Hymns of the Centuries: Sunday School Edition

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1Rejoice, ye pure in heartMARIONPage Scan
2Father, again in Jesus' name we meetPENITENTIAPage Scan
3When morning gilds the skiesLAUDES DOMINIPage Scan
4Holy, holy, holy, Lord God AlmightyNICAEAPage Scan
5Ev'ry morning mercies newKELSOPage Scan
6Crown Him with many crownsDIADEMATAPage Scan
7O Father, hear my morning prayerEVERSLEYPage Scan
8My Father, for another nightLUCIUSPage Scan
9Ye that have spent the silent nightFESTAL HYMNPage Scan
10Softly now the light of daySEYMOURPage Scan
11Hear our pray'r, O heav'nly FatherSPRINGHILLPage Scan
12Saviour, breathe an evening blessingEVENING PRAYERPage Scan
13The day Thou gavest, Lord, is endedST. CLEMENTPage Scan
14Sun of my soul, Thou Saviour dearHURSLEYPage Scan
15Now the day is overMERRIALPage Scan
16My God, how endless is Thy love!ST. POLYCARPPage Scan
17God be with you till we meet againFAREWELLPage Scan
18Saviour, now the day is endingGOUNODPage Scan
19Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessingSICILIAN MARINERSPage Scan
20Saviour, again to Thy dear name we raiseELLERSPage Scan
21Almighty God, Thy word is castLAMBETHPage Scan
22May the grace of Christ our SaviourSARDISPage Scan
23Jesus, we love to meet on this Thy holy dayBEECHCROFTPage Scan
24O day of rest and gladnessAURELIAPage Scan
25Again the morn of gladnessMORN OF GLADNESSPage Scan
26Sweet, is the work, O LordFRANCONIAPage Scan
27Praise the Lord, His glories showCHORAL SONGPage Scan
28My God, I thank Thee, who hast madeWENTWORTHPage Scan
29Saviour King, in hallowed unionLOVE DIVINEPage Scan
30O be joyful in the LordROLANDPage Scan
31Brightly gleams our bannerST. THERESAPage Scan
32Come, Thou Almighty KingITALIAN HYMNPage Scan
33Saviour, blessed SaviourERLINGPage Scan
34For the beauty of the earthGRATEFUL PRAISEPage Scan
35Above the clear blue skyCHILDREN'S VOICESPage Scan
36With happy voices singingLYMINGTONPage Scan
37O Saviour, precious SaviourWESTWOODPage Scan
38Ancient of days, Who sittest, throned in gloryANCIENT OF DAYSPage Scan
39God, my King, Thy might confessingST. OSWALDPage Scan
40O God, we praise Thee, and confessANAGOLAPage Scan
41Angel voices, ever singingANGEL VOICESPage Scan
42Come, praise your Lord and SaviourEXULTATIONPage Scan
43Glory to the Father giveCRESSBROOKPage Scan
44With gladsome hearts we comeTHE CHILDREN'S KINGPage Scan
45Far above in highest heavenCHILDREN'S KINGPage Scan
46Singing for Jesus, our Saviour and KingBROMHAMPage Scan
47See, amid the winter's snowCHRISTMAS MORNPage Scan
48Holy night, peaceful nightHOLY NIGHTPage Scan
49All my heart this night rejoicesSTELLA (PARKER)Page Scan
50What child is this, who laid to restHOLY CHILDPage Scan
51Brightest and best of the sons of the morningMORNING STARPage Scan
52Stars all bright are beamingNATIVITYPage Scan
53Like silver lamps in a distant shrineANGEL'S SONGPage Scan
54Waken, Christian childrenCHRISTMAS CAROLPage Scan
55When Christ was born in BethlehemNEVINPage Scan
56O little town of BethlehemST. LOUISPage Scan
57Come, ye lofty, come, ye lowlyCHRISTMASTIDEPage Scan
58Once in royal David's cityIRBYPage Scan
59From the eastern mountainsPRINCETHORPEPage Scan
60We three kings of Orient areKINGS OF ORIENTPage Scan
61There's a beautiful star, a beautiful starSTELLAPage Scan
62There came three kings, ere break of dayEPIPHANYPage Scan
63There is no name so sweet on earthBLESSED NAMEPage Scan
64When the Lord of love was hereARMSTRONGPage Scan
65All glory, laud and honorLANCASHIREPage Scan
66Galilee, bright GalileeGALILEE (SHERWIN)Page Scan
67Hosanna! loud hosanna!ELLACOMBEPage Scan
68Thou didst leave Thy throne and Thy kingly crownMARGARETPage Scan
69Immortal Love, forever fullSERENITYPage Scan
70When, His salvation bringingHOSANNAPage Scan
71Ride on! ride on in majesty!PARK STREETPage Scan
72In the cross of Christ I gloryRATHBUNPage Scan
73Cross of Jesus, cross of sorrowCROSS OF JESUSPage Scan
74There is a green hill far awayMEDITATIONPage Scan
75God hath still His angels to the earth againJOYFUL TIDINGSPage Scan
76Easter flow'rs are blooming brightEASTER FLOWERSPage Scan
77Let the merry Church bells ring!EASTERPage Scan
78We say to all men, far and nearBRENTPage Scan
79Christ is risen! Christ is risen!RESURREXITPage Scan
80Christ the Lord is ris'n todayUNIVERSITY COLLEGEPage Scan
81Welcome, happy morning! age to age shall sayCALKINPage Scan
82Jesus Christ is ris'n todayWORGANPage Scan
83Christ the Lord is risen againLAETABUNDUSPage Scan
84Come, sing with holy gladnessGLAD THANKSGIVINGPage Scan
85Awake, glad soul! awake, awake!EASTER GLORYPage Scan
86Alleluia! Alleluia! Hearts and voices heav'nward raiseLUX EOIPage Scan
87Come, ye faithful, raise the strainST. KEVINPage Scan
88Rejoice, the Lord is KingARTHUR'S SEATPage Scan
89All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name!CORONATIONPage Scan
90Golden harps are soundingST. THERESA
91Christ our King to heav'n ascendethFALFIELDPage Scan
92At the Name of JesusVESPERSPage Scan
93Sing, ye faithful, sing with gladness!ELLERTONPage Scan
94Holy Spirit, hear usLYNDHURSTPage Scan
95Gracious Spirit, dwell with meBREAD OF HEAVENPage Scan
96Holy Spirit, Truth divineHAVENPage Scan
97Gracious Spirit, Love divine!BUCKLANDPage Scan
98Shine Thou upon us, LordSUPPLICATIONPage Scan
99Break Thou the bread of lifeBREAD OF LIFEPage Scan
100Thy Word is like a garden, LordWESTGATEPage Scan

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