The Key-Stone Collection of Church Music: a complete collection of hymn tunes, anthems, psalms, chants, & c. to which is added the physiological system for training choirs and teaching singing schools

Editor: A. N. Johnson
Publisher: E. Claxton & Company, Philadelphia, 1856
Language: English
Notes: Includes the Cantata "The Morning of Freedom"
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
133aStrait [straight] is the way [gate], the door is strait [straight]Page Scan
133bLet every mortal ear attendPage Scan
134aAgain from calm and sweet reposePage Scan
134bConsider all my sorrows, LordPage Scan
135aThis is the first and great commandPage Scan
135bO God, accept the sacred hourPage Scan
136aO 'twas a joyful sound to hear Our tribes devoutly sayPage Scan
136bTo God I cried with mournful voicePage Scan
137How beauteous are their [his] feetPage Scan
138aFrom earliest dawn of lifePage Scan
138bMy soul be on thy [your] guardPage Scan
139aWelcome, sweet day of restPage Scan
139bBehold the morning sunPage Scan
140aMy soul, repeat his praisePage Scan
140bGerat is the Lord, our GodPage Scan
141aMy former hopes are dead [fled], my terror now beginsPage Scan
141bBlest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian lovePage Scan
142My God, my strength, my hope!Page Scan
143aWe come with joyful song To hail this happy mornPage Scan
143bThe Spirit in our hearts is whispering sinner comePage Scan
144aThe Savior's glorious name Forever shall endurePage Scan
144bSing to the Lord most highPage Scan
145Soldiers of Christ, arise, and put [gird] your armorPage Scan
146aThe power to bless my housePage Scan
146bWelcome, sweet day of restPage Scan
147aFirm and unmoved are they that rest their souls on GodPage Scan
147bLet every creature join To praise the eternal GodPage Scan
148aExalt the Lord of GodPage Scan
148bYour harps, ye [you] trembling [mourning] [tearful], saintsPage Scan
149aThy laws, O God, are rightPage Scan
149bO where shall rest be foundPage Scan
150aAnother day is past, the hoursPage Scan
150bJesus, the Conqueror, reignsPage Scan
151aFirm and unmoved are they that rest their souls on GodPage Scan
151bBehold his wondrous gracePage Scan
152aGrace, 'tis a charming [cheering] [joyful] [pleasing] soundPage Scan
152bThe swift declining dayPage Scan
153I'll praise my Maker with my [while I've] [whilst I've] breathPage Scan
154aLet all the [on] earth their voices raise, to singPage Scan
154bI love the volume [volumes] of thy wordPage Scan
155O [When] thou my righteous Judge shall [shalt] comePage Scan
156Oh, could I speak the matchless worthPage Scan
157O thou that hear'st the prayer of faithPage Scan
158aWhen I can trust my all with GodPage Scan
158bOn smile one gracious smile, upon the drooping heartPage Scan
159aHow pleasant 'tis to seePage Scan
159bHow pleased and blest was IPage Scan
160The Lord Jehovah reigns, His throne is built on highPage Scan
161O Zion, tune thy voice And raise thy hands on highPage Scan
162aJoin all the glorious namesPage Scan
162bYe tribes of Adam joinPage Scan
163Awake our drowsy souls, and burst the slothful bandPage Scan
164aHow pleasing is thy [the] voicePage Scan
164bHark, hark the notes of joyPage Scan
165Safely through another weekPage Scan
166aLord of hosts, how lovely fairPage Scan
166bChildren of the heavenly king as we journeyPage Scan
167aHasten, Lord, the glorious timePage Scan
167bWho O Lord, when life is o'erPage Scan
168aGive us room that we may dwellPage Scan
168bThou that dost my life prolongPage Scan
169Praise to God, immortal praisePage Scan
170Wide, ye heavenly gates, unfoldPage Scan
171aChildren of the heavenly king as we journeyPage Scan
171bLord of hosts, how lovely fairPage Scan
172aPraise to God, immortal praisePage Scan
172bLo the Lord Jehovah livethPage Scan
173aOne there is above all others, well [who] deservesPage Scan
173bYes, we trust the day is breakingPage Scan
174Hark, what mean those holy voicesPage Scan
175Hark, ten thousand harps and voicesPage Scan
175bGlorious things of thee are spokenPage Scan
176aSavior, source of every blessing, tune my heart to grateful laysPage Scan
176bLove divine, all loves [love] excellingPage Scan
177Hark, what mean those holy voicesPage Scan
178aWith my substance I will honor my RedeemerPage Scan
178bIn thy name, O Lord, assembling We, thy people, now draw nearPage Scan
179Guide me, O thou great JehovahPage Scan
180aO my soul, what means this sadnessPage Scan
180bYes, we trust the day is breakingPage Scan
181Guide me, O thou great JehovahPage Scan
182aMy country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of libertyPage Scan
182bCome, thou almighty King, Help us thy name to singPage Scan
183aWhen shall we meet again? Page Scan
183bWhen you get home remember mePage Scan
184aHark! how the Gospel trumpet soundsPage Scan
184bCome, thou almighty King, Help us thy name to singPage Scan
185Star of peace to wanderers weary [dreary]Page Scan
186aLet the still air rejoicePage Scan
186bGod that madest heavne and earthPage Scan
187All glory to God in the sky, and peace upon earth be restoredPage Scan
188aFrom Greenland's icy mountainsPage Scan
188bRise, my soul, and stretch thy wingsPage Scan
189Friend after friend departsPage Scan
190aAs a shepherd gently leadsPage Scan
190bThere is a calm for those who [that] weepPage Scan
191Blow ye [you] the trumpet, blowPage Scan
192Thou soft [sweet] flowing [gliding] Kedron [Cedron], by thy silver [limpid] streamPage Scan
193The Lord is great! ye hosts of heaven, adore himPage Scan
194Brightest and best of the sons [stars] of the morningPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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