Glory and Praise (3rd. ed.)

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
688We must all be born again to see the kingdom of God[We must all be born again to see the kingdom of God]
689Your words, O Lord, are a feast for my soul[Your words, O Lord, are a feast for my soul]Page Scan
690Here I am, O Lord, my God[Here I am, O Lord, my God]Page Scan
691You are the Word who calls us out of darkness[You are the Word who calls us out of darkness]Page Scan
692God's law is perfect, refreshing the soul[God's law is perfect, refreshing the soul]Page Scan
693O Lord, my God, how great, how glorious![O Lord, my God, how great, how glorious]Page Scan
694O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonder[O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonder]TextPage Scan
695Serve you the Lord, heart filled with gladness[Serve you the Lord, heart filled with gladness]
696Beautiful Savior, King of creationST. ELIZABETHTextPage Scan
697For the fruits of this creationAR HYD Y NOSTextPage Scan
698God, beyond our dreams[God, beyond our dreams]Page Scan
699I sing the mighty pow'r of GodELLACOMBETextPage Scan
700Give thanks to the Lord who does wondrous deeds[Give thanks to the Lord who does wondrous deeds]Page Scan
701Sing, rivers and rainstorms![Sing, rivers and rainstorms]Page Scan
702Come, ye thankful people, comeST. GEORGE'S WINDSORTextPage Scan
703We plow the fields and scatterHEISLMANTextPage Scan
704Now thank we all our GodNUN DANKETTextPage Scan
705For the beauty of the earthDIXTextPage Scan
706Let all things now livingASH GROVE
707You have made me little less than a god[You have made me little less than a god]Page Scan
708You are more than we imagine[You are more than we imagine]Page Scan
709Good it is that we should sing[Good it is that we should sing]Page Scan
710Juan vio el número de los redimados (All of the faithful were gathered 'round the table)[Juan vio el número de los redimados]Page Scan
711Come, Christians, join to singMADRIDTextPage Scan
712Break into song at the deeds of the Lord[Break into song at the deeds of the Lord]Page Scan
713Father, Father, maker of the world [Father, Father, maker of the world]
714All creatures of our God and KingLASST UNS ERFREUENTextPage Scan
715Been so busy praising my Jesus[Been so busy praising my Jesus]Page Scan
716Mold us, mold us and fashion us[Mold us, mold us and fashion us]Page Scan
717Blessed by your sacrificeST. ELIZABETHPage Scan
718From all that dwell below the skiesOLD HUNDREDTHTextPage Scan
719God, we praise you! God, we bless you!NETTLETONText
720What hope we have[What hope we have]Page Scan
721Holy God, we praise thy nameGROSSER GOTTTextPage Scan
722I will give thanks to you, my Lord[I will give thanks to you, my Lord]Page Scan
723We, the daughters and sons of him[We, the daughters and sons of him]Page Scan
724I will praise my Father[I will praise my Father]Page Scan
725Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth![Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth!]Page Scan
726Joyful, joyful, we adore theeHYMN TO JOYTextPage Scan
727Cry out with joy to the Lord, all you nations![Cry out with joy to the Lord, all you nations!]
728May we praise you, O Lord[May we praise you, O Lord]Page Scan
729O bless the Lord, highest heavens above![O bless the Lord, highest heavens above]Page Scan
730Let all mortal flesh keep silencePICARDYTextPage Scan
731Praise the Lord! ye heav'ns, adore himHYMN TO JOYTextPage Scan
732Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creationLOBE DEN HERRENTextPage Scan
733O God beyond all praisingTHAXTEDText
734We gather together to ask the Lord's blessingKREMSERTextPage Scan
735Praise, my soul, the King of heavenLAUDA ANIMATextPage Scan
736Your wisdom made the heavens and the earth, O Lord[Your wisdom made the heavens and the earth, O Lord]
737Praise God in this holy dwelling[Praise God in this holy dwelling]
738Praise the Lord, my soul[Praise the Lord, my soul]Page Scan
739Shout with gladness! Dance for joy![Shout with gladness! Dance for joy]Page Scan
740Sing of the Lord's goodness[Sing of the Lord's goodness]Page Scan
741Let my soul rejoice in the King[Let my soul rejoice in the King]
742Be glad, O Israel, because of your creator[Be glad, O Israel, because of your creator]Page Scan
743The heavens proclaim God's name[The heavens proclaim God's name]Page Scan
744Sing, O sing, like the wind and sea[Sing, O sing, like the wind and sea]Page Scan
745My country, 'tis of theeAMERICATextPage Scan
746Eternal Father, strong to saveMELITATextPage Scan
747This is my song, O God of all the nationsFINLANDIA
748God of our fathers, whose almighty handNATIONAL HYMNTextPage Scan
749O beautiful for spacious skiesMATERNATextPage Scan
750Soon and very soon SOON AND VERY SOON
751Then shall the trees, the trees of the forest exult[Then shall the trees, the trees of the forest exult]
752And on that day will justice triumph[And on that day will justice triumph]Page Scan
753Jesus died upon the cross[Jesus died upon the cross]Page Scan
754Worthy are you, O Paschal Lamb[Worthy are you, O Paschal Lamb]Page Scan
755Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the LordBATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLICTextPage Scan
756Beauty ever ancient and new[Beauty ever ancient and new]Page Scan
757Blest are you, the poor who trust the Father with your lives[Blest are you, the poor who trust the Father with your lives]
758I will not die before I've lived to see that land[I will not die before I've lived to see that land]Page Scan
759Blest are they, the poor in spirit[Blest are they, the poor in spirit]
760Blessed are the poor in spirit, longing for their Lord[Blessed are the poor in spirit, longing for their Lord]Page Scan
761We must wait for the Lord[We must wait for the Lord]Page Scan
762What shall we fear[What shall we fear]Page Scan
763O you who taught the mud to dream[O you who taught the mud to dream]Page Scan
764If God is for us, who can be against us?[If God is for us, who can be against us]Page Scan
765Say to the cities of Judah[Say to the cities of Judah]Page Scan
766Great is your faithfulness, O God[Great is your faithfulness, O God]Page Scan
767I will never forget you, my people[I will never forget you, my people]Page Scan
768I know that nothing in this world[I know that nothing in this world]Page Scan
769Come, then, O Lord of glory[Come, then, O Lord of glory]
770O let all who thirst[O let all who thirst]Page Scan
771Faithful and true is the word of our God[Faithful and true is the word of our God]Page Scan
772Seek the face of the Lord and long for him[Seek the face of the Lord and long for him]Page Scan
773Shall we gather at the riverHANSON PLACETextPage Scan
774Sing with all the saints in gloryHYMN TO JOYTextPage Scan
775Jerusalem, my happy home when shall I comeLAND OF RESTTextPage Scan
776Then I saw a new earth, a new heaven[Then I saw a new earth, a new heaven]Page Scan
777I am the Way, the Truth and the Life[I am the Way, the Truth and the Life]Page Scan
778Morning has brokenBUNESSAN
779This day God gives meBUNESSANPage Scan
780Abide with me! fast falls the eventideEVENTIDETextPage Scan
781Day is done, but Love unfailingAR HYD Y NOSPage Scan
782Now at the daylight's ending[Now at the daylight's ending]Page Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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