Life-Time Hymns: a collection of old and new hymns of the Christian Church

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
86The joyful morn is breakingCHRISTMAS MORNPage Scan
87Bright and joyful is the morn[Bright and joyful is the morn]Page Scan
88aHark, the hosts of heav'n are singingST. OSWALDPage Scan
88bHark! what mean those holy voicesOVIOPage Scan
89Draw nigh, draw nigh, ImmanuelGOUNODPage Scan
90Carol, carol, Christians[Carol, carol, Christians]Page Scan
92Welcome, happy morning!PRAGUEPage Scan
93Christ the Lord is risen againESSEXPage Scan
94Hosanna, hosanna, We join the hosts that cry[Hosanna, hosanna, We join the hosts that cry]Page Scan
95I know that my Redeemer livesMESSIAHPage Scan
96See! from the morning land[See! from the morning land]Page Scan
97The strife is o'er, the battle doneVICTORYPage Scan
98Down from their home on high[Down from their home on high]Page Scan
99Christ the Lord is ris'n again[Christ the Lord is ris'n again]Page Scan
100God hath sent His angels to the earth again[God hath sent His angels to the earth again]Page Scan
101Angels, roll the rock awayWITTENBERGPage Scan
102Christ, the Lord, is ris'n today[Christ, the Lord, is ris'n today]Page Scan
103Blessed Savior, thee I loveSPANISH HYMNPage Scan
104Master, the tempest is raging![Master, the tempest is raging!]Page Scan
106aRock of Ages, cleft for meTOPLADYPage Scan
106bRock of Ages, cleft for me[Rock of Ages, cleft for me]Page Scan
107Rock of Ages, cleft for me[Rock of Ages, cleft for me]Page Scan
108From ev'ry stormy wind that blows[From ev'ry stormy wind that blows]Page Scan
109Still, still with Thee, when purple morning breakethCONSOLATIONPage Scan
110aJesus, lover of my soulHOLLINGSIDEPage Scan
110bJesus, lover of my soul[Jesus, lover of my soul]Page Scan
111Jesus, lover of my soulMARTYNPage Scan
112aCome, thou long-expected JesusWILSONPage Scan
112b"Till He come!" oh, let the words["Till He come!" oh, let the words]Page Scan
113What means this eager, anxious throng[What means this eager, anxious throng]Page Scan
114Unanswered yet? The prayer your lips have pleaded[Unanswered yet? The prayer your lips have pleaded]Page Scan
115I gave My life for thee[I gave My life for thee]Page Scan
116O Jesus, Thou art standingST. HILDAPage Scan
117Rest of the wearyFARNSWORTHPage Scan
118Gentle Jesus, meek and lowly[Gentle Jesus, meek and lowly]Page Scan
119See, from Zion's sacred mountainREGENT SQUAREPage Scan
120aGreat Shepherd of Thy sheepGREAT SHEPHERDPage Scan
120bTo Thy pastures fair and largeDIJONPage Scan
121The King of love my Shepherd isDOMINUS REGIT MEPage Scan
122The snow was drifting o'er the hills[The snow was drifting o'er the hills]Page Scan
123O Thou in whose presence my soul takes delightMEDITATIONPage Scan
124Our Shepherd watcheth o'er us[Our Shepherd watcheth o'er us]Page Scan
125aWe may not climb the heav'nly steeps[We may not climb the heav'nly steeps]Page Scan
125bAlways with us, always with usSCHAUFFLERPage Scan
126Yes, for me, for me He careth[Yes, for me, for me He careth]Page Scan
127Jesus wept! those tears are over[Jesus wept! those tears are over]Page Scan
128Jesus will never, never forsake thee[Jesus will never, never forsake thee]Page Scan
129Since Jesus is my friendGREENWOODPage Scan
130aThou art the Way, to Thee aloneHEBERPage Scan
130bO Jesus, King most wonderfulVALENTIAPage Scan
131Come unto me, when shadows darkly gather[Come unto me, when shadows darkly gather]Page Scan
132Come unto Me, ye weary[Come unto Me, ye weary]Page Scan
133Come unto me, when shadows darkly gatherHENLEYPage Scan
134Tho' your sins be as scarlet[Tho' your sins be as scarlet]Page Scan
135In the silent midnight watches[In the silent midnight watches]Page Scan
136Come close to the Savior[Come close to the Savior]Page Scan
138Christ is knocking at my sad heart[Christ is knocking at my sad heart]Page Scan
139aThe Savior calls, let ev'ry earWOODSTOCKPage Scan
139bJesus calls us; o'er the tumultTALMARPage Scan
140Hark! the voice of Jesus calling[Hark! the voice of Jesus calling]Page Scan
141I heard the voice of Jesus sayVOX DILECTIPage Scan
142I heard the voice of Jesus sayINVITATIONPage Scan
143Come unto Me, ye wearyVOX JESUPage Scan
144aCome, ye that love the Savior's nameNOELPage Scan
144bAm I a soldier of the crossNOELPage Scan
145aCome, come to Jesus![Come, come to Jesus!]Page Scan
145bArt thou weary, art thou languidSTEPHANOSPage Scan
146aWhile Jesus whispers to you[While Jesus whispers to you]Page Scan
146bToday the Savior calls[Today the Savior calls]Page Scan
147God calling yet! shall I not hear?GERMANPage Scan
148Take my life, and let it be[Take my life, and let it be]Page Scan
149Jesus, I my cross have takenELLESDIEPage Scan
150aThine forever!—God of loveALETTAPage Scan
150bMake use of me, my God!CLIFTONPage Scan
151Thou hidden love of God, whose heightYOAKLEYPage Scan
152Christ, of all my hopes the GroundMESSIAHPage Scan
153Through the night of doubt and sorrowREX GLORIAEPage Scan
154Far out on the desolate billow[Far out on the desolate billow]Page Scan
155aAwake, my soul, and with the sunLOWRYPage Scan
155bPeace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?[Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?]Page Scan
156Lead, kindly Light, amid th'encircling gloom[Lead, kindly Light, amid th'encircling gloom]Page Scan
158aLord Jesus Christ, my Life, my LightROLLANDPage Scan
158bAwake my soul, stretch ev'ry nerveCHRISTMASPage Scan
159In the cross of Christ I gloryRATHBUNPage Scan
160I would not live alway; I ask not to stayFREDERICKPage Scan
161Lead, kindly Light, amid th'encircling gloomLUX BENIGNAPage Scan
162How firm a foundation, ye saints of the LordADESTE FIDELESPage Scan
163My days are gliding swiftly bySHINING SHOREPage Scan
164Breast the wave, ChristianONWARDPage Scan
165Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine[Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine]Page Scan
166O happy day, that fixed my choiceHAPPY DAYPage Scan
167Sometimes a light surprisesENDSLEIGHPage Scan
168I'm a pilgrim, and I'm a strangerBUONA NOTTEPage Scan
169Jesus, priceless treasure[Jesus, priceless treasure]Page Scan
170a'Tis my happiness belowMONSULDALEPage Scan
170bHow precious is the book divineKNOXPage Scan
171Work, for the night is coming[Work, for the night is coming]Page Scan
172If you cannot on the oceanYOUR MISSIONPage Scan
173Hasten, Lord, the glorious timeELTHAMPage Scan
174aJesus shall reign where'er the sunWARRINGTONPage Scan

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