Methodist Hymn and Tune Book

Publisher: Methodist Book and Publishing House, Toronto , 1894
Denomination: Methodist churches of Canada
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
d401Jesus, Redeemer, Savior, Lord, The weary sinner
d402Jesus shall reign where'er the sun
d403Jesus, take my sins away
d404Jesus, tender shepherd, hear us
d405Jesus, the all restoring [sustaining] Word
d406Jesus, the Conqueror, reigns
d407Jesus, the gift divine I know
d408Jesus the life, the truth, the way
d409Jesus, the name high over all
d410Jesus, the sinner's friend, to thee
d411Jesus, the very [only] thought of Thee [You]
d412Jesus, the word bestow
d413Jesus, the word of mercy give
d414Jesus, thou all redeeming Lord
d415Jesus, thou art my king
d416Jesus, thou everlasting king
d417Jesus thou hast bid us pray
d418Jesus, thou joy of loving hearts
d419Jesus, thou knowest my sinfulness
d420Jesus, thou soul of all our joys
d421Jesus, thou sovereign Lord of all
d422Jesus, thy blood and righteousness
d423Jesus, thy boundless love to me
d424Jesus, thy church with longing eyes
d425Jesus, thy far extended fame My drooping soul exults
d426Jesus, thy servants bless
d427Jesus, thy wandering sheep behold
d428Jesus, to thee I now can fly
d429Jesus, to thee our hearts we lift
d430Jesus, to thee we fly
d431Jesus, united by thy grace
d432Jesus, was ever love like thine
d433Jesus, we look to thee
d434Jesus, we on the [thy] word [words] depend
d435Jesus, while our hearts are bleeding
d436Join all the glorious names
d437Join all ye ransomed sons of grace
d438Joined to Christ in mystic union
d439Joy to the world, the Lord is [has] come
d440Just as thou art, without one trace Of love or joy
d441Lamb of God, for sinners slain, To thee
d442Lamb of God, whose bleeding [dying] love
d443Lay to thy hand, O God of grace
d444Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom
d445Leader of faithful souls, and Guide
d446Let all men rejoice, by Jesus restored
d447Let all that breathe, Jehovah praise
d448Let earth and heaven agree [combine]
d449Let earth no more my heart divide
d450Let everlasting glories crown
d451Let every tongue thy goodness speak
d452Let God, who comforts the distressed
d453Let him to whom we now belong
d454Let not the wise his [their] wisdom boast
d455Let the redeemed give thanks and praise
d456Let the world their virtue [beauties] boast
d457Let us join, 'tis as God commands
d458Let Zion in her King rejoice
d459Life from the dead, Almighty God
d460Lift up your hearts to things above
d461Lift your eyes of faith and see
d462Lift your heads, ye friends of Jesus
d463Light of life, seraphic fire, Love divine, thyself impart
d464Light of the lonely pilgrim's heart
d465Light of the world, thy beams I bless
d466Light of those whose dreary dwelling
d467Listen, the master beseecheth
d468Living water freely flowing
d469Lo God is here let us adore
d470Lo he comes with clouds descending
d471Lo I come with joy to do
d472Lo round the throne a glorious band
d473Long have I seemed to serve thee Lord
d474Long have I [we] sat beneath the sound
d475Lord, and is thine anger gone?
d476Lord, as to Thy dear cross we flee [fly]
d477Lord, dismiss us with Thy [your] blessing, Fill our
d478Lord, fill me with an humble fear
d479Lord God, the Holy Ghost! In this accepted
d480Lord, I am thine, entirely thine, Purchased and saved by blood divine
d481Lord, I approach the [thy] mercy seat
d482Lord, I believe a rest remains
d483Lord, I believe Thy every word
d484Lord, I despair myself to heal
d485Lord, I hear of [that] [the] showers of blessing
d486Lord, if at thy command The word of life we sow
d487Lord, in the strength of grace
d488Lord of all, with pure intent
d489Lord of earth, and air, and sea
d490Lord of hosts, to thee we raise
d491Lord of life, when foes assail us
d492Lord of the harvest, hear thy needy servants' cry
d493Lord of the living harvest That whitens o'er the plain
d494Lord of the [this] Sabbath, hear our vows
d495Lord of the wide extended [extensive] main
d496Lord of the worlds above, How pleasant and how fair
d497Lord over all, if thou hast made
d498Lord, regard my earnest cry
d499Lord, that I may learn of thee
d500Lord, thou hast bid thy people pray

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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