The Heart and Voice: or, Songs of Praise for the Sanctuary: hymn and tune book, designed for congregational singing in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and for congregations generally

Editor: A. S. Jenks
Publisher: Perkinpine & Higgins, Philadelphia, 1865
Denomination: Methodist Episcopal Church
Language: English
Notes: Numbering is by page number. Letters are added to numbers when more than one hymn is on a page. Hymn numbers in the hymnal are not sequential.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
252aAnd can it be that I should gainPage Scan
252bPeace doubting heart, my God's I am Who formedPage Scan
252cWatched by the world's malignant eyePage Scan
253aThou hidden source of calm reposePage Scan
253bJesus, was ever love like thinePage Scan
253cO Jesus, full of truth and gracePage Scan
254aThou hidden love of God, whose heightPage Scan
254bThy ever suffering servant, LordPage Scan
254cSavior from sin, I wait to prove that Jesus is Thy healing namePage Scan
255aWould Jesus have the [a] sinner diePage Scan
255bCome, O my guilty brethren, comePage Scan
255cGreat God, what do I [we] see and hearPage Scan
256aJesus, to thee our hearts we liftPage Scan
256bO thou, whose wise, paternal lovePage Scan
256cFather of everlasting gracePage Scan
256dO God, my hope, my heavenly restPage Scan
257aMessiah, joy of every heartPage Scan
257bLet God, who comforts the distressedPage Scan
257cCome, O thou universal goodPage Scan
258aSavior of all, what hast Thou done?Page Scan
258bI call the world's Redeemer minePage Scan
258cO thou whom fain my soul would lovePage Scan
259aIn that sad memorable nightPage Scan
259bSee, sinner [sinners], in the gospel glassPage Scan
259cO God, how often hath thine earPage Scan
259dJesus, thou sovereign Lord of allPage Scan
259eO thou eternal Victim slain Page Scan
259fThis day the covenant I signPage Scan
259gImmortal honour, endless famePage Scan
260aThe Lord my pasture shall prepare, and feed me with a shepherd's carePage Scan
260bWhen shall I hear the inward voicePage Scan
260cCome Holy Ghost, all quickening firePage Scan
261aStill nigh me, O my Savior, standPage Scan
261bWhen quiet in my house I sitPage Scan
262aO love divine, what hast thou donePage Scan
262bO wondrous power of faithful prayerPage Scan
262cMaster, I own thy lawful claimPage Scan
263aWisdom ascribe, and might and praisePage Scan
263bYes, from this instant, now, I will to my offended Father cryPage Scan
263cVictim divine, thy [your] grace we show [claim]Page Scan
263dCome, Father, Son and Holy GhostPage Scan
263eCaptain of our salvation, takePage Scan
263fIn age and feebleness extremePage Scan
264aLeader of faithful souls, and GuidePage Scan
264bFather of lights, from whom proceedsPage Scan
265aHow many pass the guilty nightPage Scan
265bO God, thy righteousness we ownPage Scan
265cGod of eternal truth and lovePage Scan
265dWilt thou not yet to me revealPage Scan
265eHark! how the gospel trumpet soundsPage Scan
266aThou, Lord, on whom I still dependPage Scan
266bYield to me now, for I am weakPage Scan
266cThough waves and storms go o'er my headPage Scan
267aJesus, if still the same thou artPage Scan
267bO God, what offering shall I givePage Scan
267cInfinite God, to thee we raisePage Scan
268aBehold the servant of the LordPage Scan
268bThe sun of righteousness on mePage Scan
268cSpirit of truth, essential God, Who didst thy ancient saints inspirePage Scan
269aHe's gone, the spotless soul is gonePage Scan
269bNow have I found the ground whereinPage Scan
269cSurrounded by a host of foesPage Scan
270aExpand thy wings, celestial DovePage Scan
270bPrisoners of hope be strong, be boldPage Scan
270cWhere shall my wondering soul beginPage Scan
270dImmortal honour, endless famePage Scan
271aJesus, thy boundless love to mePage Scan
271bFather of Jesus Christ, the JustPage Scan
271cO 'tis enough, my God, my GodPage Scan
272aI'll praise my Maker with my [while I've] [whilst I've] breathPage Scan
272bO God of good, the unfathomed seaPage Scan
272cFather of everlasting gracePage Scan
273aHumble, and teachable, and mildPage Scan
273bLord over all, sent to fulfillPage Scan
273cNow to the great and sacred ThreePage Scan
274aArise, my soul, arise, shake offPage Scan
274bYoung men and maidens, raisePage Scan
274cTo God the Father's thronePage Scan
275aThe Lord of earth and sky, The God of ages praisePage Scan
275bGreat King of glory, comePage Scan
275cJesus accept the praisePage Scan
275dBaptized into thy name, mysterious one in threePage Scan
276aAwake, ye saints, awake and hailPage Scan
276bGod is gone up on high, with a triumphant noisePage Scan
276cEarnest of future blissPage Scan
277aThou God of truth and lovePage Scan
277bGod of my life, to thee my cheerful soulPage Scan
277cYe virgin [waiting] souls, arisePage Scan
277dTo God the Father's thronePage Scan
278aBlow ye [you] the trumpet, blowPage Scan
278bJoin all the glorious namesPage Scan
279aWhere is my [our] [the] Savior nowPage Scan
279bSinners, lift up your heartsPage Scan
279cO thou that hearest prayerPage Scan
280aThe Lord Jehovah reigns, His throne is built on highPage Scan
280bSee where our great High PriestPage Scan
280cSavior, we know Thou Art in every age the samePage Scan
280dTo God the Father's thronePage Scan
281aLord of the worlds above, How pleasant and how fairPage Scan
281bYe ransomed sinners, hearPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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