Hymns, Psalms and Gospel Songs with Responsive Readings

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d401To our Redeemer's glorious name, awake the sacred song
d402To render thanks unto the Lord, it is a comely thing
d403To thee be glory, honor, praise
d404To thee I lift my soul, O Lord, I trust in thee
d405To thee, O Lord, I fly, and on thy help depend
d406To thy pastures fair and large
d407Today the Savior calls, ye wanderers come
d408Trembling soul, beset by fears
d409Wait on the Lord, and keep his way
d410Walk in the light, so shalt thou [and you shall] know
d411We bow our knees unto the Father
d412We may not climb the heavenly steeps
d413We would see Jesus, for the shadows lengthen
d414Weary of earth, and laden with my sin
d415Welcome, delightful morn, Thou [Sweet] day of sacred rest
d416What a friend we have in Jesus
d417What cheering words are these
d418What grace, O Lord, and beauty shone
d419What various hindrances we meet
d420When all thy [your] mercies, O my [our] God [gracious Lord]
d421When cold our hearts [lips], and far from Thee
d422When I can read my title clear
d423When I survey the wondrous cross
d424When Isr'l out of Egypt came, Hallelujah
d425When morning gilds the skies
d426When morning lights the eastern skies
d427When shades of night around us close
d428When the harvest is past and the summer is o'er
d429When the night is dark and dreary And the road
d430When you start for the land of heavenly rest
d431Where the winds of death are blowing
d432While shepherds watch [watched] their flocks by night
d433While we [you] pray and while we plead
d434Why will ye [you] waste on trifling cares
d435Will you heed the divine invitation
d436With all my heart I'll praise Thy name
d437With broken heart and contrite sigh
d438With tearful eyes I look around
d439Within the garden's whispering shade
d440Would you be free from the [your] burden of sin
d441Ye gates, lift up your heads, and an entrance display
d442Ye saints, your music bring
d443Ye servant [servants] of the Lord, Each in his [your] office waits
d444Ye sons of the mighty, give ye to Jehovah
d445Ye [You] servants of God [Christ] your Master proclaim
d446Yes, for me, for me He careth
d447Yield not to temptation, for yielding is sin

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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