The Hartford Selection of Hymns: from the most approved authors: to which are added a number never before published (2nd ed.)

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
CCCIO thou, to whose all-searching sightTextPage Scan
CCCIIBless'd are the humble souls that seePage Scan
CCCIIIGo worship at Emmanuel's feetPage Scan
CCCIV'Tis from the treasures of his wordTextPage Scan
CCCVJoin all the names of love and pow'rTextPage Scan
CCCVICome, Thou Almighty KingTextPage Scan
CCCVIINow, gracious Lord, thine arm revealPage Scan
CCCVIIIO Lord, by thy supporting handTextPage Scan
CCCIXSin has undone our wretched raceTextPage Scan
CCCXSee how rude winter's icy handPage Scan
CCCXIAt length the wish'd for spring is comeTextPage Scan
CCCXIIThe grass and flow'rs, which clothe the fieldTextPage Scan
CCCXIIISee how brown autumn spreads the fieldTextPage Scan
CCCXIVEternal source of ev'ry joy!Page Scan
CCCXV'Twas the eternal word that spakeTextPage Scan
CCCXVINow the shades of night are goneTextPage Scan
CCCXVIIWith thee, great God, the stores of lightTextPage Scan
CCCXVIIIBlest Lord, when darkness veils the skiesTextPage Scan
CCCXIXIndulgent Father! by whose careTextPage Scan
CCCXXThe day is past and goneTextPage Scan
CCCXXIO for a heart to praise and prayTextPage Scan
CCCXXIIAwake, our drowsy soulsTextPage Scan
CCCXXIIIFrequent the day of God returnsTextPage Scan
CCCXXIVThine earthly Sabbaths, Lord, we loveTextPage Scan
CCCXXVWhen God the Patriarch Abr'am call'dTextPage Scan
CCCXXVIHow great our glorious Shepherd's loveTextPage Scan
CCCXXVIIOnce did the sons of Abr'am passTextPage Scan
CCCXXVIIIInfinite grief, amazing woeTextPage Scan
CCCXXIXWhen I survey the wond'rous crossTextPage Scan
CCCXXXWhen I the blest Redeemer seeTextPage Scan
CCCXXXISing to the Lord a new melodious songTextPage Scan
CCCXXXIISee the victorious Jesus comeTextPage Scan
CCCXXXIII'Twas on that night when doom'd to knowPage Scan
CCCXXXIVHe dies! the friend of sinners dies!Page Scan
CCCXXXVYe wretched, hungry, starving poorTextPage Scan
CCCXXXVIO for a thousand tongues to singPage Scan
CCCXXXVIILet all our tongues be oneTextPage Scan
CCCXXXVIIIWhat myst'ries, Lord, in thee combine!TextPage Scan
CCCXXXIXOur great Redeemer's goneTextPage Scan
CCCXLAlas! and did my Saviour bleed?Page Scan
CCCXLIShepherd of Israel, thou dost keepTextPage Scan
CCCXLIILet Zion's watchman all awakeTextPage Scan
CCCXLIIIAnd will the great eternal GodTextPage Scan
CCCXLIVAlmighty Sov'reign of the skiesTextPage Scan
CCCXLVPraise to the Lord, who bows his earTextPage Scan
CCCXLVISee, gracious God, before thy throneTextPage Scan
CCCXLVIIO righteous God, thou judge supremeTextPage Scan
CCCXLVIIIMy soul would fain indulge a hopeTextPage Scan
CCCXLIXDeath with his dread commission seal'dTextPage Scan
CCCLLord, I am pain'd, but I resignTextPage Scan
CCCLISov'reign of life, I own thy handTextPage Scan
CCCLIIO could our thoughts and wishes flyTextPage Scan
CCCLIIIAlmighty Maker of my frameTextPage Scan
CCCLIVHeav'n has confirm'd the great decreeTextPage Scan
CCCLVOft as the bell, with solemn tollTextPage Scan
CCCLVIIn vain my fancy strives to paint TextPage Scan
CCCLVIIOur life how short! a groan, a sighTextPage Scan
CCCLVIIIWhile on the verge of life I standTextPage Scan
CCCLIXWhen death appears before my sightTextPage Scan
CCCLXWhy do we mourn departing friends?Page Scan
CCCLXIWhat scenes of horror and of dreadTextPage Scan
CCCLXIIPreapare me, gracious GodTextPage Scan
CCCLXIIIAh! lovely appearance of deathPage Scan
CCCLXIVUnvail thy bosom, faithful tombTextPage Scan
CCCLXVLo! I behold the scatt'ring shadesTextPage Scan
CCCLXVIWhat wretched fools are they, who hearTextPage Scan
CCCLXVIIGod from his throne with piercing eyeTextPage Scan
CCCLXVIIISinner, art thou still secure?TextPage Scan
CCCLXIXHow great, how terrible that GodTextPage Scan
CCCLXXHark! from the sky, the trump proclaimsTextPage Scan
CCCLXXIWhen a black overspreading cloudTextPage Scan
CCCLXXIIMethinks the last great day is comeTextPage Scan
CCCLXXIIIAnd will the Judge descend?TextPage Scan
CCCLXXIVAttend, my ear; my heart, rejoiceTextPage Scan
CCCLXXVLo! he cometh! countless trumpetsPage Scan
CCCLXXVIThe dawn of morning veils her faceTextPage Scan
CCCLXXVIIEarth has engross'd my love too longTextPage Scan
CCCLXXVIIISwell the anthem, raise the song!TextPage Scan
CCCLXXIXDeath and the grave are doleful themesPage Scan
CCCLXXXNo, let us never mourn for thosePage Scan
CCCLXXXIThe God of Abraham praise, who reigns enthronedPage Scan
CCCLXXXIIAwake, awake the sacred songPage Scan
CCCLXXXIIIChrist the [our] Lord is [has] risen today, [Alleluia] [Sons of men]Page Scan
CCCLXXXIVThis God is the God we adorePage Scan
CCCLXXXVGlory to God on high, Let earth and skies replyPage Scan
CCCLXXXVIJesus, let thy pitying eyePage Scan
CCCLXXXVIICome seraph lend your heavenly tonguePage Scan
CCCLXXXVIIIShepherds, rejoice, lift up your eyesPage Scan
CCCLXXXIXThe Savior to adore, Join every tuneful powerPage Scan
CCCXCWhen the fierce north wind with his airy forcesPage Scan
CCCXCII love the Lord, but, ah, how farPage Scan
CCCXCIIHappy the hours, the golden daysPage Scan
CCCXCIIIMourn, mourn, ye saints who once did seePage Scan
CCCXCIVI sing my Savior's wondrous deathPage Scan
CCCXCVWorld adieu thou real [cruel] cheatPage Scan
CCCXCVIVital spark of heavenly flamePage Scan
CCCXCVIIThe righteous souls that take their flightPage Scan
CCCXCVIIIO what amazing words of grace Are in the gospel foundPage Scan
CCCXCIXHeavenly Father here we bless theePage Scan
CCCCO [When] thou my righteous Judge shall [shalt] comePage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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