Methodist Hymn and Tune Book: official hymn book of the Methodist Church

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
509In heavenly love abidingJESU, MAGISTER BONETextPage Scan
510O Love that wilt not let me goST. MARGARETTextPage Scan
511Jesus, Master, whom I serveRATISBONTextPage Scan
512Jesus, Saviour, pilot mePILOTTextPage Scan
513aLord, for to-morrow and its needsBELLEVILLETextPage Scan
513bLord, for to-morrow and its needsHOUGHTONTextPage Scan
514O Love Divine, how sweet Thou art!RAVENDALETextPage Scan
515Jesus, I am resting, restingJESUS, I AM RESTINGTextPage Scan
516aSweet the moments, rich in blessingVERMONTTextPage Scan
516bSweet the moments, rich in blessingCROSS OF JESUS TextPage Scan
516cSweet the moments, rich in blessingBETHLEHEM (III)TextPage Scan
517Lord of life, when foes assail usSALVATORTextPage Scan
518My God, I am Thine! what a comfort divineHARWICHTextPage Scan
519aMy God and Father, while I stray WINTERBOURNETextPage Scan
519bMy God and Father, while I strayTROYTE'S CHANTTextPage Scan
520aJesus, my Saviour, look on meHANFORDTextPage Scan
520bJesus, my Saviour, look on meWIMBLEDONTextPage Scan
521aStill, still with Thee, when purple morning breakethCONSOLATION (I)TextPage Scan
521bStill, still with Thee, when purple morning breakethO PERFECT LOVETextPage Scan
522Thou knowest, Lord, the weariness and sorrowWARRENNE No. 4TextPage Scan
523Happy the home when God is thereEAGLEYTextPage Scan
524Thou gracious God, whose mercy lendsPAVIATextPage Scan
525Lord of life and King of gloryMANNHEIMTextPage Scan
526O happy home! where Thou art loved the dearestALVERSTOKETextPage Scan
527See, Jesus, Thy disciples seeCOMMUNIONTextPage Scan
528Jesus, united by Thy graceDALEHURSTTextPage Scan
529All praise to our redeeming LordGERONTIUSTextPage Scan
530aAnd are we yet aliveST. GEORGE TextPage Scan
530bAnd are we yet aliveAXMINSTERTextPage Scan
531Blest be the tie that binds DENNISTextPage Scan
532Brightly gleams our bannerST. THERESATextPage Scan
533Father, again in Jesus' name we meetPENITENTIATextPage Scan
534O Life that maketh all things newCALMTextPage Scan
535There is no sorrow, Lord, too light CLAUDIUSTextPage Scan
536God is the refuge of His saintsWALTONTextPage Scan
537Deem not that they are blest aloneDINGMANTextPage Scan
538O Love Divine! that stooped to shareBRESLAUTextPage Scan
539Commit thou all thy griefsST. GEORGETextPage Scan
540Peace! doubting heart; my God's I am VOX DOMINITextPage Scan
541Give to the winds thy fearsCHISELHURSTTextPage Scan
542When gathering clouds around I viewATTOLLE PAULUMTextPage Scan
543Leave God to order all thy waysCHESHUNT COLLEGETextPage Scan
544Come unto Me, ye wearyCOME UNTO METextPage Scan
545O heart of God, so tender!CENTENARYTextPage Scan
546Unto the hills around do I lift upSANDONTextPage Scan
547Sometimes a light surprisesPETITIONTextPage Scan
548Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languishCONSOLATION (II)TextPage Scan
549aO eyes that are weary, and hearts that are soreRIDEAUTextPage Scan
549bO eyes that are weary, and hearts that are soreAURA LEETextPage Scan
550How bright these glorious spirits shine!BEATITUDOTextPage Scan
551aGive me the wings of faith to riseMYLONTextPage Scan
551bGive me the wings of faith to riseFIDESTextPage Scan
552Hear what the voice from heaven proclaimsWARWICKTextPage Scan
553aOur souls are in His mighty handCHRISTMASTextPage Scan
553bOur souls are in His mighty handLYDIATextPage Scan
554aThere is a land of pure delightMATERNATextPage Scan
554bThere is a land of pure delightNORSEMANTextPage Scan
555Come, let us join our friends aboveMEADOWVALETextPage Scan
556How happy every child of graceSPES CELESTISTextPage Scan
557Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleepANGELUSTextPage Scan
558Jerusalem, my happy homeSOUTHWELLTextPage Scan
559The morning flowers display their sweetsCOBDEN STREETTextPage Scan
560That day of wrath, that dreadful dayWARDTextPage Scan
561Leader of faithful souls, and GuideDURATextPage Scan
562"For ever with the Lord!"NEARER HOMETextPage Scan
563There is no night in heavenST. ETHELWALDTextPage Scan
564aA few more years shall rollCHALVEYTextPage Scan
564bA few more years shall rollLEOMINSTERTextPage Scan
565I'm but a stranger hereFATHERLANDTextPage Scan
566The sands of time are sinkingRUTHERFORDTextPage Scan
567Brief life is here our portionCHENIESTextPage Scan
568Servant of God, well done!ST. MICHAELTextPage Scan
569Ten thousand times ten thousandALFORDTextPage Scan
570When our heads are bowed with woeREDHEAD No. 47TextPage Scan
571Jerusalem the goldenEWINGTextPage Scan
572aWhen the day of toil is doneCAPETOWNTextPage Scan
572bWhen the day of toil is doneIRENETextPage Scan
573Safely, safely gathered inMAIDSTONETextPage Scan
574Who are these arrayed in whiteST. GEORGE'S, WINDSORTextPage Scan
575Now the labourer's task is o'erREQUIESCATTextPage Scan
576Who are these like stars appearingALL SAINTSTextPage Scan
577Days and moments quickly flyingST. SYLVESTERTextPage Scan
578Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?PAX TECUMTextPage Scan
579aDay of wrath that ends the ages!REYNARTextPage Scan
579bDay of wrath that ends the ages!CELANOTextPage Scan
580The homeland! the homeland! THE HOMELANDTextPage Scan
581aFor all the saints who from their labours restST. PHILIP (II)TextPage Scan
581bFor all the saints who from their labours restENGELBERGTextPage Scan
582Go to the grave in all thy glorious primeTOULONTextPage Scan
583aSunset and evening starCROSSING THE BARTextPage Scan
583bSunset and evening starFRESHWATERTextPage Scan
584A little seed lay fast asleepMEADOW BANKTextPage Scan
585God sees the little sparrow fallPROVIDENCETextPage Scan
586Around the throne of God in heavenGLORYTextPage Scan
587Our God is in the sunshine gaySUNSHINETextPage Scan
588By cool Siloam's shady rillSILOAMTextPage Scan
589We are but little children weakALSTONETextPage Scan
590Gentle Jesus, meek and mildSIMPLICITYTextPage Scan
591See the shining dewdropsTRIBUTETextPage Scan
592Jesus is our ShepherdPRINCETHORPETextPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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