Hymns Composed for the Use of Sunday Schools, and Youthful Christians

Editor: Joseph Rusling
Publisher: Sold by the Publisher, Philadelphia, 1837
Denomination: Methodist Episcopal Church
Language: English
Notes: Numbering is by page number. Letters are added to hymns that start on the same page.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
94My soul sits cheerfully beneathPage Scan
95The graceful lilies of the fieldPage Scan
96Jesus, to me thy grace impartPage Scan
97Nothing exceeds the holy blissPage Scan
98My feet thy beauteous courts shall treadPage Scan
99Lord, we are met in thy name to praisePage Scan
100aMidst springs and streams in every groundPage Scan
100bSaviour, we would observe this dayPage Scan
101Eternal Lord, our spirits blessPage Scan
102Saviour, we would revere thy namePage Scan
104Praise ye the Lord! my soul, sing praisePage Scan
105See how the joyful morning comesPage Scan
106aCannot the Lord convert and blessPage Scan
106bTen thousand blessings, LordPage Scan
107Let babes and sucklings bringPage Scan
108Lord, while we now approach to theePage Scan
109My youthful soul inspirePage Scan
110Early will I arisePage Scan
111aJesus, my every grace renewPage Scan
111bO for a cheerful, humble mindPage Scan
112How happy is the sacred placePage Scan
113Moses, did fear the LordPage Scan
114Young Timothy was early taughtPage Scan
115These are the days that were foretoldPage Scan
116Lord, I am young,--thy help I needPage Scan
117Our Father, thou, the living GodPage Scan
118aJesus! thy kingdom comePage Scan
118bSaviour! with earnest, humble, prayerPage Scan
119Thanks to the Lord, whose boundless gracePage Scan
120Glory to him, whose power I trustPage Scan
121aThis morning Lord attendPage Scan
121bCome, children, let us singPage Scan
122With time beyond the floodPage Scan
123Eternal Sov'reign of the skyPage Scan
124Jesus, assembled in thy namePage Scan
125Jesus, hallow'd be thy namePage Scan
126Welcome, the Lord's anointedPage Scan
128O we hear delightful singingPage Scan
129Lord, we have met to celebratePage Scan
131Sweetest child, how much I love theePage Scan
132Life, how short, how brief its storyPage Scan
133aWith solemn feeling now we payPage Scan
133bAs parting day from earth retiresPage Scan
134Farewell to the world, for glory I'm boundPage Scan
135Let every soul rejoicePage Scan
136aPraise ye the Lord, who kindly rulesPage Scan
136bPraise ye the Lord, the Holy OnePage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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