Christian Youth Hymnal

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98Now thank we all our GodNUN DANKET ALLE GOTT
99Lord of health, Thou life within usIL BUON PASTOR
100Father, again in Jesus' Name we meetLONGWOOD
101Open now thy gates of beautyNEANDER
102Pleasant are Thy courts aboveMAIDSTONE
103Hosanna to the living Lord!HOSANNA
104God be with you till we meet againDEUS VOBISCUM
105For a season called to partSOLITUDE
106The Lord be with us as each dayBELMONT
107Blest be the tie that bindsBOYLSTON
108Almighty Father, bless the wordCOMMANDMENTS
109Holy God, we praise Thy NameGROSSER GOTT
110Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessingSICILIAN MARINERS' HYMN
111O day of rest and gladnessDAY OF REST
112The earth is hushed in silenceLORD'S DAY
113Safely through another weekSABBATH
114On this day, the first of daysLUBECK
115Jesus, Sun of righteousnessWELLS
116Come, my soul, thou must be wakingHAYDN
117New ev'ry morning is the loveMELCOMBE
118Now that the sun is beaming brightLANCASTER
119Awake, my soul, and with the sunMORNING HYMN
120Lord God of morning and of nightGERMANY
121Still, still with Thee, when purple morning breakethFELIX
122Christ, whose glory fills the skiesGOUNOD
123Up to the throne of God is borneBUCKLEBURY
124Peacefully round us the shadows are fallingCURFEW
125Day is dying in the westCHAUTAUQUA
126All praise to Thee, my God, this nightTALLIS' CANON
127Now, on land and sea descendingBATTY
128Abide with me; fast falls the eventideEVENTIDE
129Sun of my soul, Thou Saviour dearHURSLEY
130The Lord be with us as we bendSAWLEY
131Now the light has gone awayMUDE BIN ICH, GEH ZUR RU
132Now the day is overMERRIAL
133Saviour, breathe an evening blessingEVENING PRAYER
134Saviour, again to Thy dear Name we raiseELLERS
135Hark! the vesper hymn is stealingVESPER HYMN
136The day Thou gavest, Lord, is endedST. CLEMENT
137Thy people, Lord, of many lands and nationsBIRKDALE
138O Word of God incarnateEVERTS
139The heavens declare Thy glory, LordUXBRIDGE
140Book of books, our people's strengthLIEBSTER JESU, WIR SIND HIER
141Father of mercies, in Thy WordST. AGNES
142Thy Word is like a garden, LordELLACOMBE
143Break Thou the bread of lifeBREAD OF LIFE
144I was made a ChristianBOHEMIA
145Here, O my Lord, I see Thee face to faceMORECAMBE
146Let Thy blood in mercy pouredAMNOS
147Strengthen for service, Lord, the handsACH GOTT UND HERR
148The Church's one foundationAURELIA
149A mighty fortress is our GodEIN' FESTE BURG
150Built on the Rock the Church doth standBUILT ON THE ROCK
151Rise, ye children of salvationNEANDER
152I love Thy Zion, LordST. THOMAS
153City of God, how broad and farNOX PRAECESSIT
154Christ, Thou art the sure foundationREGENT SQUARE
155My Church, my Church, my dear old Church!ATHENS
156Lord, keep us steadfast in Thy WordOLD HUNDREDTH
157O where are kings and empires nowST. ANNE
158Through the night of doubt and sorrowST. ASAPH
159Lord of our life, and God of our salvationCLOISTERS
160Another year is dawningTOURS
161Great God, we sing Thy mighty handTRURO
162From ocean unto oceanWEBB
163God of our fathers, whose almighty handNATIONAL HYMN
164Not alone for mighty empireHYFRYDOL
165O Lord, our God, Thy mighty handAMERICA BEFRIEND
166Lord of the lands, beneath Thy bending skiesO CANADA
167God bless our native land!AMERICA
168O beautiful for spacious skiesMATERNA
169My country, 'tis of theeAMERICA
170The summer days are come againLAND OF REST
171Come, ye thankful people, comeST. GEORGE'S, WINDSOR
172We plough the fields, and scatterWIR PFLUGEN UND WIR STREUEN
173O God, beneath Thy guiding handQUEBEC
174Give thanks, all ye people, give thanks to the Lord THE PRESIDENT'S HYMN
175We gather together to ask the Lord's blessingKREMSER
176God of the glorious sunshineGOD'S LOVE
177The morning walks upon the earthHOPE
178All beautiful the march of daysSHACKELFORD
179Joyful, joyful, we adore TheeHYMN TO JOY
180This is my Father's worldTERRA BEATA
181All creatures of our God and KingLASST UNS ERFREUEN
182There is a book who runs may readTALLIS' ORDINAL
183The spacious firmament on highCREATION
184For the beauty of the earthDIX
185What a friend we have in JesusERIE
186O Saviour, precious SaviourANGEL'S STORY
187Immortal Love, forever fullSERENITY
188Dear Lord, who sought at dawn of daySTIREWALT
189I know that my Redeemer lives!DUKE STREET
190aJesus, Lover of my soulABERYSTWYTH
190bJesus, Lover of my soulHOLLINGSIDE
190cJesus, Lover of my soulMARTYN
191I need Thee, precious JesusST. CHRISTOPHER
192I saw Him in childhood with eyes brightly beamingVISIONS OF CHRIST
193The King of love my Shepherd isDOMINUS REGIT ME
194Jesus, Thou joy of loving hearts!MT. AIRY
195O Master, let me walk with TheeSAXBY

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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