Hymnal of the Methodist Episcopal Church: with tunes

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
300Bright was the guiding star that ledPage Scan
301Almighty God, thy word is castPage Scan
302How sad our state by nature is!Page Scan
303God is in this and every placePage Scan
304Plunged in a gulf of dark despairPage Scan
305Lord, we are vile, conceived in sinPage Scan
306Deep are the wounds which sin has madePage Scan
307Jesus a word, a look from theePage Scan
308My former hopes are fledPage Scan
309How helpless nature liesPage Scan
310Ah, how shall fallen manPage Scan
311O that I could repent!Page Scan
312Our sins on Christ were laidPage Scan
313Jesus, thou Source divinePage Scan
314God's holy law transgressedPage Scan
315How great the wisdom, power, and gracePage Scan
316How sweet the name of Jesus soundsPage Scan
317Thy ceaseless, unexhausted lovePage Scan
318Thou art the Way:--to thee alonePage Scan
319There is a fountain filled with bloodPage Scan
320When wounded sore, the stricken soulPage Scan
321Grace! 'tis a charming soundPage Scan
322What majesty and gracePage Scan
323O what amazing words of gracePage Scan
324Salvation! O the joyful sound!Page Scan
325The Saviour! O what endless charmsPage Scan
326Let every mortal ear attendPage Scan
327Of Him who did salvation bringPage Scan
328How sweetly flowed the gospel soundPage Scan
329Happy the man who finds the gracePage Scan
330The voice of free grace cries, Escape to the mountainPage Scan
331Blow ye the trumpet, blowPage Scan
332Let earth and heaven agreePage Scan
333When time seems short and death is nearPage Scan
334Come, thou long-expected JesusPage Scan
335O turn ye , O turn ye, for why will ye diePage Scan
336Delay not, delay not, O sinner, draw nearPage Scan
337Weary souls, that wander widePage Scan
338From the cross uplifted highPage Scan
339Hearts of stone, relent, relentPage Scan
340aCome, ye sinners, poor and needyPage Scan
340bCome, ye sinners, poor and needyPage Scan
341Come to Calvary's holy mountainPage Scan
342Sinners, will you scorn the messagePage Scan
343Hear, O sinner, mercy hails youPage Scan
344Come, said Jesus’ sacred voicePage Scan
345Haste, sinner, to be wise!Page Scan
346Pilgrim, burdened with thy sinPage Scan
347Sinners, turn; why will ye die?Page Scan
348What could your Redeemer doPage Scan
349While life prolongs its precious lightPage Scan
350Sinners, obey the gospel wordPage Scan
351Come, O ye sinners, to the LordPage Scan
352God calling yet! shall I not hear?Page Scan
353Say, sinner, hath a voice withinPage Scan
354Haste, traveller, haste! the night comes onPage Scan
355The Spirit, in our heartsPage Scan
356Ye simple souls that strayPage Scan
357"All things are ready," comePage Scan
358O where shall rest be foundPage Scan
359Come, weary sinners, comePage Scan
360My son, know thou the LordPage Scan
361Now is the accepted timePage Scan
362Ho! every one that thirsts draw nighPage Scan
363With tearful eyes I look aroundPage Scan
364Come, sinners, to the gospel feastPage Scan
365Vain men, thy fond pursuits forbearPage Scan
366Why should we boast of time to comePage Scan
367Lovers of pleasure more than GodPage Scan
368Come, O thou all-victorious LordPage Scan
369Come, humble sinner, in whose breastBALERMAPage Scan
370Return, O wanderer, returnPage Scan
371Sinners, the voice of God regardPage Scan
372Thou Son of God, whose flaming eyesPage Scan
373Beneath our feet, and o'er our headPage Scan
374Jesus, Redeemer of mankindPage Scan
375Late, late, so late! and dark the night, and chill!Page Scan
376aIn the silent midnight watchesPage Scan
376bIn the silent midnight watchesPage Scan
377Author of faith, to thee I cryPage Scan
378O Lamb of God, for sinners slainPage Scan
379Depth of mercy! can there bePage Scan
380Sovereign Ruler, Lord of allPage Scan
381O thou who hast our sorrows bornePage Scan
382Lamb of God, for sinners slainPage Scan
383Lamb of God, whose dying lovePage Scan
384Lord, I hear of showers of blessingPage Scan
385Let the world their virtue boastPage Scan
386God of my salvation, hearPage Scan
387Lord of mercy and of mightPage Scan
388Like Noah's weary dovePage Scan
389Wherewith, O Lord, shall I draw nearPage Scan
390Stay, thou insulted Spirit, stayPage Scan
391Show pity, Lord, O Lord, forgivePage Scan
392Jesus, the sinner's Friend, to theePage Scan
393Just as I am, without one pleaPage Scan
394My soul before Thee prostrate liesPage Scan
395When, gracious Lord, when shall it bePage Scan
396O for a glance of heavenly dayPage Scan
397Lord, I despair myself to healPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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