Fellowship Hymns

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
99I love to tell the StoryHANKEYPage Scan
100My dear Redeemer, and my LordFEDERAL STREETPage Scan
101Tell me the Old, Old StoryTELL ME THE OLD, OLD STORYPage Scan
102The heavens declare Thy glory, LordGERMANYPage Scan
103Love divine, all loves excellingBEECHERPage Scan
104I was a wandering sheepLEBANONPage Scan
105Thou didst leave Thy throne and Thy kingly crownMARGARETPage Scan
106I gave My life for theeI GAVE MY LIFE FOR THEEPage Scan
107There's a wideness in God's mercyWELLESLEYPage Scan
108O love divine, that stoop'd to shareQUEBECPage Scan
109God is love—His mercy brightensTALMARPage Scan
110O Jesus, Thou art standingST. HILDAPage Scan
111I heard the voice of Jesus sayVOX DILECTIPage Scan
112Come unto Me, ye wearyMESSIAHPage Scan
113Behold a Stranger at the door!BERAPage Scan
114Tho' your sins be as scarletTHOUGH YOUR SINS BE AS SCARLETPage Scan
115While Jesus whispers to youCOME, SINNER, COMEPage Scan
116Oh, tender and sweet was the Father's voiceOVER THE LINEPage Scan
117God calling yet! shall I not hear?ZEPHYRPage Scan
118Jesus is tenderly calling thee homeCALLING TODAYPage Scan
119Art thou weary, art thou languidSTEPHANOSPage Scan
120Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languishALMEPage Scan
121Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly wholeWHITER THAN SNOWPage Scan
122Master, the tempest is ragingMASTER, THE TEMPEST IS RAGING!Page Scan
123Pass me not, O gentle SaviourPASS ME NOTPage Scan
124Weary of earth, and laden with my sinLANGRANPage Scan
125aRock of Ages, cleft for meTOPLADYPage Scan
125bRock of Ages, cleft for meGETHSEMANEPage Scan
126Depth of mercy! can there beSEYMOURPage Scan
127Lord, at thy mercy seatSCOTCH MELODYPage Scan
128Who is on the Lord's side?ARMAGEDDONPage Scan
129Out of my bondage, sorrow, and nightJESUS, I COMEPage Scan
130Take my life, and let it beHENDONPage Scan
131Just as I am, without one pleaWOODWORTHPage Scan
132Oh, happy day, that fixed my choiceHAMBURGPage Scan
133My life, my love I give to TheeI'LL LIVE FOR THEEPage Scan
134Jesus, I my cross have takenDISCIPLEPage Scan
135O Jesus, I have promisedDAY OF RESTPage Scan
136O happy band of pilgrimsLANCASHIREPage Scan
137Take time to be holyTAKE TIME TO BE HOLYPage Scan
138"Take up thy cross," the Saviour saidQUEBECPage Scan
139Walk in the light! so shalt thou knowVALENTIAPage Scan
140Jesus calls us; o'er the tumultJUDEPage Scan
141I could not do without TheeLUX MUNDIPage Scan
142More holiness give meMORE HOLINESS GIVE MEPage Scan
143Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer!SWEET HOUR OF PRAYERPage Scan
144I need Thee ev'ry hourI NEED THEE EVERY HOURPage Scan
145aTake my heart, O Father, take itST. SYLVESTERPage Scan
145bTake my heart, O Father, take itTALMARPage Scan
146Dear Lord and Father of mankindELTONPage Scan
147Saviour! Thy dying loveSOMETHING FOR JESUSPage Scan
148We would see Jesus—for the shadows lengthenCONSOLATIONPage Scan
149Father, in thy mysterious presence kneelingHOLD THOU MY HANDPage Scan
150Show me Thy face—one transient gleamENGLISH AIRPage Scan
151Prayer is the soul's sincere desireEVANPage Scan
152Father, whate'er of earthly blissNAOMIPage Scan
153Lord, when we bend before Thy throneDOWNSPage Scan
154Nearer, my God, to TheeBETHANYPage Scan
155Saviour, when in dust to TheeSPANISH HYMNPage Scan
156I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voiceDRAW ME NEARERPage Scan
157Lord, I hear of showers of blessingEVEN MEPage Scan
158aMore love to Thee, O Christ!MORE LOVEPage Scan
158bMore love to Thee, O Christ!MORE LOVE TO THEE, O CHRISTPage Scan
159Come, my soul, thy suit prepareINNOCENTSPage Scan
160Draw thou my soul, O ChristST. EDMUNDPage Scan
161My faith looks up to TheeOLIVETPage Scan
162O for a closer walk with GodBEATITUDOPage Scan
163Thou who taught the thronging peopleCOLLEGEPage Scan
164My God, is any hour so sweetALMSGIVINGPage Scan
165Make me a captive, LordLEOMINSTERPage Scan
166I lay my sins on JesusST. HILDAPage Scan
167O holy Saviour Friend unseenFLEMMINGPage Scan
168There is a name I love to hearGEERPage Scan
169Jesus, these eyes have never seenBEATITUDOPage Scan
170My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mineMY JESUS, I LOVE THEEPage Scan
171O Love that wilt not let me goMARGARETPage Scan
172My God, my Father, while I strayALMSGIVINGPage Scan
173Jesus, and shall it ever beFEDERAL STREETPage Scan
174Jesus, Thou joy of loving heartsQUEBECPage Scan
175My Jesus, as thou wilt!JEWETTPage Scan
176Faith of our fathers! living stillST. CATHERINEPage Scan
177Jesus, my Lord, my God, my allADOROPage Scan
178To thee, O dear, dear Saviour!SAVOY CHAPELPage Scan
179aChristian, dost thou see themST. ANDREWPage Scan
179bChristian, dost thou see themGREEK HYMNPage Scan
180How firm a foundation, ye saints of the LordPORTUGUESE HYMNPage Scan
181Awake my soul, stretch every nerveCHRISTMASPage Scan
182The Son of God goes forth to warALL SAINTSPage Scan
183In the hour of trialPENITENCEPage Scan
184Am I a soldier of the crossMARLOWPage Scan
185Fight the good fight with all thy mightERNANPage Scan
186My soul, be on thy guardLABANPage Scan
187Onward, Christian soldiers!ST. GERTRUDEPage Scan
188Must Jesus bear the cross aloneMAITLANDPage Scan
189God's trumpet wakes the slumbering worldCLARIONPage Scan
190Soldiers of Christ, ariseDIADEMATAPage Scan
191Yield not to temptationYIELD NOT TO TEMPTATIONPage Scan
192Soldiers of the cross, ariseCALEDONIAPage Scan
193A mighty fortress is our GodEIN' FESTE BURGPage Scan
194Lift up your heads, ye gates of brass!MATERNAPage Scan

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