International Song Service: with Bright Gems from fifty authors, for Sunday-schools, gospel meetings, missionary and young people's societies, prayer-meetings, etc.

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101Take my life, and let it beCONSECRATION HYMNTextPage Scan
102Silently the shades of eveningEVENING SHADESTextPage Scan
103Listen to the gentle promptingsTextPage Scan
104Rock of Ages, cleft for meROCK OF AGESTextPage Scan
105I will sing you a song of that beautiful landHOME OF THE SOULTextPage Scan
106Far from these scenes of night TextPage Scan
107Love divine, all love excellingLOVE DIVINETextPage Scan
108Come with thy sins to the fountainCOME TO THE FOUNTAINTextPage Scan
109O sing of Jesus, "Lamb of God"REDEEMEDTextPage Scan
110I have a Saviour, He's pleading in gloryI AM PRAYING FOR YOUTextPage Scan
111Pray, brethren, prayETERNITY IS DRAWING NIGHTextPage Scan
112I bring my sins to TheeI BRING MY SINS TO THEETextPage Scan
113He whose smile reflecting lightSALEM'S MIGHTY KINGTextPage Scan
114Jesus, I my cross have takenMY CROSS I'VE TAKENTextPage Scan
115Fade, fade each earthly joyJESUS IS MINETextPage Scan
116In a world so full of weepingWHILE THE YEARS ARE ROLLING ONTextPage Scan
117A little talk with Jesus A LITTLE TALK WITH JESUSTextPage Scan
118Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.THE LORD'S PRAYERTextPage Scan
119Keep praying at the doorKEEP PRAYING AT THE DOORTextPage Scan
120Holy Spirit, Teacher Thou!TEACH ME ALWAYTextPage Scan
121Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!HOLY, HOLY! LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!TextPage Scan
122Child of sin and sorrowCHILD OF SIN AND SORROWTextPage Scan
123Hark! the herald angels singHERALD ANGELSTextPage Scan
124Saviour! breathe an evening blessingEVENING PRAYERTextPage Scan
125Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer[Sweet Hour of Prayer]TextPage Scan
126There's a gentle voice within call awayTO JESUS I WILL GOTextPage Scan
127Are you ready for the BridegroomBEHOLD THE BRIDEGROOMTextPage Scan
128One sweetly solemn thought ONE SWEETLY SOLEMN THOUGHTTextPage Scan
129Still I am singing, Jesus, of Thee STILL I AM SINGINGTextPage Scan
130Tossing on the billowTOSSING ON THE BILLOWTextPage Scan
131From this bleak hill of stormsFROM STORM ENTER INTO RESTTextPage Scan
132Life is but a fleeting dreamHERE AND HEREAFTERTextPage Scan
133In the furrows of thy lifeTHE GOLDEN STORETextPage Scan
134Blessed Bible, how I love it[Blessed Bible, how I love it]TextPage Scan
135O, we are volunteers in the army of the LordTHE CHRISTIAN WARFARETextPage Scan
136We shall sleep, but not for everWE SHALL SLEEP, BUT NOT FOR EVERTextPage Scan
137What shall it profit me by-and-byWHAT SHALL IT PROFIT ME THEN?TextPage Scan
138Why speeding so quickly, O Pilgrim?WILL YOU GO WITH ME THERETextPage Scan
139O, sometimes the shadows are deepTHE ROCK THAT IS HIGHER THAN I!TextPage Scan
140I've found a friend in Jesus, he's everything to meTHE LILY OF THE VALLEYTextPage Scan
141Rocked in the cradle of the deepROCKED IN THE CRADLE OF THE DEEPTextPage Scan
142Eternal Father, strong to saveFOR THOSE AT SEATextPage Scan
143Jesus is tenderly calling thee homeJESUS IS CALLINGTextPage Scan
144There's a fullness in God's mercyLIKE THE FULLNESS OF THE SEATextPage Scan
145I'm a pilgrim, and I'm a strangerI'M A PILGRIMTextPage Scan
146Now to heav'n our pray'r ascendingGOD SPEED THE RIGHTTextPage Scan
147Trav'ler, whither art thou goingA LAND WITHOUT A STORMTextPage Scan
