Laudes Domini: a selection of spiritual songs, ancient and modern for use in the prayer-meeting

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
400Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?PAX TECUMTextPage Scan
401Jesus! and shall it ever beFEDERAL STREETTextPage Scan
402Jesus, thou Joy of loving heartsCANONBURYTextPage Scan
403Oh, not my own these verdant hillsTextPage Scan
404Jesus, who on his glorious throneMELODYTextPage Scan
405Dear Refuge of my weary soulST. AGNESTextPage Scan
406Jesus, these eyes have never seenTextPage Scan
407I know no life dividedSPITTATextPage Scan
408O One with God the FatherTextPage Scan
409We would see Jesus for the shadows lengthenRAYNOLDSTextPage Scan
410Oh, for the peace which floweth like a riverTextPage Scan
411Since Jesus is my friendGREENWOODTextPage Scan
412Not with our mortal eyes TextPage Scan
413The Lord my Shepherd isSEIRTextPage Scan
414What can I give to JesusHERBERTTextPage Scan
415Friend of sinners! Lord of glory!ST. SYLVESTERTextPage Scan
416I lift my heart to theeBUDLEIGHTextPage Scan
417Christian, work for JesusPENKIVELLTextPage Scan
418'Tis by the faith of joys to comeDUKE STREETTextPage Scan
419By faith in Christ I walk with GodTextPage Scan
420O Lord, how full of sweet contentTextPage Scan
421So let our lips and lives expressTextPage Scan
422Oh, gift of gifts! oh, grace of faith! VALENTIATextPage Scan
423Walk in the light! so shalt thou knowTextPage Scan
424Faith adds new charms to earthly blissTextPage Scan
425Blessed are the sons of GodROSEFIELDTextPage Scan
426Shepherd! with thy tenderest loveTextPage Scan
427Quiet, Lord, my froward heartGUIDETextPage Scan
428Come thou, oh, comeHERSTMONCEUXTextPage Scan
429For the beauty of the earthHALLETextPage Scan
430I left it all with Jesus long agoSECURITYTextPage Scan
431I am trusting thee, Lord JesusTRUSTTextPage Scan
432Day by day the manna fellCYPRUSTextPage Scan
433Shadow of a Mighty RockTextPage Scan
434Holy, holy, holy LordTextPage Scan
435Grace! 'tis a charming sound!LUTHERTextPage Scan
436Here I can firmly restTextPage Scan
437What cheering words are theseTextPage Scan
438Behold! what wondrous graceFERGUSONTextPage Scan
439Thou very present AidTHATCHERTextPage Scan
440From Sinai's cloud of darknessST. GEORGE'S, BOLTONTextPage Scan
441O Lamb of God! still keep meTextPage Scan
442He leadeth me! oh blessed thoughtHE LEADETH METextPage Scan
443At even, when the sun was setTextPage Scan
444Through the night of doubt and sorrowBEECROFTTextPage Scan
445I hear a sweet voice ringing clearGRASMERETextPage Scan
446Dismiss me not thy service, LordTextPage Scan
447Hark, hark, my soul! angelic songs are swellingVOX ANGELICATextPage Scan
448My hope is built on nothing less SOLID ROCKTextPage Scan
449O Lord, how happy should we bePERRINTextPage Scan
450My Jesus, as thou wilt!JEWETTTextPage Scan
451Thy way, not mine, O LordTextPage Scan
452Since thy Father's arm sustains theeHARVEYTextPage Scan
453I cannot tell if short or longTRUSTTextPage Scan
454Lead, kindly Light! amid the encircling gloomLUX BENIGNATextPage Scan
455My God, my Father! while I stray HERBERTTextPage Scan
456In the dark and cloudy dayLAST HOPETextPage Scan
457Cast thy burden on the LordTextPage Scan
458'Tis my happiness belowTextPage Scan
459Like the eagle, upward, onwardWIMBORNETextPage Scan
460Onward, Christian, though the regionTextPage Scan
461Vainly, through night's weary hoursTextPage Scan
462Father, hear the prayer we offer!TextPage Scan
463Cast thy bread upon the waters SOLNEYTextPage Scan
464Lord of glory! thou hast bought usTextPage Scan
465He that goeth forth with weepingSTOCKWELLTextPage Scan
466Father of mercies! send thy graceREMSENTextPage Scan
467Lord, lead the way the Saviour wentTextPage Scan
468Scorn not the slightest word or deedTextPage Scan
469Blest is the man whose softening heartTextPage Scan
470Go, labor on, while it is dayDARLEYTextPage Scan
471Oh, what stupendous mercy shinesTextPage Scan
472One cup of healing oil and the wineTextPage Scan
473When Jesus dwelt in mortal clayTextPage Scan
474I love thy kingdom, Lord!STATE STREETTextPage Scan
475Sow in the morn thy seedTextPage Scan
476Work while it is to-day!TextPage Scan
477We give thee but thine ownTextPage Scan
478There are lonely hearts to cherishYEISLEYTextPage Scan
479Call them in! the poor, the wretchedBEYRUTTextPage Scan
480Work, for the night is comingWORK SONGTextPage Scan
481Jesus calls us, o'er the tumultDORRNANCETextPage Scan
482Take my heart, O Father! take itTextPage Scan
483Hark! the voice of Jesus callingMISSION SONGTextPage Scan
484If you cannot on the ocean TextPage Scan
485Dear Saviour! we are thineGOLDEN HILLTextPage Scan
486And are we yet aliveTextPage Scan
487Blest be the tie that bindsBOYLSTONTextPage Scan
488How sweet, how heavenly is the sightEVANTextPage Scan
489Let saints below in concert sing TextPage Scan
490Oh, where are the kings and empires nowST. ANN'STextPage Scan
491O God of Bethel, by whose handAZMONTextPage Scan
492See Israel's gentle Shepherd standsTextPage Scan
493By cool Siloam's shady rillSILOAMTextPage Scan
494Saviour King, in hallowed unionBAVARIATextPage Scan
495Saviour! who thy flock art feedingTextPage Scan
496Great God, now condescendINVERNESSTextPage Scan
497The Saviour kindly callsTextPage Scan
498Rock of Ages, cleft for me!ROCK OF AGESTextPage Scan
499Son of God! to thee I cryTextPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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