Hymn and Tune Book for Use in Old School or Primitive Baptist Churches

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
200If to Jesus for reliefPage Scan
201Sin enslaved me many yearsPage Scan
202When God reveal'd his gracious namePage Scan
203Let worldly minds the world pursuePage Scan
204Awaked by Sinai's awful soundPage Scan
205Tell me no more of earthly toysPage Scan
206Show pity, Lord, O Lord, forgivePage Scan
207With melting heart and weeping eyesPage Scan
208Lord, with a grieved and aching heartPage Scan
209Alas! and did my Saviour bleedPage Scan
210How oft, alas! this wretched heartPage Scan
211O God of mercy! hear my callPage Scan
212Dear Saviour! when my thoughts recallPage Scan
213Why, O my soul, why weepest thou?Page Scan
214The Lord will happiness divinePage Scan
215Our Jesus is the Christian's hopePage Scan
216God, my Supporter, and my HopePage Scan
217We seek a rest beyond the skiesPage Scan
218How can I sink with such a propPage Scan
219Give me the wings of faith to risePage Scan
220Ye trembling souls! dismiss your fearsPage Scan
221We travel through a barren landPage Scan
222O God, my Sun, thy blissful raysPage Scan
223Why sinks my weak desponding mind?Page Scan
224On the mountain's top appearingPage Scan
225O my soul! what means this sadness?Page Scan
226O Lord, I would delight in theePage Scan
227When Jesus, with his matchless lovePage Scan
228Happy the heart where graces reignPage Scan
229How tedious and tasteless the hoursPage Scan
230My gracious Redeemer I lovePage Scan
231Lo! what an entertaining sightPage Scan
232And have I, Christ, no love to theePage Scan
233Do not I love thee, O my Lord?Page Scan
234Permit me, Lord, to seek thy facePage Scan
235Blest Jesus, when my soaring thoughtsPage Scan
236How sweet, how heav'nly is the sightPage Scan
237Thou lovely source of true delightPage Scan
238Jesus, my Lord, how rich thy grace!Page Scan
239With eyes of faith and wings of lovePage Scan
240To thee, my Shepherd and my Lord Page Scan
241Jesus, Lord, we look to theePage Scan
242O love divine, how sweet thou art!Page Scan
243Lamb of God, we fall before theePage Scan
244Jesus, Source of our salvationPage Scan
245Blest be the tie that bindsPage Scan
246I love the sons of gracePage Scan
247Love is the fountain, whencePage Scan
248From whence doth this union arisePage Scan
249We are a garden walled aroundPage Scan
250Jesus, thy boundless love to mePage Scan
251Jesus, before thy face I fallPage Scan
252Jesus is precious, saith the WordPage Scan
253Ye humble souls complain no morePage Scan
254See a poor sinner, gracious LordPage Scan
255Oh, could I find some peaceful bowerPage Scan
256O Lord! how vile am IPage Scan
257Ye humble souls, rejoicePage Scan
258Jesus the great, the mighty GodPage Scan
259Is there ambition in my heart?Page Scan
260With earnest longings of the mindPage Scan
261O Lord! my best desires fulfilPage Scan
262And can my heart aspire so highPage Scan
263My times of sorrow and of joyPage Scan
264Father, whate'er of earthly blissPage Scan
265Submissive to thy will, my GodPage Scan
266Through all the downward tracks of timePage Scan
267My God, my Father--blissful namePage Scan
268'Tis hard, when we are sick and poorPage Scan
269Jesus, while our hearts are bleedingPage Scan
270Blest are the sons of peacePage Scan
271Come, we that love the LordPage Scan
272Far from the world, O Lord, I fleePage Scan
273Hence from my soul, sad thoughts, begonePage Scan
274Joy is a fruit that will not growPage Scan
275Sometimes a light surprisesPage Scan
276'Tis religion that can givePage Scan
277Fix my heart and eyes on thine!Page Scan
278How happy are they Who their Saviour obeyPage Scan
279I'm not asham'd to own my LordPage Scan
280Am I a soldier of the crossPage Scan
281No more, my God, I boast no morePage Scan
282Let me but hear my Saviour sayPage Scan
283Jesus! and shall it ever bePage Scan
284Lord, didst thou die, but not for me?Page Scan
285My spirit looks to God alonePage Scan
286As when the weary traveler gainsPage Scan
287Kind are the words that Jesus speaksPage Scan
288If God is mine, then present thingsPage Scan
289Dear Lord, why should I doubt thy lovePage Scan
290Begone, ye gilded vanitiesPage Scan
291With joy let each afflicted saintPage Scan
292When storm and tempest loudly howlPage Scan
293Jesus, the glorious Head of gracePage Scan
294Let me, thou sovereign Lord of allPage Scan
295O for a heart to seek my GodPage Scan
296Behold the spouse oppressd with fearsPage Scan
297Saints, at your heavenly Father's wordPage Scan
298The billows swell, the winds are highPage Scan
299Wait, my soul, upon the LordPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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