Songs of Praise: enlarged edition with music

Editor: Percy Dearmer
Music Editor: Ralph Vaughan Williams, Martin Shaw
Publisher: Oxford University Press, London, 1926
Language: English
Notes: First published in 1926, then in 1931 with succeeding impressions
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
404Thank you for the world so sweet
405We thank thee, loving Father
406All praise and thanks to God
407Be, Lord, the happy guide
408From all that dwell below the skies
409Honor and glory, power and salvation
410I to the hills will lift mine eyes
411I will arise and to my Father go
412In God rejoice! his good endures
413Praise God, from whom all blessings flow
414Praise the Lord of heaven, praise him in the height
415Through north and south and east and west
416To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
417To thee, who makest all
418Worship, honor, glory, blessing
435A brighter dawn is breaking
436A safe stronghold our God is still
437Abide with me; fast falls the eventide
438All as God wills, who wisely heeds
439All creatures of our God and King
440All hail the power of Jesus’ name
441All hail to the Power who giveth men might
442All my hope on God is founded
443All people that on earth do dwell
444All things bright and beautiful
445All things which live below the sky
446And did those feet in ancient time
447And didst thou love the race that loved not thee
448Angels holy, high and lowly
449As pants the hart for cooling streams
450Awake, awake to love and work
451Awake, our souls; away, our fears
452Before thy feet I fall
453Believe not those who say
454Beyond, beyond that boundless sea
455Blest are the pure in heart
456Blest be the day when moved I was
457Book of books, our people’s strength
458Breathe on me, Breath of God
459Brief life is here our portion
460Bright the vision that delighted
461Can I see another’s woe
462Can you count the stars that brightly
463Children of the heavenly King
464Christ is our cornerstone
465Christ, of all my hopes the ground
466Christian, dost thou see them
467Christian, seek not yet repose
468City of God, how broad and far
469Close by the heedless worker’s side
470Come, kindred, upstand in the valor of Jesus
471Come, labor on
472Come, let us join our cheerful songs
473Come, my soul, thy suit prepare
474Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life
475Come now, all people, keep high mirth
476Come, O thou Traveler unknown
477Come, ye people, raise the anthem
478Cometh sunshine after rain
479Commit thou all thy griefs
480Crown him upon the throne
481Dear Lord and Father of mankind
482Enduring Soul of all our life
483Enter thy courts, thou word of life
484Eternal Father, who didst all create
485Eternal Ruler of the ceaseless round
486Everything changes
487Father, hear the prayer we offer
488Father in heaven, who lovest all
489Fierce raged the tempest o’er the deep
490Fierce was the wild billow
491Fight the good fight with all thy might
492Fill thou my life, O Lord my God
493For mercy, courage, kindness, mirth
494For the beauty of the earth
495For the might of thine arm we bless thee
496From glory to glory advancing, we praise thee, O Lord
497Gather us in, thou love that fillest all
498Gird on thy sword, O man, thy strength endue
499Glad that I live am I
500Glorious things of thee are spoken
501God be in my head
502God is love, his the care
503God moves in a mysterious way
504God, who created me
505Good cheer
506Gracious Spirit, dwell with me
507Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost
508Guide me, O thou great Redeemer
509Happy are they, they that love God
510Hark, my soul! it is the Lord
511Hark, what a sound, and too divine
512Hast thou not known, hast thou not heard
513He that is down needs fear no fall
514He wants not friends that hath thy love
515He who would valiant be
516Heavenly Father, may thy blessing
517Help us to help each other, Lord
518Here in the country’s heart
519Hold thou my hands

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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