The Hymnal: as authorized and approved by the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America in the year of our Lord 1916

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
420Praise to God, immortal praiseDIXTextPage Scan
421Come, ye thankful people, comeST. GEORGE'S, WINDSORTextPage Scan
422Now thank we all our GodDEO GRATIASTextPage Scan
423We plow the fields, and scatterCLAUDIUSTextPage Scan
424We come unto our fathers' GodTO GOD ON HIGHTextPage Scan
425For the beauty of the earthLUX PRIMATextPage Scan
426O Lord of heaven and earth and seaALMSGIVINGTextPage Scan
427My country, 'tis of theeAMERICATextPage Scan
428God bless our native landAMERICATextPage Scan
429O say can you see, by the dawn's early lightNATIONAL ANTHEMTextPage Scan
430aGod of our fathers, Whose almighty handNATIONAL HYMNTextPage Scan
430bGod of our fathers, Whose almighty handPRO PATRIATextPage Scan
431Lord, while for all mankind we prayDUNFERLINETextPage Scan
432Judge eternal, throned in splendourST. LEONARD TextPage Scan
433Once to every man and nationTON-Y-BOTELTextPage Scan
434Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the LordBATTLE HYMNTextPage Scan
435God the All-terrible! King, who ordainestRUSSIATextPage Scan
436O God of love, O King of peaceHESPERUSTextPage Scan
437O Lord of hosts! Almighty King!NEW YORKTextPage Scan
438Lord God of hosts, Whose mighty handST. JEROMETextPage Scan
439aGod of our fathers, known of oldRECESSIONALTextPage Scan
439bGod of our fathers, known of oldAGINCOURTTextPage Scan
440Lord God, we worship Thee!DEO GRATIASTextPage Scan
441Faith of our fathers! living stillWHITEHEADTextPage Scan
442God of the nations, Who hast ledPAX VERITATISTextPage Scan
443A few more years shall rollCHALVEYTextPage Scan
444Ring out, wild bells, to the wild skyJORDANTextPage Scan
445O God, our help in ages pastST. ANNETextPage Scan
446O God of Bethel, by Whose handDUNDEETextPage Scan
447For Thy mercy and Thy graceGIBBONSTextPage Scan
448Father, let me dedicateDEDICATIONTextPage Scan
449aJesus, still lead onROCHELLETextPage Scan
449bJesus, still lead onST. WILFRIDTextPage Scan
450Lord, pour Thy Spirit from on highFEDERAL STREETTextPage Scan
451God of the prophets! Bless the prophets' sonsTOULONTextPage Scan
452Revive Thy work, O LordSWABIATextPage Scan
453aYe Christian heralds, go, proclaimDUKE STREETTextPage Scan
453bYe Christian heralds, go, proclaimMISSIONARY CHANTTextPage Scan
454O Thou Who makest souls to shineST. LAWRENCETextPage Scan
455aCome, Holy Ghost, our souls inspireCOME HOLY GHOSTTextPage Scan
455bCome, Holy Ghost, our souls inspireVENI CREATORTextPage Scan
456Ye servants of the LordST. GEORGE TextPage Scan
457Christ is made the sure foundationREGENT SQUARETextPage Scan
458Christ is our cornerstoneAUBURNDALETextPage Scan
459Jesus! where'er Thy people meetHEBRON (MASON)TextPage Scan
460All things are Thine; no gift have weGARDINERTextPage Scan
461aAngel voices, ever singingANGEL VOICESTextPage Scan
461bAngel voices, ever singingANGEL VOICESTextPage Scan
462O Thou in Whom Thy saints reposeCREDOTextPage Scan
463One sole baptismal signBEVANTextPage Scan
464The Church's one foundationAURELIATextPage Scan
465We love the place, O GodQUAM DILECTATextPage Scan
466Rise, crowned with light, imperial Salem, rise!NATIONAL HYMNTextPage Scan
467Pleasant are thy courts aboveMAIDSTONETextPage Scan
468Glorious things of thee are spokenAUSTRIATextPage Scan
469Lord of our life, and God of our salvationCLOISTERSTextPage Scan
470City of God, how broad and farBEULAHTextPage Scan
471O where are kings and empires nowST. ANNE TextPage Scan
472Triumphant Sion, lift thy headWAREHAMTextPage Scan
473aJesus, with Thy Church abideLITANY OF THE PASSIONTextPage Scan
473bJesus, with Thy Church abideHERVEY'S LITANYTextPage Scan
474O Sion, haste, thy mission high fulfillingTIDINGSTextPage Scan
475O Spirit of the living GodMELCOMBETextPage Scan
476From Greenland's icy mountainsMISSIONARY HYMNTextPage Scan
477Hasten the time appointedLANCASHIRETextPage Scan
478Saviour, sprinkle many nationsIONATextPage Scan
479The morning light is breakingWEBBTextPage Scan
480aJesus shall reign where'er the sunGALILEETextPage Scan
480bJesus shall reign where'er the sunDUKE STREETTextPage Scan
481Lord, her watch Thy Church is keepingEVERTONTextPage Scan
482Fling out the banner! let it floatWALTHAMTextPage Scan
483aGod is working his purpose outBENSONTextPage Scan
483bGod is working his purpose outAINGERTextPage Scan
484Soon may the last glad song ariseYULETextPage Scan
485Let the song go round the earthMOEL LLYSTextPage Scan
486aChrist for the world we sing!MOSCOWTextPage Scan
486bChrist for the world we sing!KIRBE BEDONTextPage Scan
487Arm of the Lord, awake! awake!TRUROTextPage Scan
488Am I a soldier of the crossMARLOWTextPage Scan
489Blest be the tie that bindsBOYLSTONTextPage Scan
490Go, labour on! spend and be spent!ANGEL'S SONGTextPage Scan
491Eternal Ruler of the ceaseless roundSACRAMENTUM UNITATISTextPage Scan
492Rise up, O men of God!FESTAL SONGTextPage Scan
493O Master, let me walk with TheeMARYTONTextPage Scan
494Where cross the crowded ways of lifeGARDINERTextPage Scan
495O brothers, lift your voicesTOURSTextPage Scan
496O Lord, and Master of us allWALSALLTextPage Scan
497Come, labour onORA LABORATextPage Scan
498O God of truth, Whose living WordMARLOWTextPage Scan
499Our Father! Thy dear Name doth showBETHLEHEM TextPage Scan
500Master, no offeringHORBURYTextPage Scan
501When wilt Thou save the people?KENDALTextPage Scan
502Lord, speak to me, that I may speakHOLLEYTextPage Scan
503O God of mercy! hearken nowHESPERUSTextPage Scan
504Holy off'rings, rich and rareHOLY OFFERINGSTextPage Scan
505Through Him, Who all our sickness feltALBANOTextPage Scan
506Father, Who on man dost showerQUEM PASTORES LAUDAVERETextPage Scan
507Light's abode, celestial SalemREGENT SQUARETextPage Scan
508aBlessed city, heavenly SalemURBS BEATATextPage Scan
508bBlessed city, heavenly SalemORIELTextPage Scan

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