The Hymnal and Order of Service

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101Over Kedron Jesus treadethText
102Go to dark GethsemaneText
103In the cross of Christ I gloryText
104Near the cross was Mary weepingText
105Thy cross, O Jesus, Thou didst bearText
106Come to Calv'ry's holy mountainText
107When I survey the wondrous crossText
108There is a green hill far awayText
109Sweet the moments, rich in blessingText
110'Tis finished! So the Saviour criedText
111Alas! and did my Saviour bleed?Text
112Sinful world, behold the anguishText
113Now, my soul, thy voice upraisingText
114My crucified Savior, despised and contemnedText
115Ah, holy Jesus, how hast Thou offendedText
116O sacred Head, now woundedText
117Stricken, smitten, and afflictedText
118O perfect life of love!Text
119Thine agony, O Lord, is o'erText
120Mute are the pleading lips of HimText
121Our sins, our sorrows, Lord, were laid on theeText
122Welcome, happy morning! age to age shall sayText
123The Saviour is risen light bursts from the tombText
124I know that my Redeemer lives!Text
125Blest Easter day, what joy is thine!Text
126Come, see the place where Jesus layText
127Welcome,Thou Victor in the strifeText
128The day of resurrection! Earth tell it out abroadText
129Day of wonder, day of gladnessText
130Christ the Lord is ris'n todayText
131Come, ye faithful, raise the strainText
132Christ the Lord is ris'n todayText
133Morning breaks upon the tombText
134In death's strong grasp the Saviour layText
135Praise the Saviour Now and ever!Text
136He lives! O fainting heart, anewText
137In triumph our RedeemerText
138O dear Redeemer crucifiedText
139Jesus, the very thought of Thee Text
140In the holy Father's keepingText
141Didst Thou, dear Jesus, pray for meText
142Here we often are perplexedText
143O Jesus, shall it ever beText
144O Christ, our Hope, our heart's DesireText
145Arise, my soul, ariseText
146To realms of glory I beholdText
147See, the Conqu'ror mounts in triumphText
148Hail the day that sees Him riseText
149Hail, thou once despised Jesus!Text
150The head that once was crowned with thornsText
151Hark, ten thousand harps and voicesText
152Ascend, dear Lord! Text
153All hail the pow'r of Jesus' Name!Text
154Come, Holy Spirit, God and Lord!Text
155Holy Ghost, dispel our sadnessText
156O Holy Spirit, enter inText
157Come, O come, Thou quick'ning SpiritText
158Holy Ghost, with light divineText
159Come, Holy Spirit, from aboveText
160Lord God, the Holy Ghost! Text
161Come, Holy Spirit, heav'nly DoveText
162Gracious Spirit, Dove divineText
163Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty!Text
164Come, Thou almighty KingText
165Holy, Holy, Holy LordText
166Our Father, merciful and goodText
167Almighty God, eternal LordText
168O God, who saidst, "Let there be light"Text
169O Bread of life from heavenText
170Lord, as to Thy dear cross we fleeText
171O Father mine, whose mercies never ceaseText
172Jesus calls us; o'er the tumultText
173Though we all in sinful blindnessText
174Let me be thine foreverText
175Not what my hands have doneText
176O'er Jerusalem Thou weepestText
177By nature deaf to things divineText
178O would, my God, that I could praise TheeText
179In holy contemplationText
180O that the Lord would guide my waysText
181O God of mercy, God of mightText
182We give Thee but Thine ownText
183Long hast thou wept and sorrowedText
184With broken heart and contrite sighText
185O Friend of sinners, Son of GodText
186O gracious Hand that freely givesText
187O'er the distant mountains breakingText
188My dear Redeemer and my LordText
189Behold what love, that God should giveText
190Lord! Thou Source of all perfectionText
191O Jesus, our SalvationText
192Have ye heard the invitationText
193O God of mercies, Father mineText
194How blest are they who through the pow'rText
195Father, who on man dost showerText
196We need not climb the heav'nly steepsText
197Thou Lord of life and deathText
198O Son of God, we wait for TheeText
199Wake, awake, for night is flyingText
200Now the blessed DayspringText

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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