40Beyond the sunset, O blissful morning
d41Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine
d42Blessed be the fountain of blood
d43Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love
d44Bread of [for] the world, in mercy broken
d45Break thou the bread of life
d46Brief life is here our portion
d47Brightly beams our Father's mercy
d48Buried with Christ and raised with him too
d49Can you count the stars of evening
d50Children of the heavenly king as we journey
d51Christ the [our] Lord is [has] risen today, [Alleluia] [Sons of men]
d52Christ will me his aid afford
d53Come, every soul by sin oppressed, There's mercy
d54Come, let us anew our journey pursue
d55Come, let us join our cheerful songs With angels round the throne
d56Come, thou almighty King, Help us thy name to sing
d57Come, ye faithful, raise an anthem
d58Come, ye [you] disconsolate, where'er ye [you] languish
d59Come ye [you] sinners, poor and wretched [needy], Weak and wounded
d60Come, ye [you] thankful people, come
d61Come, ye [you] [we] that [who] love the Lord [Christ], And let your [our] joys
d62Crown him with many crowns [thorns]
d63Day is dying in the west
d64Dear Lord and Father [Master] of mankind [us all], Forgive our foolish ways
d65Dear [Lord] [Well] Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole
d66Down in the valley with my Savior I would go
d67Dying with Jesus, by death reckoned mine
d68Each cooing dove and sighing bough
d69Early, my God, without delay
d70Earth holds no treasures but perish with using
d71Encamped along the hills of light
d72Ere you left your room this morning
d73Eternal Father, strong to save, whose arm
d74Face to face with Christ my Savior
d75Fairest Lord Jesus, Ruler of all nature
d76Faith of our fathers, living still [faith]
d77Far and near the fields are teeming
d78Far away in the depths of my spirit tonight
d79Father and Friend, Thy light, thy love
d80Father, hear the prayer we offer
d81Father, hear thy children's call
d82Father, in the morning Unto Thee I [I'll] pray
d83Father of mercies, day by day
d84Father, we thank thee [you] for the night
d85Father, whate'er of earthly bliss
d86Fear not, little flock, says the Savior
d87Fight the good fight with all thy [your] might
d88Flee, as a bird, to your [yon] [the] mountain
d89Fling out the banner, let it float
d90For the beauty of the earth
d91From every stormy wind [sense] that blows
d92From Greenland's icy mountains
d93Give me the Bible, star of gladness gleaming
d94Glorious things of thee are spoken
d95Go, labor on, spend and be spent
d96God be with you till we meet again
d97God is calling the prodigal
d98God is love, his mercy brightens
d99God is the fountain whence Ten thousand blessings flow
d100God moves in a mysterious way

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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