Favorite Songs

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
0There's a beautiful home far up in the sky
1I'm going along, o'erflowing with song
2God's wonderful love is precious to me
3When God shut Noah in the grand old ark
4With Jesus I would ever be, His matchless name adore
5On the top of Mount Zion is a city
6We should not doubt our God supreme
7So many believe that themselves they can save
8I've just a little longer in this lonely world
9There's a country far beyond the starry sky
10There's a God who's standing at heaven's door
11In the resurrection morning when the trump of God shall sound
12Living in his presence and in true accord
13Glory, hallulujah, I shall not be moved
14Often I've heard of heaven, wonderful country
15Soon I am going to a city so fair
16I love my Savior for he saved me from shame
17When my soul is singing in the [that] promised land above
18We belong to Jesus our king
19Sometimes when misgivings darken the day
20As I stand by the broad rolling river
21Labor on each day
22When with the Savior we enter the glory land
23I shall not bear the cross through yon city
24On the way home to glory
25Peter lovest thou me
26Living for Jesus we are happy each day
27Since my soul is saved I'm on my way
28I'm in the way, the bright and shining way
29I have heard of a land on the far away strand
30Do not sing, Will there be any stars in my crown
31'Tis a sweet and glorious thought that comes
32Let me live for him who truly loves me
33Pray without ceasing the Master said
34While on life's journey here below
35A charge to keep I have, A God to glorify
36There's a happy land of promise
37Who is that calling for me to come
38Travel in the upward way
39Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, That saved
40Rocking on the billows
41Alas, and did my Savior bleed? And did my Sovereign die?
42I am needy, Lord, and am prone to stray
43O Lord, show my feet which way to go
44Happy new songs we all shall sing
45This is the song my heart is ever singing
46I am walking home with Jesus
47Over the tide of life's wonderful sea
48My Savior came down from glory on high
49I can hear my [the] Savior calling
50It matters not how drear the road
51There is an unseen hand to me
52My precious Savior suffered pain and agonyPage Scan
53I'm laboring on with patience each dayPage Scan
54I was lost and sad, but today I'm glad
55Scatter cheer far and near
56As you travel on your way
57Beneath his wings I dwell in peace
58We shall sing a sweeter song than now
59Whenever a storm sweepeth o'er me
60Jesus is so wonderful
61O listen to our wondrous story
62Once I bore a burden great
63My latest sun is sinking fast, My race is nearly run
64God's great love is shining like sunbeams
65God be with you till we meet again
66I'm traveling on to the new Jerusalem
67Children of the heavenly king as we journey
68We're looking for a city, the final soul's abode
69O thou that hearest prayer, attend
70O wondrous love of God for me
71Watchman, see, a storm is forming
72Some morning fair, my Lord will call
73Why did my Savior come to earth
74I am often tossed and driven
75Down to the sacred wave
76O beautiful land, O glorified shore
77O love surpassing knowledge
78You may not understand why I am happy
79Though in his word no record shows that smiling He could be
80We sing of God's love, we tell of his grace
81Blessed Savior, keep us
82I am longing for the coming of the snow-white
83There will come a day when the Lord shall say
84We are fighting for Jehovah
85I have a song within my soul
86I've read about the holy city
87I know I'll live up there some golden day
88I am happy on the shining way
89Am I a soldier of the cross
90I was a sinner, sad and forlorn
91Earthly wealth and fame may never come to me
92In the new found way, the gospel highway Leading to the home eternal
93The Savior now walks with me and sweetly
94Walking with Jesus along the way
95We have accepted Christ the Lord of all
96They crucified our blessed Savior
97How I love the great Redeemer
98Won't you hear the Savior calling
99As I travel through this pilgrim land

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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