The English Hymnal: with Tunes

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1Creator of the starry heightCONDITOR ALME SIDERUMPage Scan
2aHigh Word of God, who once didst come[High Word of God, who once didst come]Page Scan
2bHigh Word of God, who once didst comeVERBUM SUPERNUMPage Scan
3Behold the Bridegroom cometh in the middle of the nightSECOND MODE MELODYPage Scan
4Great God, what do I see and hear!LUTHER'S HYMN (NUN FREUT EUCH)Page Scan
5Hark! a thrilling voice is soundingMERTONPage Scan
6Hark the glad sound! the Saviour comesBRISTOLPage Scan
7Lo! he comes with clouds descendingHELMSLEYPage Scan
8O come, O come Emmanuel!VENI EMMANUELPage Scan
9On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cryWINCHESTER NEWPage Scan
10Saviour eternal! Health and life of the world unfailing[Saviour eternal! Health and life of the world unfailing]Page Scan
11The advent of our GodST. THOMASPage Scan
12Wake, O wake! with tidings thrillingWACHET AUF!Page Scan
13When came in flesh the incarnate WordWALSALLPage Scan
14aCome, thou Redeemer of the earthVENI, REDEMPTOR GENTIUMPage Scan
14bCome, thou Redeemer of the earthPUER NOBIS NASCITURPage Scan
15O little town of BethlehemFOREST GREENPage Scan
16The Maker of the sun and moonNEWBURYPage Scan
17aJesus, the Father's only SonCHRIST REDEMPTOR OMNIUMPage Scan
17bJesus, the Father's only SonVOM HIMMEL HOCHPage Scan
18aFrom east to west, from shore to shoreA SOLIS ORTUS CARDINEPage Scan
18bFrom east to west, from shore to shoreST. VENANTIUSPage Scan
19A great and mighty wonderES IST EIN' ROS' ENSPRUNGENPage Scan
20Behold, the great Creator makesTHIS ENDRIS NYGHTTextPage Scan
21Christians, awake! salute the happy mornYORKSHIRE OR STOCKPORTPage Scan
22aCome rejoicing, Faithful menLAETABUNDUSPage Scan
22bCome rejoicing, Faithful menLAETABUNDUSPage Scan
23Hark, how all the welkin rings!
24Hark, the herald angels singMENDELSSOHNPage Scan
25In the bleak mid-winterCRANHAMTextPage Scan
26It came upon the midnight clearNOELPage Scan
27Let sighing cease and woeST. MICHAEL (OLD 134TH)Page Scan
28O come, all ye faithfulADESTE FIDELESPage Scan
29The great God of heaven is come down to earthA VIRGIN UNSPOTTEDPage Scan
30While shepherds watched their flocks by nightWINCHESTER OLDPage Scan
31aSaint of God, elect and precious[Saint of God, elect and precious]Page Scan
31bSaint of God, elect and preciousST. THOMASPage Scan
32The Lord and King of all thingsWOHLAUF, THUT NICHT VERZAGENPage Scan
33Word supreme, before creationTANTUM ERGOPage Scan
34All hail, ye little Martyr flowersSARRATTPage Scan
35The hymn for conquering martyrs raiseWER DA WONETPage Scan
36O happy day, when first was pouredDAS WALT' GOTT VATERPage Scan
37Conquering kings their titles takeINNOCENTSPage Scan
38aWhy, impious Herod, shouldst thou fear[Why, impious Herod, shouldst thou fear]Page Scan
38bWhy, impious Herod, shouldst thou fearST. VENANTIUSPage Scan
39As with gladness men of oldDIXPage Scan
40Bethlehem, of noblest citiesSTUTTGARTPage Scan
41Brightest and best of the sons of the morningLIEBSTER IMMANUELPage Scan
42O worship the Lord in the beauty of holinessWAS LEBET, WAS SCHWEBETPage Scan
43The race that long in darkness pinedDUNDEEPage Scan
44What star is this, with beams so brightEIN KIND GEBOR'NPage Scan
45Hail to the Lord's Anointed!CRÜGERPage Scan
46In stature grows the heavenly ChildTALLIS' ORDINAL ('9TH TUNE')Page Scan
47Songs of thankfulness and praiseST. EDMUNDPage Scan
48The Lord is come! On Syrian soilCANTATE DOMINOPage Scan
49aCreator of the earth and sky[Creator of the earth and sky]Page Scan
49bCreator of the earth and skyST. GREGORY (ZEUCH MEINEN GEIST)Page Scan
50aThis day the first of days was made[This day the first of days was made]Page Scan
50bThis day the first of days was madeANDERNACHPage Scan
51aO blest Creator of the light[O blest Creator of the light]Page Scan
51bO blest Creator of the lightLUCIS CREATORPage Scan
52aO splendor of God's glory brightSPLENDOR PATERNAE GLORIAEPage Scan
52bO splendor of God's glory brightWAREHAMPage Scan
53aThe wingèd herald of the daySPLENDOR PATERNAE GLORIAEPage Scan
53bThe wingèd herald of the dayWAREHAMPage Scan
54aYe clouds and darkness, hosts of nightSPLENDOR PATERNAE GLORIAEPage Scan
54bYe clouds and darkness, hosts of nightWAREHAMPage Scan
55aLo! golden light rekindles daySPLENDOR PATERNAE GLORIAEPage Scan
55bLo! golden light rekindles dayWAREHAMPage Scan
56aEternal Glory of the skySPLENDOR PATERNAE GLORIAEPage Scan
56bEternal Glory of the skyWAREHAMPage Scan
57aThe dawn is sprinkling in the eastSPLENDOR PATERNAE GLORIAEPage Scan
57bThe dawn is sprinkling in the eastWAREHAMPage Scan
58aO boundless Wisdom, God most highMARTYR DEIPage Scan
58bO boundless Wisdom, God most highILLSLEYPage Scan
59aEarth's mighty Maker, whose commandMARTYR DEIPage Scan
59bEarth's mighty Maker, whose commandILLSLEYPage Scan
60aMost holy Lord and God of heavenMARTYR DEIPage Scan
60bMost holy Lord and God of heavenILLSLEYPage Scan
61aAlmighty God, who from the floodMARTYR DEIPage Scan
61bAlmighty God, who from the floodILLSLEYPage Scan
62aMaker of man, who from thy throneMARTYR DEIPage Scan
62bMaker of man, who from thy throneILLSLEYPage Scan
63Alleluya, song of sweetness
64Maker of earth, to thee alone
65aThe fast, as taught by holy lore[The fast, as taught by holy lore]Page Scan
65bThe fast, as taught by holy loreJESU CORONAPage Scan
66aO kind Creator, bow thine ear[O kind Creator, bow thine ear]Page Scan
66bO kind Creator, bow thine earCANNONSPage Scan
67aNow is the healing time decreed[Now is the healing time decreed]Page Scan
67bNow is the healing time decreedBABYLON'S STREAMSPage Scan
68aThe glory of these forty daysCLARUM DECUS JEJUNIIPage Scan
68bThe glory of these forty daysERHALT' UNS, HERRPage Scan
69aO Jesus Christ, from thee began[O Jesus Christ, from thee began]Page Scan
69bO Jesus Christ, from thee beganPLAISTOWPage Scan
70Ah, holy Jesus, how hast thou offendedHERZLIEBSTER JESUPage Scan
71All ye who seek for sure reliefST. BERNARDPage Scan
72Christian, dost thou see themGUT BÄUME BRINGENPage Scan
73Forty days and forty nightsAUS DER TIEFEPage Scan
74Have mercy, Lord, on meST. BRIDEPage Scan

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