Doctor Watts's Imitation of the Psalms of David: to which is added a collection of hymns; the whole applied to the state of the Christian church in general (Corr. and enl.)

Editor: Joel Barlow
Publisher: Barlow and Babcock (Printer), Hartford, Conn., 1785
Denomination: Congregationalist Churches
Language: English
Notes: Psalms, Doxologies (D), and Hymns (H) are numbered separately.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
XCdReturn, O GOD of love, returnTextPage Scan
XCeLord, what a feeble pieceTextPage Scan
XCIaHe that hath made his refuge GODTextPage Scan
XCIbYe sons of men, a feeble raceTextPage Scan
XCIIaSweet is the work, my GOD, my kingTextPage Scan
XCIIbLord, 'tis a pleasant thing to standTextPage Scan
XCIIIaJehovah reigns: he dwells in lightTextPage Scan
XCIIIbThe Lord of glory reigns, he reigns on highTextPage Scan
XCIIIcThe Lord Jehovah reignsTextPage Scan
XCIVaO GOD! to whom revenge belongsTextPage Scan
XCIVbWho will arise and plead my rightTextPage Scan
XCVaSing to the Lord, Jehovah's nameTextPage Scan
XCVbCome, sound his praise abroadTextPage Scan
XCVcCome let our voices join to raiseTextPage Scan
XCVISing to the Lord, ye distant landsTextPage Scan
XCVIIaLet all the earth their voices raiseTextPage Scan
XCVIIbHe reigns; the Lord, the Saviour reigns!TextPage Scan
XCVIIcThe Lord is come; the heavens proclaimTextPage Scan
XCVIIdTh' Almighty reigns exalted highTextPage Scan
XCVIIeLet earth, with every isle and seaTextPage Scan
XCVIIIaTo our Almighty Maker, GodTextPage Scan
XCVIIIbJoy to the world; the Lord is comeTextPage Scan
XCIXaThe God Jehovah reignsTextPage Scan
XCIXbExalt the Lord our GodTextPage Scan
CaYe nations round the earth, rejoiceTextPage Scan
CbBefore Jehovah's awful throneTextPage Scan
CIaMercy and judgement are my songTextPage Scan
CIbOf justice and of grace I singTextPage Scan
CIIaHear me, O God, nor hide thy faceTextPage Scan
CIIbLet Zion, and her sons rejoiceTextPage Scan
CIIcIt is the Lord our Saviour's handTextPage Scan
CIIIaBless, O my soul, the living GodTextPage Scan
CIIIbThe Lord, how wondrous are his waysTextPage Scan
CIIIcOh bless the Lord, my soul!TextPage Scan
CIIIdMy soul, repeat his praiseTextPage Scan
CIIIeThe Lord, the sovereign kingTextPage Scan
CIVMy soul, thy great Creator praiseTextPage Scan
CVGive thanks to God, invoke his nameTextPage Scan
CVIaTo God, the great, the ever blestTextPage Scan
CVIbGod of eternal loveTextPage Scan
CVIIaGive thanks to God, he reigns aboveTextPage Scan
CVIIbFrom age to age exalt his nameTextPage Scan
CVIIcVain man on foolish pleasures bentTextPage Scan
CVIIdWould you behold the works of GodTextPage Scan
CVIIeThy works of glory, mighty LordTextPage Scan
CVIIfWhen God, provok'd with daring crimesTextPage Scan
CVIIIAwake, my soul, to sound his praiseTextPage Scan
CIXGod of mercy and my praiseTextPage Scan
CXaThus God th' eternal Father spakeTextPage Scan
CXbThus the great Lord of earth and seaTextPage Scan
CXcJesus, our Lord ascend thy throneTextPage Scan
CXIaSongs of immortal praise belongTextPage Scan
CXIbGreat is the Lord; his works of mightTextPage Scan
CXIIaThat man is blest who stands in aweTextPage Scan
CXIIbThrice happy man who fears the LordTextPage Scan
CXIIcHappy is he that fears the LordTextPage Scan
CXIIIaYe that delight to serve the LordTextPage Scan
CXIIIbYe servants of th' almighty KingTextPage Scan
CXIVWhen Israel, freed from Pharaoh's handTextPage Scan
CXVaNot to ourselves, who are but dustTextPage Scan
CXVbNot to our names, thou only just and trueTextPage Scan
CXVIaI love the Lord: He heard my criesTextPage Scan
CXVIbWhat shall I render to my GodTextPage Scan
CXVIIaO all ye nations, praise the LordTextPage Scan
CXVIIbFrom all that dwell below the skiesTextPage Scan
CXVIIcThy name, almighty LordTextPage Scan
CXVIIIaThe Lord appears my helper nowTextPage Scan
CXVIIIbLord, thou hast heard thy servant cryTextPage Scan
CXVIIIcBehold the sure foundation stoneTextPage Scan
CXVIIIdThis is the day the Lord hath madeTextPage Scan
CXVIIIeSee what a living stoneTextPage Scan
CXVIIIfLo! what a glorious corner stoneTextPage Scan
CXIXaBlest are the undefil'd in heartTextPage Scan
CXIXbTo Thee, before the dawning lightTextPage Scan
CXIXcThou art my portion, O my GodTextPage Scan
CXIXdHow shall the young secure their heartsTextPage Scan
CXIXeOh how I love thy holy law!TextPage Scan
CXIXfLord, I esteem thy judgments rightTextPage Scan
CXIXgLet all the heathen writers joinTextPage Scan
CXIXhLord, I have made thy word my choiceTextPage Scan
CXIXiThy mercies fill the earth, O LordTextPage Scan
CXIXjBehold thy waiting servant, LordTextPage Scan
CXIXkOh that the Lord would guide my waysTextPage Scan
CXIXlMy God, consider my distressTextPage Scan
CXIXmWith my whole heart I've sought thy faceTextPage Scan
CXIXnConsider all my sorrows, LordTextPage Scan
CXIXoOh that my statutes every hourTextPage Scan
CXIXpMy soul lies cleaving to the dustTextPage Scan
CXIXqWhen pain and anguish seize me, LordTextPage Scan
CXIXrFather, I bless thy gentle handTextPage Scan
CXXThou God of love, thou ever-blestTextPage Scan
CXXIaUp to the hills I lift mine eyesTextPage Scan
CXXIbTo heaven I lift my waiting eyesTextPage Scan
CXXIcUpward I lift mine EyesTextPage Scan
CXXIIaHow did my heart rejoice to hearTextPage Scan
CXXIIbHow pleas'd and blest was ITextPage Scan
CXXIIIO thou whose grace and justice reignTextPage Scan
CXXIVHad not the God of truth and loveTextPage Scan
CXXVaUnshaken as the sacred hillTextPage Scan
CXXVbFirm and unmov'd are theyTextPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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