Jehovah's Praise: A Hymnal for the Church School, Young People's Societies and other Departments of Church Work

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101Lead on, O King Eternal[Lead on, O King Eternal]Page Scan
102Lord, speak to me, that I may speakCANONBURYPage Scan
103My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine[My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine]Page Scan
104All that our Lord from His children requires[All that our Lord from His children requires]Page Scan
105Does the way seem dreary where your feet must fare?[Does the way seem dreary where your feet must fare?]Page Scan
106Father, hear the pray'r we offerCARTERPage Scan
107Lord, we come before Thee nowST. BEESPage Scan
108The cattle on a thousand hills[The cattle on a thousand hills]Page Scan
109Tell me the story of Jesus[Tell me the story of Jesus]Page Scan
110Under an eastern sky[Under an eastern sky]Page Scan
111God send us men whose aim 'twill beMELROSEPage Scan
112The day may be full of temptations[The day may be full of temptations]Page Scan
113Dear Lord and Father of mankindWHITTIERPage Scan
114When peace, like a river, attendeth my way[When peace, like a river, attendeth my way]Page Scan
115Fight the good fight with all thy mightPENTECOSTPage Scan
116I am trusting Thee, Lord JesusBULLINGERPage Scan
117When to the Saviour you come with a pray'r[When to the Saviour you come with a pray'r]Page Scan
118Glorious promises spoken in love[Glorious promises spoken in love]Page Scan
119In the days of yore the voice of God was heard[In the days of yore the voice of God was heard]Page Scan
120Jesus, the very thought of TheeSAWLEYPage Scan
121O God, our help in ages pastDUNDEEPage Scan
122I know not how that Bethl'em's BabeHICKMANPage Scan
123Strong Son of God, immortal LoveGROSTETTEPage Scan
124Do you bear a heavy burden?[Do you bear a heavy burden?]Page Scan
125Far and near the fields are teeming[Far and near the fields are teeming]Page Scan
126For the beauty of the earthDIXPage Scan
127Lord of all being, throned afarLOUVANPage Scan
128Rejoice, ye pure in heartMARIONPage Scan
129Master, no offeringLOVE'S OFFERINGPage Scan
130From ev'ry stormy wind that blowsRETREATPage Scan
131I would be true, for there are those who trust me[I would be true, for there are those who trust me]Page Scan
132Encamped along the hills of light[Encamped along the hills of light]Page Scan
133Do the storm clouds gather so cold and gray?[Do the storm clouds gather so cold and gray?]Page Scan
134Christ for the world we singDORTPage Scan
135Jesus! lover of my soulMARTINPage Scan
136Rock of Ages, cleft for meTOPLADYPage Scan
137I will live for Jesus Christ, my King[I will live for Jesus Christ, my King]Page Scan
138Courage, brother, do not stumbleBORONYPage Scan
139Hark! the voice of Jesus callingELLESDIEPage Scan
140Let not thy hands be slack[Let not thy hands be slack]Page Scan
141My God, I thank Thee, who hast madeWENTWORTHPage Scan
142Saviour, like a shepherd lead usBRADBURYPage Scan
143Am I a soldier of the crossARLINGTONPage Scan
144My Shepherd is the Lord Most HighLOUVANPage Scan
145Go, labor on; spend and be spent[Go, labor on; spend and be spent]Page Scan
146Worship the King in His beauty[Worship the King in His beauty]Page Scan
147We've a story to tell to the nations[We've a story to tell to the nations]Page Scan
148There's a beautiful valley of peace[There's a beautiful valley of peace]Page Scan
149Each cooing dove and sighing bough[Each cooing dove and sighing bough]Page Scan
150If you have a kind word do not let it wait[If you have a kind word do not let it wait]Page Scan
151Sing to the Lord a joyful song[Sing to the Lord a joyful song]Page Scan
152Beautiful words of Jesus[Beautiful words of Jesus]Page Scan
153Face to face with Christ my Saviour[Face to face with Christ my Saviour]Page Scan
154God so lov'd a world enslaved by sin[God so lov'd a world enslaved by sin]Page Scan
