Hymns for the Family of God

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
601Savior, like a Shepherd lead usBRADBURYPage Scan
602If there is any one of you who needs wisdomPage Scan
603God move sin a mysterious wayDUNDEEPage Scan
604To seek the meaning of thingsPage Scan
605If you will only let God guide youNEUMARK
606He leadeth me, O blessed thought!HE LEADETH ME
607I can hear my Savior callingNORRIS
608Guide me, O Thou Great JehovahCWM RHONDDAPage Scan
609Jesus will walk with meJESUS WILL WALK WITH MEPage Scan
610Give us A pure heart
611Precious Lord, take my handPRECIOUS LORD
612Finally then, find your strength in the Lord, in His mighty powerPage Scan
613Fight the good fightPENTECOSTPage Scan
614For all the saints who from their labors restSINE NOMINEPage Scan
615The program of God through history is like a relay racePage Scan
616Stand up, stand up for JesusWEBBPage Scan
617Onward, Christian SoldiersST. GERTRUDEPage Scan
618I will sing the wondrous storyWONDROUS STORYPage Scan
619I love to tell the storyHANKEYPage Scan
620I stand by the doorPage Scan
621O soul, are you weary and troubled?LEMMELPage Scan
622O how He loves you and meHE LOVES YOU AND ME
623Since I started for the KingdomTHE SWEETER HE GROWS
624Lord, remind us that Your callPage Scan
625Lord, speak to meCANONBURYPage Scan
626My Father is omnipotentMONTROSE
627Jesus is all the world to meELIZABETHPage Scan
628Shackled by a heavy burdenHE TOUCHED ME
629Come, every soul by sin oppressedMINERVA
630There is sunshine in my soul todaySUNSHINEPage Scan
631I know not why God's wondrous graceEL NATHANPage Scan
632In the stars His handiwork I seeWOODLAND HILLS
633I have a song that Jesus gave meHEART MELODYPage Scan
634There is a name I love to hearO, HOW I LOVE JESUSPage Scan
635Deep in my heart there's a gladnessKETCHUM
636The whole world was lost in the darkness of sinLIGHT OF THE WORLDPage Scan
637Jesus my Lord will love me foreverELISWORTH
638Life was shattered and hope was goneSOMETHING MORE
639What a wonderful change in my lifeMcDANIELPage Scan
640I went very unwillingly
641It only takes a spark to get a fire goingPASS IT ON
642If I gained the world but lost the SaviorTRUE RICHESPage Scan
643I arise todayPage Scan
644I have a song I love to singOTHELLOPage Scan
645The cross upon which Jesus diedSTANPHILL
646Redeemed-how I love to proclaim it!REDEEMEDPage Scan
647O happy day that fixed my choice On TheeHAPPY DAY
648I'll tell the world that I'm a ChristianTUCKER
649Lord, we admit to ourselves and to You
650I'd rather have Jesus than silver or goldI'D RATHER HAVE JESUSPage Scan
651Earthly friends may prove untrueJESUS NEVER FAILSPage Scan
652Get all excited, go tell everybodyGET ALL EXCITED
653In loving kindness Jesus cameHE LIFTED MEPage Scan
654Have you any room for JesusANY ROOMPage Scan
655Reach out and touch a soul that is hungryREACH OUT
656Something beautifulSOMETHING BEAUTIFUL
657O what a wonderful, wonderful dayHEAVEN CAME DOWN
658O Zion, haste, thy mission high fulfillingTIDDINGSPage Scan
659We've a story to tell to the nationsMESSAGEPage Scan
660Men of Athens!Page Scan
661Rescue the perishingRESCUEPage Scan
662Let your heart be brokenBJORKLUND MAJOR
663There's a call comes ringing o'er the restless waveMcCABEPage Scan
664So send I youSO SEND I YOU
665Where cross the crowded ways of lifeGERMANYPage Scan
666After this I looked, and beholdPage Scan
667We have heard the joyful soundJESUS SAVESPage Scan
668The vision of a dying worldALL SAINTS, NEW
669Hear the voice of Jesus callingRIPLEY
670Once to every man and nationEBENEZERPage Scan
671When Jesus came to GolgothaPage Scan
672Through all the world let every nation singCONRADPage Scan
673In God's sight a person is the most preciousPage Scan
674Far, far away, in sin and darkness dwellingGO YEPage Scan
675Father, help me to talk like a Christian
676I have a Savior - He's pleading in gloryINTERCESSIONPage Scan
677We are one in the SpiritST. BRENDAN'S
678To allow the hungry manPage Scan
679Eternal Father, strong to saveMELITAPage Scan
680Everything I know and understandPage Scan
681Let there be peace on earthWORLD PEACE
682This is my songFINLANDIA
683If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels
684There is no color barrier with GodPage Scan
685In Christ there is no East of WestST. PETERPage Scan
686Christ for the world we singITALIAN HYMNPage Scan
687God of our fathersNATIONAL HYMNPage Scan
688O say, can you seeNATIONAL ANTHEMPage Scan
689Lord Jesus, we ask Thee to guidePage Scan
690O beautiful for spacious skiesMATERNA
691The Bible teaches that the Christian
692Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the LordBATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC
693This is my country, Land of my birthMY COUNTRY
694High towering mountainsOUR HERITAGE
695My country, 'tis of theeAMERICA
697Amen, Amen
698Amen, Amen, Amen[Amen, Amen, Amen]
699Amen, Amen

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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