Hymns for Schools: with appropriate selections from scripture and tunes suited to the metres of the hymns (3rd ed.)

Editor: Charles D. Cleveland
Publisher: E. C. & J. Biddle, Philadelphia, 1852
Language: English
Notes: Tunes can be found in the back of the hymnal.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101Ye hearts with youthful vigor warmPage Scan
102Quiet, Lord! my froward heartPage Scan
103Great Source of life and lightPage Scan
104Thee will I love, O Lord! my strengthPage Scan
105Gently, Lord, oh! gently lead usPage Scan
106My shepherd is the living LordPage Scan
107There is an hour of peaceful restPage Scan
108What precept, Jesus, is like thinePage Scan
109O thou, to whom, in ancient timePage Scan
110Return, my roving heart, returnPage Scan
111Great God! how infinite art thou!Page Scan
112Early, my God! without delayPage Scan
113Upward I lift mine eyesPage Scan
114Oh, could I find, from day to dayPage Scan
115Be thou exalted, O my GodPage Scan
116Nor eye hath seen--nor ear hath heardPage Scan
117'Tis by the faith of joys to comePage Scan
118Bestow, O Lord, upon our youthPage Scan
119Children!--in years and knowledge youngPage Scan
120Rise, my sou! and stretch thy wingsPage Scan
121Great Saviour! who didst condescendPage Scan
122Hail! reviving, joyous springPage Scan
123God of the morning! at thy voicePage Scan
124When, streaming from the eastern skiesPage Scan
125God of love, we look to theePage Scan
126O Lord, another day has flownPage Scan
127Thou only Sovereign of my heartPage Scan
128Come, blessed Spirit, Source of lightPage Scan
129Father of mercies! in thy wordPage Scan
130Far from thy servants, God of gracePage Scan
131Alas, what hourly dangers risePage Scan
132O thou that hear'st when sinners cryPage Scan
133Come, we that love the LordPage Scan
134Arise, my soul, with rapture risePage Scan
135There is a land of pure delightPage Scan
136Providence, profusely kindPage Scan
137Happy the children of the LordPage Scan
138High in the heavens, eternal God!Page Scan
139Guide me, O thou great JehovahPage Scan
140Father, thy paternal carePage Scan
141With humble heart and tonguePage Scan
142We sin, whenever we pursuePage Scan
143How happy is the child who hearsPage Scan
144Sweet peace of conscience, heavenly guest!Page Scan
145High in yonder realms of lightPage Scan
146May I resolve, with all my heartPage Scan
147Through all the changing scenes of lifePage Scan
148Great God! to thee our songs we raisePage Scan
149Ye glittering toys of earth, adieuPage Scan
150Holy, holy, holy LordPage Scan
151There is a God,--all nature speaksPage Scan
152Gracious Spirit--Love divine!Page Scan
153'Tis summer, glorious summerPage Scan
154Behold the sun, how brightPage Scan
155Thou art, O God, the life and lightPage Scan
156Come! said Jesus' sacred voicePage Scan
157Joy to the world,--the Lord is comePage Scan
158Great Father of each perfect gift!Page Scan
159O Zion, tune thy voicePage Scan
160Perpetual Source of light and gracePage Scan
161Great God, attend while here we singPage Scan
162The dove, let loose in Eastern skiesPage Scan
163Sweet is the work, O Lord!Page Scan
164Feeble, helpless, how shall IPage Scan
165Great God, to thee my voice I raisePage Scan
166O bless the Lord, my soul!Page Scan
167Ye nations round the earth! rejoicePage Scan
168"Thy kingdom come!" All sinful landsPage Scan
169Praise to God; oh! let us raisePage Scan
170Happy is he who fears the LordPage Scan
171My gracious Lord, I own thy rightPage Scan
172Saviour, I thy word believePage Scan
173O God, let this my morning songPage Scan
174Lord, when my raptured thought surveysPage Scan
175Jesus, hail! enthroned in gloryPage Scan
176Blest is the man whose softening heartPage Scan
177Awake, and sing the songPage Scan
178Thou lovely source of true delightPage Scan
179Come, weary souls! with sins distressedPage Scan
180Our heavenly Father callsPage Scan
181Welcome now another morningPage Scan
182Who, O Lord, when life is o'erPage Scan
183To praise the ever-bounteous LordPage Scan
184My son, know thou the LordPage Scan
185Shine, mighty God, on Zion shinePage Scan
186Lord, when thine ancient people criedPage Scan
187My God! the spring of all my joysPage Scan
188Since all the varying scenes of timePage Scan
189Blest be the tie that bindsPage Scan
190Thou that dost my life prolongPage Scan
191Thus saith the first, the great commandPage Scan
192O thou! whose tender mercy hearsPage Scan
193And dost thou say, "Ask what thou wilt?Page Scan
194Guide, O Lord, our youthful bandPage Scan
195My gracious Lord, whose changeless lovePage Scan
196My Saviour, let me hear thy voicePage Scan
197Before thy mercy's thronePage Scan
198O thou, to whose all-searching sightPage Scan
199Father of mercies--God of love!Page Scan
200Arise! arise!--with joy surveyPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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