155Tho' you may not do for Jesus just the thing you'd like to do[Tho' you may not do for Jesus just the thing you'd like to do]Page Scan
156God will take care of me, why should I fear?[God will take care of me, why should I fear?]Page Scan
157We join our glad exultant voices[We join our glad exultant voices]Page Scan
158At our Father's throne we meet today[At our Father's throne we meet today]Page Scan
159Oh, sometimes the shadows are deep[Oh, sometimes the shadows are deep]Page Scan
160O how I love Thy holy law[O how I love Thy holy law]Page Scan
161Lift up, my soul, thy praises[Lift up, my soul, thy praises]Page Scan
162Christ, our mighty Captain, leads against the foe[Christ, our mighty Captain, leads against the foe]Page Scan
163Many a barren and cheerless spot[Many a barren and cheerless spot]Page Scan
164The whole world was lost in the darkness of sin[The whole world was lost in the darkness of sin]Page Scan
165The men of our America[The men of our America]Page Scan
166A song today we raise, a hymn of love and praise[A song today we raise, a hymn of love and praise]Page Scan
167Oh Saviour dear, Thy tender love[Oh Saviour dear, Thy tender love]Page Scan
168Sing, ev'ry voice, glad melodies of praise[Sing, ev'ry voice, glad melodies of praise]Page Scan
169There is no room for Jesus[There is no room for Jesus]Page Scan
170Mightiest of all great kings art Thou[Mightiest of all great kings art Thou]Page Scan
171Send out the messengers over the sea[Send out the messengers over the sea]Page Scan
172O where are the reapers that garner in[O where are the reapers that garner in]Page Scan
173Bring the Victor's crown of majesty and might[Bring the Victor's crown of majesty and might]Page Scan
174Stone on stone we're building, working day by day[Stone on stone we're building, working day by day]Page Scan
175Raise our banner high[Raise our banner high]Page Scan
176In life's garden we are sowing[In life's garden we are sowing]Page Scan
177Someone is needed to stand for the right[Someone is needed to stand for the right]Page Scan
178There are lonely hearts to cherish[There are lonely hearts to cherish]Page Scan
179Life is glad and beautiful, if we do our part[Life is glad and beautiful, if we do our part]Page Scan
180Thy Word is like a garden, LordSERAPHPage Scan
181Saviour, again to Thy dear Name we raiseELLERSPage Scan
182The morning light is breakingWEBBPage Scan
183Each and ev'ry child of God has some work to do[Each and ev'ry child of God has some work to do]Page Scan
184Precious promise God hath given[Precious promise God hath given]Page Scan
185Life is just an earthly errand, giv'n to me, to you[Life is just an earthly errand, giv'n to me, to you]Page Scan
186To the King at whose own wish and desire[To the King at whose own wish and desire]Page Scan
187O lift your eyes and see the beauty[O lift your eyes and see the beauty]Page Scan
188Round the Lord in glory seated[Round the Lord in glory seated]Page Scan
189God has told us in His Word[God has told us in His Word]Page Scan
190Awake to praise, ye people[Awake to praise, ye people]Page Scan
191"Whosoever heareth," shout, shout the sound["Whosoever heareth," shout, shout the sound]Page Scan
192Days of youth fly swiftly on relentless wings[Days of youth fly swiftly on relentless wings]Page Scan
193Come we now with joyfulness[Come we now with joyfulness]Page Scan
194Would you find a gift of worth and beauty?[Would you find a gift of worth and beauty?]Page Scan
195How can we best honor Him[How can we best honor Him]Page Scan
196No shadows in the valley when the blessed Lord is there[No shadows in the valley when the blessed Lord is there]Page Scan
197Jesus is our Pattern[Jesus is our Pattern]Page Scan
198God of our fathers, whose almighty hand[God of our fathers, whose almighty hand]Page Scan
199Throw out the life line across the dark wave[Throw out the life line across the dark wave]Page Scan
200O would I think my blessings o'er[O would I think my blessings o'er]Page Scan

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