The Faith We Sing

The Faith We Sing is a supplement to the 1989 United Methodist Hymnal. Like many recent hymnal supplements, the 284 songs included in the collection explore new hymnic territory: recently written hymn texts, praise & worship, non-western musics, gender neutral texts, etc. The pew edition is slim enough to fit in a pew rack with the UMH, but a number of other editions expand one's options: the singer's edition (for choir and soloists), accompaniment and simplified editions (piano/organ), worship planner edition, guitar edition, and braille, American sign language, and MIDI editions.
Publisher: Abingdon Press, 2001
Denomination: United Methodist Church
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
2201Lord, let your kingdom come. Your will be done[Prayers of the People]
2202Come away with me to a quiet placeRECREATION
2203In his time, in his timeGOD'S TIME
2204You are the Light of the World, O LordLIGHT OF THE WORLD (CARD)
2205I will thank you, Lord, with all of my heartINCENSE
2206We return to you deep withinWE BELIEVE
2207On bended knee with needy heartsLISTEN
2208Guide my feet while I run this raceGUIDE MY FEETText
2209How long, O Lord, will you forgetHOW LONGText
2210Weeping may comeDAWN (Light)
2211Faith is patience in the nightFAITHSONG
2212My life flows on in endless songHOW CAN I KEEP FROM SINGINGTextPage ScanAudio
2213You who know our fears and sadnessHEALER OF OUR EVERY ILL
2214I am weak and I need thy strengthLEAD ME, GUIDE ME
2215I cast all my cares upon youCARES CHORUS
2216When we are called to sing your praiseKINGSFOLD
2217By the Babylonian riversKAS DZIEDAJA
2218I will come to you in the silenceYOU ARE MINE
2219Goodness is stronger than evilGOODNESS IS STRONGER
2220We are God's people, the chosen of the LordSYMPHONY
2221In unity we lift our songEIN' FESTE BURG
2222Brother, sister, let me serve youTHE SERVANT SONG
2223We are one in the SpiritST. BRENDAN'S
2224Make us one, Lord, make us oneMAKE US ONE
2225Who is my motherKINDREDTextPage Scan
2226There is only one GodBIND US TOGETHER
2227One heart, one Spirit, one voice to praise youBODY OF CHRIST
2228Sacred the body God has createdRUDDLE
2229We are one in Christ Jesus, all one body (Somos uno en Cristo, somos uno)SOMOS UNO
2230Lord, we come to ask your blessingSUGAR GROVEText
2231Look at how good it is (Miren que beno es)MIREN QUE BUENO
2232Come now, O Prince of Peace (O-so-so o-so-so)GEONYONG
2233This, this is where children belongRITCHIE
2234Lead on, O cloud of PresenceLANCASHIRE
2235We are singing for the Lord is our lightSIYAHAMBATextPage Scan
2235bWe are marching in the light of GodSIYAHAMBA
2236Here in this place new light is streamingGATHER US IN
2237As a fire is meant for burningBEACHSPRING
2238In the midst of new dimensionsNEW DIMENSIONS
2239Go ye, go ye into the worldGO YE, GO YE
2240All the gifts that God has givenONE GOD
2241The Spirit sends us forth to serveLAND OF REST
2242When Moses heard the call of GodGLASER
2243We all are one in missionKUORTANEText
2244People need the Lord,PEOPLE NEED THE LORD
2245Within the day to dayTWENTY
2246Deep in the shadows of the pastKINGSFOLDTextPage Scan
2247Wonder of wonders, here revealedPENTECOST
2248Baptized in water, sealed by the Spirit,BUNESSANText
2249We this day do all agreeFARR
2250O brother, do you love Jesus?HIS NAME SO SWEETText
2251We were baptized in Christ JesusOUIMETTE
2252Come as a child, come to the watersCOME, BE BAPTIZEDTextPage Scan
2253Water, River, Spirit, GraceTRES RIOS
2254In remembrance of me, eat this breadRED
2255In the singing, in the silenceBREAD OF PEACETextPage Scan
2256Holy, holy holy Lord of power and mightSANCTUS (IONA)
2257aThe Lord be with you[The Lord be with you] (Miller)
2257bHoly, holy, holy, Lord[Holy, holy, holy, Lord] (Miller)Text
2257cChrist has died, Christ is risen[Christ has died, Christ is risen] (Miller)Text
2257dAmen. Amen. Amen. Hosanna in the highest![Amen. Amen. Amen.] (Miller)
2258Sing alleluia to the Lord!SING ALLELUIA
2259Victim Divine, thy grace we claimSELENATextPage ScanAudio
2260I am the bread of life, broken for allLET US BE BREAD
2261Coming together we celebrate lifeMANALO
2262As the growing wheat will ripen (Como el trigo de los campos)OFERTORIO
2263He offered his body; he poured out his soulBROKEN FOR ME
2264Come to the table of mercyTABLE OF MERCY
2265Time now to gatherWELCOME SONG
2266Here is bread, here is wineHERE IS BREAD
2267I will bless the Lord at all timesTASTE AND SEE
2268As we gather at your tableRAQUELTextPage Scan
2269We gather here in Jesus' nameDIVERNON
2270I will enter his gates with thanksgiving in my heartLEONA
2271Worship and rememberNATALIE
2272We are standing on holy groundHOLY GROUND
2273Jesus, we are here (Jesu, tawa pano)MATSIKENYIRI
2274Come, all you people (Uyaimose, tinnamate Mwari)UYAI MOSE
2275Kyrie, Kyrie eleisonNEW WORLDText
2276Lord God, heavenly KingGLORIA (Mass of Light)
2277Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy.SINGAPURA
2278Our Father in heaven, holy is your nameLORD'S PRAYER (OPPENHEIMER)
2279You shall go out with joyTHE TREES OF THE FIELD
2280The Lord bless and keep youSTRATHDEE BENEDICTION
2281May you run and not be weary.PRINCE OF PEACE
2282Some glad morning when this life is o'erI'LL FLY AWAY
2283For all the saints who've shown your loveO WALY WALY
2284There'll be joy in the morning on that dayJOY IN THE MORNINGTextPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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