Hymns for the Use of the New Jerusalem Church

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d1A friend and sister, lo, is dead
d2A song of gratitude begin
d3Above these narrow scenes of night
d4Ah see that lifeless clay
d5Alas what hourly dangers rise
d6All glorious God, what hymns of praise
d7All glory to God in the sky, and peace upon earth be restored
d8All hail, mysterious King
d9All ye who faithful servants are
d10Almighty Father, gracious Lord
d11Almighty Lord, thou just and true
d12Almighty Lord, to thee we raise
d13Almighty Savior, God of love
d14Amazing, beauteous change
d15And will the eternal King
d16Another six days' work is done
d17Arise, my soul, arise, And with a cheerful voice
d18Arise, rejoice, ye favoured race
d19Arise, ye happy Christians, rise
d20As showers on meadows newly mown
d21As when the [a] weary traveler gains
d22Attend, ye children of your [our] God
d23Author of good, we rest on thee
d24Awake, my soul, and with the sun
d25Awake, my soul, awake and sing
d26Awake, my soul, lift up thine eyes
d27Awake our drowsy souls, shake off
d28Away with our sorrow and fear
d29Before Jehovah's awful throne
d30Begin, my soul, the exalted lay
d31Begin, the song, aloud rejoice
d32Behold the lily's silken vest
d33Behold the morning sun
d34Behold the rising dawn appear
d35Bless, O my soul, the God of love
d36Blest are the humble souls that [who] see
d37Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love
d38Blest is the man who dies in peace
d39Blest is the man who [that] shuns the place
d40Christ the [our] Lord is [has] risen today, [Alleluia] [Sons of men]
d41Come faith divine they powers impart
d42Come, let us join our cheerful songs With angels round the throne
d43Come, let us join the prophet's song
d44Come, Lord, and warm each languid heart, Inspire each lifeless tongue
d45Come, Savior, Jesus, from above
d46Come sound his praise [name] abroad, And hymns
d47Come, ye [you] [we] that [who] love the Lord [Christ], And let your [our] joys
d48Do angels bow before thy throne
d49Down from the worlds of radiant light
d50Engaged in thy worship, O Lord
d51Eternal God, Almighty Cause
d52Eternal source of every joy
d53Except a man be born again
d54Far from the [these] narrow [gloomy] scenes of night [life]
d55Father of mercies, God of love, Whose kind compassion
d56Father of mercies, in thy [your] word
d57Forever blessed be the Lord, my Savior
d58Founded on truth, thy church shall rise
d59Full forty years was Isr'l led
d60Give to the Lord a new made song
d61Glorious things of thee are spoken
d62Glory to God on high, Let earth and skies reply
d63Glory to thee, my [our] God [O Lord], this night [day]
d64God is in his holy temple, Sons of earth be silent now
d65God is our sun, he makes our day
d66God moves in a mysterious way
d67God of eternity, from thee
d68God of the seas, thy [thine awful] thundering
d69God reigns, events in order flow
d70God's perfect law converts the soul
d71Great God of heaven, it cannot be
d72Great God, our joyful thanks to thee
d73Great God, thy peerless excellence
d74Great God, we give thee praise
d75Great God, we sing that mighty hand
d76Great God, whose all pervading eye
d77Great is the Lord our God
d78Great is the Lord, our souls adore
d79Had I the tongues of Greeks and Jews
d80Hail, great Creator, wise and good
d81Hail, happy day, the type of rest
d82Happy the Church, thou [the] sacred place
d83Happy the heart where graces reign
d84Hark, the glad sound, the Savior comes
d85Hark, the skies with music sound
d86Hark, the voice of love and mercy
d87He rose, he rose, the mighty God
d88Hear the blest Redeemer call you
d89Hence [Thou] vain, intruding world depart
d90High in the heavens, eternal God
d91How are thy servants blest, O Lord [God]
d92How beauteous are their [his] feet
d93How blest are they, O gracious Lord
d94How blest are they who always keep
d95How blest the sacred tie that binds
d96How did my heart rejoice to hear
d97How happy when we meet
d98How helpless guilty [fallen] nature lies
d99How long shall earth's alluring toys
d100How oft, alas, this [our] wretched [sinful] [wicked] heart

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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