Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal. 9th ed.

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
a152While o'er our guilty land, O LordTextPage Scan
a153Lord Jesus Christ, the Prince of PeaceTextPage Scan
a154Lord God, we worship Thee!TextPage Scan
a155Unto Caesar let us renderTextPage Scan
a156O bless Thou, Heavenly PotentateTextPage Scan
a157Before Jehovah's awful throneTextPage Scan
a158Let Zion praise the mighty GodTextPage Scan
a159Lord, let Thy goodness lead our landTextPage Scan
a160O come, Eternal SpiritTextPage Scan
a161O Christ, our true and only LightTextPage Scan
a162O Lord, our God, ariseTextPage Scan
a163From Greenland's icy mountainsTextPage Scan
a164Jesus shall reign where'er the sunTextPage Scan
a165Spread, O spread, thou mighty WordTextPage Scan
a166Songs of immortal praise belongTextPage Scan
a167We sing th'almighty power of GodTextPage Scan
a168Maker of all things, mighty Lord!TextPage Scan
a169The Lord is King, lift up thy voiceTextPage Scan
a170Lord, Thy omniscience I adore!TextPage Scan
a171God is love: His mercy brightensTextPage Scan
a172Of Omnipresent Grace I singTextPage Scan
a173The Lord my pasture shall prepareTextPage Scan
a174Thy ways, O Lord! with wise designTextPage Scan
a175God moves in a mysterious wayTextPage Scan
a176Our God is true!--Them He will ne'er forsakeTextPage Scan
a177Our God, our Help in ages pastTextPage Scan
a178'Twas by an order from the LordTextPage Scan
a179God gave His Word by holy menTextPage Scan
a180When Israel through the desert passedTextPage Scan
a181Forsake us not--O Lord be nearTextPage Scan
a182The Law of God is good and wiseTextPage Scan
a183The Gospel shows the Father's graceTextPage Scan
a184Let ev'ry ear attendTextPage Scan
a185Thy Word, O Lord, is gentle dewTextPage Scan
a186The precepts of the Word are pureTextPage Scan
a187In vain would boasting reason findTextPage Scan
a188We have a sure, prophetic WordTextPage Scan
a189Precious Word from God in heavenTextPage Scan
a190Wake, Spirit, who in times now oldenTextPage Scan
a191Glorious things of Thee are spokenTextPage Scan
a192Hark! the Church proclaims her honorTextPage Scan
a193Jesus, whom Thy Church doth ownTextPage Scan
a194I love Thy Zion, Lord!TextPage Scan
a195On the mountain top appearingTextPage Scan
a196Thine honor rescue, righteous Lord!TextPage Scan
a197Thou little flock, be not afraidTextPage Scan
a198Christ, Thou the Champion of the band who ownTextPage Scan
a199Lord, in Thy kingdom there shall beTextPage Scan
a200The saints of earth and those aboveTextPage Scan
a201Great is the Lord our GodTextPage Scan
a202Let Children hear the mighty deedsTextPage Scan
a203O God, may we e'er pure retainTextPage Scan
a204That men a godly life might liveTextPage Scan
a205Wilt thou, O man, live happilyTextPage Scan
a206Almighty Lord of earth and heavenTextPage Scan
a207O Lord, my soul convicted standsTextPage Scan
a208We all believe in one true GodTextPage Scan
a209One true God we all confessTextPage Scan
a210Faith is a living power from heavenTextPage Scan
a211Faith is wisdom from on highTextPage Scan
a212Deluded souls, that dream of heavenTextPage Scan
a213O let triumphant faith dispelTextPage Scan
a214O for a faith that will not shrinkTextPage Scan
a215Prayer is the soul's sincere desireTextPage Scan
a216To Thee, O Lord, will I sing praisesTextPage Scan
a217Our Father dear, who art in heavenTextPage Scan
a218Our heavenly Father, hearTextPage Scan
a219Heavenly Father, Jesus taught usTextPage Scan
a220To Jordan came our Lord, the ChristTextPage Scan
a221Now Christ, the very Son of GodTextPage Scan
a222Dearest Jesus! we are hereTextPage Scan
a223At Jesus' feet our infant sweetTextPage Scan
a224God, in human flesh appearingTextPage Scan
a225How matchless is our Savior's graceTextPage Scan
a226Jesus took the lambs and blessed themTextPage Scan
a227When souls draw near the holy waveTextPage Scan
a228Baptized into Thy name most holyTextPage Scan
a229Ye men and angels, witness nowTextPage Scan
a230Let me be Thine foreverTextPage Scan
a231Thy soul, O Jesus! hallow meTextPage Scan
a232O Great High Priest! forget not meTextPage Scan
a233Out of the depths I cry to TheeTextPage Scan
a234Lord, to Thee I make confessionTextPage Scan
a235Cast me not in wrath awayTextPage Scan
a236Alas! my God! my sins are greatTextPage Scan
a237Th'abyss of many a former sinTextPage Scan
a238O God, Thou righteous, faithful LordTextPage Scan
a239And wilt Thou pardon, LordTextPage Scan
a240A broken heart, my God, my King!TextPage Scan
a241Just as I am, without one pleaTextPage Scan
a242Savior, when in dust to TheeTextPage Scan
a243Come, my soul, thy suit prepareTextPage Scan
a244Jesus sinners will receiveTextPage Scan
a245Yea, as I live, Jehovah saithTextPage Scan
a246O faithful God, thanks be to TheeTextPage Scan
a247Our nature fell in Adam's fallTextPage Scan
a248As by one's sin fell all our kinTextPage Scan
a249To us salvation now has comeTextPage Scan
a250Dear Christians, one and all rejoiceTextPage Scan
a251Now I have found the firm foundationTextPage Scan

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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