Hymns for Sunday School Worship

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d1A little word in kindness said
d2Again the Lord of life and light
d3Almighty Father, I am weak
d4And is the gospel peace and love
d5Another day its course has [hath] run
d6Awake, my soul, and with the sun
d7Before I close my eyes in sleep
d8Before I close my eyes tonight
d9Behold the lily's silken vest
d10Blest day of God, most calm, most [and] bright
d11Bright was the guiding star that led
d12By cool Siloam's shady rill
d13Calm on the bosom of thy God
d14Calm on the listening ear of night
d15Come, ye young, and do not spurn
d16Father and Friend, Thy light, thy love
d17Father, hear our humble prayer
d18Fear was within the tossing bark
d19Feeble, helpless, how shall I
d20From all that [who] dwell [dwells] below the [in earth and] skies
d21Go, when the morning shineth
d22God bless our native land, Firm may she
d23God is love, his mercy brightens
d24God is so good that he will hear
d25God of the morning, at whose [thy] voice
d26Great God, and wilt thou condescend
d27Hark, what mean those holy voices
d28He lived as none but he has lived
d29He who walks in virtue's way
d30Heavenly Father, grant thy blessing on the instructions
d31Here, like the birds that wander free
d32How beautiful the setting sun
d33How good is God, Each perfumed flower
d34How many ways the young may find
d35How shall the young secure their hearts
d36How sweet to be allowed to pray
d37How sweetly flowed the gospel's sound
d38I feel within a want
d39I sing the mighty power of God
d40I thank the goodness and the grace
d41In Isr'l's fane by silent night
d42In the green fields of Palestine
d43In the morning I will pray For God's blessing
d44In the soft season of thy youth
d45It was our heavenly Father's love
d46Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior
d47Lo the lilies of the field
d48Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing
d49Lord, I would own thy tender [every] care
d50Lord, in the morning thou shalt hear My voice ascending high
d51Lord, teach a little child to pray
d52My few revolving years, how swift they glide away
d53Now condescend, almighty king
d54Now in the dawning of my youth
d55Now that my journey's just begun
d56Now the shades of night are gone
d57O God, I thank thee that the night
d58O happy is the man [child] who [that] hears instruction's [religion's] [Messiah's] warning voice
d59O learn of me, the Savior cried
d60O that the Lord would guide my [our] ways
d61O Thou whose presence went before
d62O wherefore were all the flowers made
d63O'er the dark wave [waves] of Galilee
d64Retiring from our school once more
d65Safely through another week
d66Scorn not the slightest word or deed
d67See Isr'l's gentle Shepherd stand [stands]
d68See the leaves around us [you] falling
d69Suppliant, lo, thy children bend
d70Sweet is the task, O Lord
d71Ten thousand different flowers
d72Thanks to thee, before we part
d73The bird, let loose in [from] eastern skies
d74The bud will soon become a flower
d75The gentle child, that tries to please
d76The young, the lovely, pass away
d77There's not a tint that paints the rose
d78They who seek the throne of grace
d79Thus said [saith] Jesus, Go and do
d80Thy conscience be thy crown
d81Thy gracious aid, O [great] Lord [God] impart
d82We come, O God, with gladness
d83We oft repeat our prayers, but do we ever pray
d84What if the little rain drop should say
d85What is an idol, every heart
d86When daily I kneel down to pray
d87When, driven by oppression's rod
d88When, for some little insult given
d89When Jesus Christ was here below
d90When power divine in mortal form hushed
d91When we devote our youth to God
d92Whene'er I take my walks abroad
d93While shepherds watch [watched] their flocks by night
d94While with ceaseless [careless] course the sun
d95Why should we spend our youthful days
d96Will God, who made the earth and sea
[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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