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d101In sorrow I wandered
d102In the gladness of earthly pleasure
d103It was alone the Savior prayed in dark Gethsemene
d104It was good for our fathers [mothers] [poor old Daniel] [the apostles]
d105Jesus, I am coming home today
d106Jesus, Lover [Savior] of my soul, Let me to thy bosom [refuge] fly
d107Jesus loves me, this I know, For the Bible
d108Jesus, my Savior, came to save me
d109Jesus, thou art the sinner's friend
d110Jesus wants these little feet
d111Just to feel the Master near
d112Leaning on the promises, we march along
d113Let God use you to tell the old, old story
d114Let us pause to count the blessings
d115Like a lamb in the desert astray
d116Listen to the Savior while he calls to you
d117Lord, as of old at Pentecost, thou didst thy power display
d118Lord, I care not for riches, neither silver nor gold
d119Majestic sweetness sits enthroned upon the Savior's brow
d120Make a full, complete confession
d121Many a soul in the battle of life
d122Master, I have left those pleasures
d123Must Jesus bear the [his] cross alone
d124My boat had once floated away from the shore
d125My faith looks up to thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary
d126My faith temptation shall not move, for Jesus knows it all
d127My heavenly home is bright and fair
d128My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness
d129My Jesus [Savior], I love thee, I know thou art mine
d130My lamp is trimmed and burning bright
d131My life is like a stormy sea
d132My life may have its burdens
d133My life was dreary, my soul aweary
d134My only hope must be in Jesus
d135My soul be on thy [your] guard
d136My soul had wandered far in sin
d137Nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee
d138No room for thee, Lord can there be
d139No warm, downy pillow his sweet head pressed
d140O eyes that are weary, and hearts that are sore
d141O, for a [an] heart to praise [love] my God
d142O for a closer walk with God
d143O for a thousand tongues to sing my great [dear] Redeemer's praise
d144O happy day that fixed [seals] [stays] my choice
d145O I love to tell my Father
d146O Love that wilt [will] not let me go
d147O mourners will you meet me
d148O sinner, come without delay
d149O sinner lost in awful sin
d150O soul, so far away from God
d151O [Sweet] land for [of] rest for thee I sigh
d152O they tell me of a home far beyond the skies
d153O think of the home over there, By the side of the river
d154O turn ye [you], O turn ye [you], for why will ye [you] die
d155O weary soul, the gate is near, in sin why still abide
d156O who can take my sins away
d157O'er the sea of life we sail today
d158Of Jesus' love that sought me, When I was lost
d159Oft my memory wanders back
d160On Jordan's stormy [rugged] banks I stand, And cast a wishful eye
d161Once again the gospel story
d162Only a smile that is cheery and bright
d163Only little hands have we
d164Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war, With the cross
d165Our Savior always goes ahead
d166Outside your door the Savior stands
d167Pass me not, O gentle Savior
d168Precious is the name of Jesus
d169Redeemed and saved, for me the Savior suffered
d170Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee
d171Savior, draw me to Thy side
d172Shall we meet beyond the river, on that happy golden shore
d173Since I came to Jesus, I'm no more alone
d174Sing, Christian, sing, while we gather before him
d175So sweet is thy love, blessed Jesus
d176Some golden dawn, when shadows flee
d177Somebody knows when your heart aches
d178Soul, soul, on life's journey pressing
d179Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness
d180Stand up, stand up for Jesus, ye soldiers of the cross
d181Standing on the crumbling verge
d182Steady and true in the upward way
d183Still undecided, though close to life's gate
d184Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer
d185Swing, little blossoms, the sunshine is falling
d186The agonies of Calvary could not his love dismay
d187The evening sun was sinking low
d188The fields are all white, but the laborers are few
d189The great Physician now is near
d190The Lord now stands on trial today
d191The Lord, our God, is King; Let earth rejoice
d192The love of Christ is so precious
d193The morning light is breaking; the darkness disappears
d194The path that leads me to the throne
d195The promised power of long ago
d196The storm is awaking, The rocks are about thee
d197The veil between this earth and heaven
d198The village choir was singing
d199There is a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Immanuel's vein [veins]
d200There is a Guide that never falters

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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