The Evangelical Hymnal

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
201With broken heart and contrite sighUFFINGHAMPage Scan
202Out of the depths I cry to TheeAUS TIEFER NOTPage Scan
203I was a wand'ring sheepPASTOR BONUSPage Scan
204Weary of earth and laden with my sinMORECAMBEPage Scan
205Ah, how shall fallen manBOYLSTONPage Scan
206Lord, I hear of show'rs of blessingEVEN MEPage Scan
207O Jesus, our SalvationST. HILDAPage Scan
208aJust as I am, without one pleaJUST AS I AMPage Scan
208bJust as I am, without one pleaWOODWORTHPage Scan
209I heard the voice of Jesus sayVOX DILECTIPage Scan
210I've found a Friend, O such a Friend!CONSTANCEPage Scan
211I now have found for hope in heavenERBARMUNGPage Scan
212My faith looks up to TheeOLIVETPage Scan
213Here is my heart! My God, I give it TheeICH HAB' GENUGPage Scan
214Make me a captive, LordLEOMINSTERPage Scan
215I lay my sins on JesusWELLESLEYPage Scan
216Jesus, Lover of my soulMARTYNPage Scan
217How firm a foundation, ye saints of the LordPORTUGUESE HYMNPage Scan
218Be thou faithful unto deathFAITHFULPage Scan
219How great the joy to be a child of JesusGREGORPage Scan
220Rock of Ages, cleft for meTOPLADYPage Scan
221O wonderful, great is the joy of believingES GLÄNZETPage Scan
222There is a fountain filled with bloodCOWPERPage Scan
223I know in whom I put my trustSERAPHPage Scan
224One there is above all othersWELSH HYMNPage Scan
225How lovely shines the Morning Star!MORNING STARPage Scan
226O Love that wilt not let me goST. MARGARETPage Scan
227Fairest Lord JesusCRUSADER'S HYMNPage Scan
228Saviour, teach me day by dayMOZARTPage Scan
229Jesus, and shall it ever beFEDERAL STREETPage Scan
230More than all, one thing my heart is cravingMARTER CHRISTIPage Scan
231Ask ye what great thing I knowMEIN PREISPage Scan
232One there is, above all othersSTÖRLPage Scan
233Jesus, the very tho't of TheeST. AGNESPage Scan
234Jesus will I never leaveULICHPage Scan
235To Thee, O dear, dear SaviourSAVOY CHAPELPage Scan
236O how could I forget HimMONSPage Scan
237My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mineMY JESUS, I LOVE THEEPage Scan
238O Jesus, when I think of TheeIMMORTAL LOVEPage Scan
239How sweet the name of Jesus soundsBELMONTPage Scan
240I love to tell the storyI LOVE TO TELL THE STORYPage Scan
241O Jesus, King most wonderfulHOLY TRINITYPage Scan
242O master, when Thou callestST. HILDAPage Scan
243The Son of God goes forth to warALL SAINTS, NEWPage Scan
244Forward, be our watchwordWATCHWORDPage Scan
245Lord, lead the way the Saviour wentCRÜGERPage Scan
246Work, for the night is comingWORK SONGPage Scan
247Faith of our fathers, living stillST. CATHERINEPage Scan
248Courage, brother, do not stumbleCOURAGEPage Scan
249Lord, I would praise Thee for Thy great salvationINTEGER VITAEPage Scan
250Saviour, Thy dying loveSOMETHING FOR JESUSPage Scan
251aStand up, stand up for JesusWEBBPage Scan
151bStand up, stand up for JesusSTAND UPPage Scan
252Take my life, and let it beCULFORDPage Scan
253Soldiers of Christ, ariseDIADEMATAPage Scan
254Who is on the Lord's side?ARMAGEDDONPage Scan
255Awake, my soul stretch ev'ry nerveCHRISTMASPage Scan
256O Jesus, I have promisedANGEL'S STORYPage Scan
257Jesus, I my cross have takenELLESDIEPage Scan
258Onward, Christian soldiersGERTRUDEPage Scan
259Teach me, O Lord, Thy holy wayFOEL FRASPage Scan
260God's trumpet wakes the slumb'ring worldCLARIONPage Scan
261Be strong and trust in God, dear heartWORK FOR ALLPage Scan
262Take Thou my hand and lead meSO NIMM DENNPage Scan
263In the hour of trialPENITENCEPage Scan
264Still by constant love surroundedDARMSTADTPage Scan
265Striving onward, pressing forwardSTRIVINGPage Scan
266Tho' troubles assail, and dangers affrightNICHT MENSCHLICHER RATPage Scan
267My hope is built on nothing lessSOLID ROCKPage Scan
268If God Himself be for meMISSIONARY HYMNPage Scan
269Lead, kindly Light, amid th'encircling gloomLUX BENIGNAPage Scan
270Nearer, my God, to TheeBETHANYPage Scan
271Christian, dost thou see themHOLY WARDPage Scan
272Jesus, savior, pilot mePILOTPage Scan
273Am I a soldier of the crossARLINGTONPage Scan
274Lord, Thy children guide and keepDIXPage Scan
275He leadeth me: O blessed tho'tHE LEADETH MEPage Scan
276Guide me, O Thou great JehovahZIONPage Scan
277Help me, O Jesus, Thou mighty DefenderREX MAXIMUSPage Scan
278Jesus, still lead onRATHERLANDPage Scan
279One thing needful, greatest blessingEINS IST NOTPage Scan
280Children of the heav'nly KingPLEYEL'S HYMNPage Scan
281Fight the good fight with all thy mightyPENTECOSTPage Scan
282My soul, be on thy guardLABANPage Scan
283Who puts his trust in God most justPARISPage Scan
284O let him whose sorrowPENITENCEPage Scan
285When gath'ring clouds around I viewCLOUDLESS DAYPage Scan
286Hold Thou my hand; so weak I am, and helplessCASSIDYPage Scan
287If thou but suffer God to guide theeNEUMARKPage Scan
288We would see Jesus; for the shadows lengthenWIE WIRD UNS SEINPage Scan
289Sometimes a light surprisesWICHERNPage Scan
290God is my Light! My soul, do not despairGOTT IST GETREUPage Scan
291In heav'nly love abidingDAY OF RESTPage Scan
292Wait on God, and trust Him thro' all thy daysWAIT ON GODPage Scan
293Cast thy care on JesusERIPE MEPage Scan
294A mighty fortress is our GodEIN FESTE BURGPage Scan
295The Church's one foundationAURELIAPage Scan
296Lord of our life, and God of our salvationCLOISTERSPage Scan
297Glorious things of thee are spokenAUSTRIAN HYMNPage Scan
298I love Thy Kingdom, LordST. THOMASPage Scan

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