Hymns for the Children of the Church: with accompanying tunes

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
191In the dark and silent nightELMSTONEPage Scan
192The stars at last are seenTHE STARS AT LAST ARE SEENPage Scan
193Jesus, loving SaviourGUARDIAN ANGELSPage Scan
194We should not be afraid at nightKNIGHTONPage Scan
195The Church's one foundationAURELIAPage Scan
196We love Thy Church, O LordEPSOMPage Scan
197One with the Apostolic bandHENLOWPage Scan
198The Church! the Church! the Holy Church!ECCLESIAPage Scan
199O happy fold! O happy Church!JERUSALEMPage Scan
200She is the Fold of JesusTHE CHURCH OF ENGLANDPage Scan
201Faith of our fathers! living stillFAITH OF OUR FATHERSPage Scan
202Gracious words of thee are spokenS. ASAPHPage Scan
203There is one true and only GodPALESTINEPage Scan
204My God, how wonderful Thou artBEETHOVENPage Scan
205O Heavenly Father, day by dayBURBAGEPage Scan
206Oh may we feel how great God isEVENLEYPage Scan
207There is an Eye that never sleepsBELGRAVEPage Scan
208Lead us, Heavenly Father, lead usSTAPLEFORDPage Scan
209There is no name so sweet on earthNO NAME SO SWEETPage Scan
210O Christ, the Prince of GloryHARTESTPage Scan
211Christ is our King and MasterS. NINIANPage Scan
212O divinest Childhood of my Saviour dearS. ALBAN (132)Page Scan
213Christ, Who once amongst usPASTOR BONUSPage Scan
214There is a green hill far awaySAWLEYPage Scan
215When, His salvation bringingWHEN, HIS SALVATION BRINGINGPage Scan
216The Lamb of God by Jordan standsEXETERPage Scan
217The crowds had silent stoodCASTERTONPage Scan
218Far o'er the lake of GalileeOXFORDPage Scan
219O Holy Lord, content to fillDUNELMPage Scan
220O brightness of eternal lightS. MARTIN-LE-GRANDPage Scan
221[We're God's dear children heirs of heaven]
222Gentle Saviour, meek and mildGENTLE SAVIOURPage Scan
223Dear Saviour! Who hast called usOAKHILLPage Scan
224Do not quarrel, do not chideS. JOHNPage Scan
225Each little flower that opensALL THINGS BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFULPage Scan
226Do no sinful actionSTURRYPage Scan
227On the goods that are not thineON THE GOODS THAT ARE NOT THINEPage Scan
228Speak carefully, O Christian childTOTTENHAMPage Scan
229Leaning on Thee, my Guide, my FriendLEANING ON THEEPage Scan
230Lord, I hear of showers of blessingCAMPSEA ASHPage Scan
231Come, Blessed Paraclete!VESPERPage Scan
232O Holy Ghost, Eternal LightHOWARDPage Scan
233Creator Spirit, Holy GuestBROOKFIELDPage Scan
234Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly DoveWAREHAMPage Scan
235Come, O Creator Spirit!JERUSALEMPage Scan
236I met the Good Shepherd but now on the plainOXFORDPage Scan
237Faithful Shepherd, feed meS. ALBAN'S (289)Page Scan
238Jesus is our Shepherd! wiping every tear!BUXTONAPage Scan
239Saviour, like a Shepherd lead usANGELIPage Scan
240From the fold of JesusLONGHOPEPage Scan
241All the young and weak He bearsWE ARE LAMBS OF JESUS' FOLDPage Scan
242When my bad companionsGUARDIAN ANGELSPage Scan
243Lord, to serve Thee is most sweetBATTISHILLPage Scan
244Work! for the time is flyingCAMELFORDPage Scan
245The morning hours are few and fleetS. CHRISTOPHERPage Scan
246Thine by our creationS. ALBAN (335)Page Scan
247Make us holySLINGSBYPage Scan
248O Jesus! God and Man!O JESUS! GOD AND MANPage Scan
249Lord, a little band and lowlyARUNDELPage Scan
250I know it would be very wrongS. GEORGEPage Scan
251God be with us—tender FatherGOD BE WITH USPage Scan
252God has said, For ever blessedBLEANPage Scan
253In the hour of trialMAGDALENEPage Scan
254Fierce was the wild billowMENDIPPage Scan
255From Egypt's bondage comeEXODUSPage Scan
256Father of Lights, our Father goodWEST HILLPage Scan
257O Lord Jesus, Lamb of God!O LORD JESUS, LAMB OF GODPage Scan
258O blessed Saviour, help meRUTHERFORDPage Scan
259When Jesus Christ lived here on earthWHEN JESUS CHRIST LIVED HEREPage Scan
260Oh! how oft when I read that sweet story that tellsSWEET STORY OF OLDPage Scan
261I love to hear the storyBOWDLER, NO. 178Page Scan
262When of old the Jewish mothersWHEN OF OLDPage Scan
263When Christ blessed the little childrenWHEN CHRIST BLESSED THE LITTLE CHILDRENPage Scan
264Dark rising in the distant skyAQUILOPage Scan
265Jesus, dearest SaviourPRINCETHORPEPage Scan
266Jesus is our loving SaviourOWEN (49)Page Scan
267Thy Word, O God, shall shineASCENSIONPage Scan
268We love to raise our voices highDARWALL'S CHRISTMAS HYMNPage Scan
269Jesus, the children's KingHOLY ROODPage Scan
270Far away beyond the cloudsLEWESPage Scan
271Sinner, Christ is callingST. ETHELBERGAPage Scan
272We come to Thee, sweet SaviourSALVATIONPage Scan
273Come, oh come to Jesus, listen to the callGODMERSHAMPage Scan
274I lay my sins on JesusOAKHILLPage Scan
275How shall I answer to my GodHOW SHALL I ANSWER?Page Scan
276Peace and pardon, Lord, I needTHETFORDPage Scan
277To endless ages let us praiseASCENDENSPage Scan
278Poor and needy though I beGERMAN HYMNPage Scan
279We are marching thro' the desertWE ARE MARCHINGPage Scan
280As we tread life's pilgrim journeyNORWOODPage Scan
281I am a Christian soldierCHRISTIAN SOLDIERPage Scan
282The battle is strong, and the fight is longS. KEYNEPage Scan
283When on our infant brow was signedHARBLEDOWNPage Scan
284Soldiers of Christ are we!SOLDIERS OF CHRIST ARE WEPage Scan
285Haste, haste, our King is callingHERNEPage Scan
286Still onward we must wanderPILGRIMSPage Scan
287Children of the Heavenly KingMILES' HOPEPage Scan
288In the Cross of Christ I gloryOBERLINPage Scan
289Since the day when first we cameOWEN (40)Page Scan
290Blessed are the pure in heartS. CROSSPage Scan

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