The Middlesex Hymn Book

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d1A mighty fortress is our God
d2Abide with me, fast falls the eventide
d3Ah holy [dearest] Jesus how hast thou [have you] offended
d4All glory, laud, and honor to thee, Redeemer, King
d5All hail the power of Jesus' name, Let angels prostrate fall
d6All praise to thee, my God, this night
d7Arm, soldiers of the Lord
d8As darker, darker, fall around
d9As with gladness men of old
d10Awake, my soul, and with the sun
d11Awake my soul, stretch every nerve
d12Be thou exalted, O my God
d13Christ the [our] Lord is [has] risen today, [Alleluia] [Sons of men]
d14Come, my soul, thou [you] must be waking
d15Come, thou almighty King, Help us thy name to sing
d16Come, ye [you] thankful people, come
d17Dear Lord and Father [Master] of mankind [us all], Forgive our foolish ways
d18Dear Master, in whose life I see
d19Eternal Ruler of the ceaseless round
d20Fair are the meadows, Fairer still the woodlands
d21Father and Friend, Thy light, thy love
d22Father, hear the prayer we offer
d23Father, in thy mysterious presence kneeling
d24Father of our feeble race
d25Father, throughout the coming year
d26Father, thy wonders do not singly stand
d27Father, to thee we look in all our sorrow
d28Father, to us, thy children, humbly kneeling
d29Father, whate'er of earthly bliss
d30Fight the good fight with all thy [your] might
d31For all thy [the] saints, who from their labors rest
d32From all that [who] dwell [dwells] below the [in earth and] skies
d33Give ear, ye children, to my law
d34Give to the winds thy [your] fears
d35Glorious things of thee are spoken
d36Go forth to life, O child of earth
d37God is my [our] strong salvation
d38God of the earth, the sky, the sea
d39God of the living in whose eyes
d40God of the morning, at whose [thy] voice
d41God's glory is a wondrous thing
d42Great God, as [the] followers of thy Son
d43Hark, the herald angels sing, glory to the newborn King
d44Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Early
d45How gentle God's commands
d46How happy is he born and [or] taught
d47I ask not wealth, but power to take And use the things I have aright
d48I look to thee in every need
d49In heavenly love abiding
d50In the cross of Christ I [we] glory, towering
d51It came upon the [a] midnight clear
d52Jesus shall reign where'er the sun
d53Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom
d54Lead us, O Father, in the paths of peace
d55Let us with a joyful mind
d56Lord of our life, and God of our salvation
d57Love divine, all loves [love] excelling
d58My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty
d59My soul be on thy [your] guard
d60Nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee
d61Now thank we all our God
d62Now the day is over, Night is drawing nigh
d63Now with creation's morning song
d64O dearest Lord, by all adored
d65O God, beneath thy [your] guiding hand
d66[O] God, who [that] madest [made the] earth and heaven [sky]
d67O little town of Bethlehem, How still we see
d68O love divine, that [who] stooped [stoop'st] [stoops] to share
d69O [Our] God, our help in ages [seasons] past
d70O thou great Friend to all the sons of men
d71O worship the King, all glorious above
d72Once more the daylight shines abroad
d73Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war, With the cross
d74Praise to God, immortal praise
d75Prayer is the soul's [heart's] [saint's] sincere desire
d76Press on press on ye sons of light
d77Rank by rank again we stand
d78Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings
d79Savior again to Thy dear name we raise
d80Savior, breathe an evening blessing
d81Softly now the light of day
d82Sovereign and transforming grace
d83Sun of my soul [our souls], thou [my] [O] Savior [Father] dear
d84Teach me, my God and King
d85The day thou gavest, Lord is ended
d86The joyous life that year by year
d87The King of love my shepherd is
d88The Son of God goes forth to war
d89The spacious firmament on high
d90The strife is o'er the battle done
d91There is a book who runs [that all] may read
d92These things shall be, a loftier race
d93Thou Life within my life, than self more near
d94Though lowly here our lot may be
d95Thy way, not mine, O Lord
d96To God on high be thanks and praise
d97Try us, O God, and search the ground
d98Turn back, O man, forswear thy foolish ways
d99Walk in the light, so shalt thou [and you shall] know
d100We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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