The Hymnal of the Reformed Church in the United States

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d201God of my life, my morning song
d202Grace, 'tis a charming [cheering] [joyful] [pleasing] sound
d203Gracious Spirit, Love divine
d204Granted is the Savior's prayer
d205Great God, attend, while Zion sings [children sing] [here we sing]
d206Great God, now condescend
d207Great God of nations now to thee
d208Great God, to thee my evening song
d209Great God, we sing that mighty hand
d210Great God, what do I [we] see and hear
d211Great is the Lord our God
d212Great Prophet of my God
d213Guide me, O thou great Jehovah
d214Hail, holy, holy, holy Lord, Whom One in three we know
d215Hail, Jesus, Isr'l's hope and light
d216Hail, my ever blessed Jesus
d217Hail the day that sees him rise
d218Hail, thou long expected Jesus
d219Hail, thou once despised Jesus
d220Hail to the brightness of Zion's glad morning
d221Hail to the Lord's anointed
d222Hark, my soul, it is the Lord
d223Hark, ten thousand harps and voices
d224Hark, the glad sound, the Savior comes
d225Hark, the herald angels sing, glory to the newborn King
d226Hark, the song of jubilee
d227Hark, the sound of angel voices
d228Hark, the voice of Jesus crying Who will go and work today
d229Hark, the voice of love and mercy
d230Hark, through the courts of heaven
d231Hark, what mean those holy voices
d232Hasten, Lord, the glorious time
d233He dies, the friend of sinners dies
d234He leadeth me, O blessed thought
d235He lives, the [that] great Redeemer [Creator] lives
d236He reigns, the Lord, the [our] Savior reigns
d237Health of the weak, to make them strong
d238Hear what the voice from heaven declares
d239Hear what the voice from heaven proclaims
d240Heavenly Father I would pray come thou near
d241Here at thy table, Lord, we meet to feed
d242Here, O my Lord, I see thee face to face
d243High in yonder realms of light
d244High let us swell [raise] our tuneful notes
d245Holy and reverend is the name
d246Holy Ghost, dispel [disperse] our sadness
d247Holy Ghost, the Infinite
d248Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Early
d249Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts, eternal King [Lord]
d250Holy Jesus, be my light
d251Holy night, peaceful night
d252Holy Savior, we adore
d253Holy Spirit, faithful Guide
d254Honor and glory, thanksgiving and praise
d255Hosanna [Hosannas] to the Prince of light
d256Hosanna, raise the pealing [joyful] hymn
d257Hosanna to the living Lord
d258Hosanna to the royal Son
d259How beauteous are their [his] feet
d260How blest the righteous when he dies
d261How charming is the place
d262How firm a foundation, ye [you] saints of the Lord
d263How oft, alas, this [our] wretched [sinful] [wicked] heart
d264How shall the young secure their hearts
d265How sweet, how [and] heavenly is the sight
d266How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
d267How tedious and tasteless [restless and tiresome] the hours
d268How welcome was the call
d269I am coming to the cross, I am poor
d270I am Jesus' little lamb
d271I hear the Savior say, thy strength indeed is small
d272I hear thy welcome voice
d273I heard the voice of Jesus say, come unto me and rest
d274I lay my sins on Jesus
d275I love thee, O most gracious Lord
d276I love thy kingdom, Lord
d277I love to hear the story which angel [heavenly] voices tell
d278I love to steal awhile away
d279I love to tell the story of unseen things above
d280I need thee every hour, most gracious Lord
d281I saw one hanging on a [the] tree
d282I saw the cross of Jesus when burdened
d283I think, when I read that [the] sweet story of old
d284I thirst, thou wounded Lamb of God
d285I was a wandering sheep
d286I will love thee, all my treasure
d287I will sing of my Redeemer, And his wondrous love
d288I would not live alway [always], I ask not to stay
d289If Christ is mine, then all is mine
d290In all our wanderings here below
d291In some way or other, the Lord will provide
d292In the cross of Christ I [we] glory, towering
d293Is the [thy] cruse of comfort wasting [failing]
d294It came upon the [a] midnight clear
d295Jerusalem, my happy home, name ever dear to me
d296Jerusalem, the golden, with milk and honey blest
d297Jesus, and shall it ever be
d298Jesus Christ is risen today, Our triumphant
d299Jesus Christ, our Savior, Once for us a child
d300Jesus, exalted far on high

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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