Hymns and Tunes: for Public and Private Worship, and Sunday Schools

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
301Lord, when together here we meetHICK'S FAREWELLPage Scan
302"As pants the wearied hart for cooling springs"42 PSALMPage Scan
303I give myself to GodCLINTONPage Scan
304Jesus, lover of my soulALLENPage Scan
305Rock of Ages, cleft for meTOPLADYPage Scan
306Jesus! when my soul is partingARTHURPage Scan
307Zion stands with hills surroundedARTHURPage Scan
308In the vineyard of our FatherARTHURPage Scan
309God is our refuge and defenseMAGRUDERPage Scan
310The billows swell, the winds are highMAGRUDERPage Scan
311Hail, sovereign Love! that formed the planMAGRUDERPage Scan
312Glory and thanks to God in heaven!OLD HUNDREDPage Scan
313Dear Jesus ever at my sideTAMPICOPage Scan
314There is a little lonely foldTAMPICOPage Scan
315Ye little flock whom Jesus feedsDUNDEEPage Scan
316Where could I go but unto theeBROADWAYPage Scan
317To whom, my Saviour, shall I goBROADWAYPage Scan
318When floating on life's troubled seaSOLONPage Scan
319Behold the sure foundation stoneEVENING TWILIGHTPage Scan
320Oh, happy soul that lives on highEVENING TWILIGHTPage Scan
321O happy is the man who hearsEVENING TWILIGHTPage Scan
322What is the chaff, the word of manEVENING TWILIGHTPage Scan
323The Lord my Shepherd isSHIRLANDPage Scan
324My hope is built on nothing lessTHE SOLID ROCKPage Scan
325Though faint, yet pursuing, we go on our wayLYTEPage Scan
326In seasons of grief to my God I'll repairALASKAPage Scan
327We are traveling on our wayWE ARE TRAVELING ON OUR WAYPage Scan
328Faint not, Christian! though the roadWE ARE TRAVELING ON OUR WAYPage Scan
329Cast thy burden on the Lord!DELAWAREPage Scan
330Jesus, I my cross have takenAUTUMNPage Scan
331Weary pilgrim, why this sadness?AUTUMNPage Scan
332See, above time's clouds and shadowsAUTUMNPage Scan
333Blessed Bible, how I love it!FOUNT OF GLORYPage Scan
334Far from mortal cares retreatingWHAT A FRIENDPage Scan
335I would I were content to beSAFETYPage Scan
336By cool Siloam's shady rillSAFETYPage Scan
337Oh, for a faith that will not shrinkSAFETYPage Scan
338At Jesus' feet I take my placeLAWRENCEPage Scan
339Our God, our help in ages pastLAWRENCEPage Scan
340My God, my Father, blissful name!LAWRENCEPage Scan
341Why should I murmur or repineROCKINGHAMPage Scan
342Oh, that I could forever dwellROCKINGHAMPage Scan
343O thou who comest from aboveROCKINGHAMPage Scan
344Let me but hear my Saviour sayROCKINGHAMPage Scan
345"My times are in thy hand"RUTHPage Scan
346If through unruffled seasRUTHPage Scan
347Dear Saviour, we are thineRUTHPage Scan
348When on the brink of deathRUTHPage Scan
349The billows round me rise and rollROLLING BILLOWSPage Scan
350Oh, how I love Thy holy law!VARINAPage Scan
351The God of love, the God of peaceURBANAPage Scan
352When waves of trouble round me swellURBANAPage Scan
353O Saviour, welcome to my heartURBANAPage Scan
354That solemn hour will come for meURBANAPage Scan
355My soul, with joy attendALBIONPage Scan
356Come, we that love the LordALBIONPage Scan
357Laborers of Christ, ariseALBIONPage Scan
358Jesus! the very thought of theeELKHARTPage Scan
359What shall I render to my GodELKHARTPage Scan
360Amazing grace! how sweet the soundNAOMIPage Scan
361Was Jesus tempted like as weBROWNPage Scan
362My God, the spring of all my joysBROWNPage Scan
363Be strong, my soul, in God most highBROWNPage Scan
364In the cross of Christ I gloryCHARLESTONPage Scan
365With my substance I will honorCHARLESTONPage Scan
366Call the Lord thy sure salvationNETTLETONPage Scan
367Sweet was the time when first I feltPEORIAPage Scan
368My Father, God! how sweet the sound!PEORIAPage Scan
369Lord, when I count thy mercies o'erPEORIAPage Scan
370Amid the splendors of thy statePEORIAPage Scan
371Children of the heavenly King! LINCOLNSHIREPage Scan
372To thy temple we repairLINCOLNSHIREPage Scan
373Wake the song of JubileeYARBROUGHPage Scan
374Mary to the Saviour's tombMARTYNPage Scan
375Great God, what do I see and hear?MONMOUTHPage Scan
376How happy every child of graceCROSS AND CROWNPage Scan
377This is the day the Lord hath madeCROSS AND CROWNPage Scan
378As Jesus died, and rose againCROSS AND CROWNPage Scan
379There is an hour of peaceful restWOODLANDPage Scan
380A few more years shall rollTHE PILGRIMPage Scan
381Oh, where shall rest be foundEUGENEPage Scan
382Oh cease, my wandering soulEUGENEPage Scan
383Rest for the toiling handSHIRLANDPage Scan
384Oh, the bliss of loved ones, restingEDENPage Scan
385The time for toil is past, and night has comeBRINGING HOME OUR SHEAVESPage Scan
386Sun of my soul, Thou Saviour dearHURSLEYPage Scan
387Happy the man that finds the graceHURSLEYPage Scan
388Deem not that they are blest aloneHURSLEYPage Scan
389My days are gliding swiftly bySHINING SHOREPage Scan
390Holy Spirit, faithful guideHOLY SPIRIT, FAITHFUL GUIDEPage Scan
391Thou only Sovereign of my heartREPOSEPage Scan
392No more, my God, I boast no moreREPOSEPage Scan
393Thy ways, O Lord, with wise designHEBRONPage Scan
394Behold the lilies of the fieldBACAPage Scan
395God is the refuge of his saintsBACAPage Scan
396Fountain of grace, rich, full, and freeBACAPage Scan
397Thou strong and loving Son of ManBACAPage Scan
398To thy pastures fair and largeHENDONPage Scan
399As the sun doth daily riseHENDONPage Scan
400Come, said Jesus' sacred voiceHENDONPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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