148God is the refuge of His saintsGOD IS OUR REFUGETextPage Scan
149If you cannot on the ocean YOUR MISSIONTextPage Scan
150Bright home of our Saviour, what glories awaitBRIGHT HOMETextPage Scan
151Holy Spirit, faithful GuideHOLY SPIRIT, FAITHFUL GUIDETextPage Scan
152Sinner, how thy heart is troubled!O, BE SAVED!TextPage Scan
153Come, come to Jesus!COME, COME TO JESUS!TextPage Scan
154Come, Thou Fount of every blessingCOME, THOU FOUNT OF EVERY BLESSINGTextPage Scan
155New every morning is Thy loveHEBRONTextPage Scan
156aThus far the Lord has led me onTextPage Scan
156bJoy to the world, joy to the worldJOY TO THE WORLDTextPage Scan
157Hark! 'tis Christmas DayJOYOUS PRAISESTextPage Scan
158Hear the clink of the coins as they jingle in the handHEAR THE CLINK OF THE COINSTextPage Scan
159O little town of Bethlehem!BETHLEHEMTextPage Scan
160I've found a joy in sorrowJESUS, MY JOYTextPage Scan
161Blessed stream from Calv'ry's hillPRECIOUS BLOOD OF CALVARYTextPage Scan
162Marching, marching, like a mighty armyTHE CHRISTMAS ARMYTextPage Scan
163How lovely are Thy dwellings fair!PSALM LXXXIVTextPage Scan
164Our Lord is now ascendedJESUS, VICTORTextPage Scan
165I saw a wayworn trav'lerDELIVERANCE WILL COME TextPage Scan
166I have read of a beautiful cityNOT HALF HAS EVER BEEN TOLDTextPage Scan
167Listen to the blessed invitationHIM THAT COMETH UNTO METextPage Scan
168I will go, I cannot stayI WILL GOTextPage Scan
169My soul is rejoicing, and sweet is my songHAPPY IN THEETextPage Scan
170I am glad! O so glad HALLELUJAHTextPage Scan
171An open Bible for the world! AN OPEN BIBLETextPage Scan
172I have heard my Saviour callingFOLLOW ALL THE WAYTextPage Scan
173Praise the Lord! ye heavens, adore HimPRAISE THE LORD, YE HEAVENSTextPage Scan
174Weary, oh, yes, thou art wearyPLEADING WITH THEETextPage Scan
175I've found the pearl of greatest priceI'VE FOUND THE PEARLTextPage Scan
176Another six days' work is doneROCKINGHAMTextPage Scan
177Sweet is the light of Sabbath eveTextPage Scan
178Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly DoveCOME, HOLY SPIRITTextPage Scan
179I know that my Redeemer livesEASTER DAYTextPage Scan
180He dies! the friend of sinners diesTextPage Scan
181Who but Thou, almighty SpiritALMIGHTY SPIRITTextPage Scan
182Come, sinners, to the gospel feastCOME, SINNERSTextPage Scan
183Blest be the tie that binds BLEST BE THE TIETextPage Scan
184The Spirit, in our heartsTHE SPIRIT, IN OUR HEARTSTextPage Scan
185Come, Thou almighty KingCOME, THOU ALMIGHTY KINGTextPage Scan
186O mean may seem this house of clayMEAN MAY SEEM THIS HOUSE OF CLAYTextPage Scan
187O day of rest and gladnessO DAY OF REST AND GLADNESSTextPage Scan
188Sun of my soul, Thou Saviour dearSUN OF MY SOULTextPage Scan
189Am I a soldier of the crossAM I A SOLDIER OF THE CROSSTextPage Scan
190Thou, whose almighty Word LET THERE BE LIGHT!TextPage Scan
191Jesus, where'er Thy people meetJESUS, WHERE'ER THY PEOPLE MEETTextPage Scan
192Thy presence, everlasting GodTextPage Scan
193With tearful eyes I look aroundTextPage Scan
194He wills that I should holy beTextPage Scan
195'Tis by the faith of joys to comeTextPage Scan
196In the cross of Christ I gloryIN THE CROSS OF CHRISTTextPage Scan
197Saviour! visit Thy plantationTextPage Scan
198Hark the sound of holy voicesTextPage Scan
199Cast thy bread upon the watersTextPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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