The Churchman's Treasury of Song

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
203It is not Heaven alonePage Scan
204Come, Holy Spirit, from abovePage Scan
205Creator Spirit, by Whose aidPage Scan
207Gracious Spirit, dwell with mePage Scan
208Holy Spirit, Truth Divine!Page Scan
209Shall I, for fear of feeble manPage Scan
210Holy Spirit, come, we prayPage Scan
211I hold a joy, with which I feelPage Scan
212Spirit, exiled long from earthPage Scan
213Most High and Holy Trinity!Page Scan
214Faith of our fathers! living stillPage Scan
215Spirit, soul and body's unionPage Scan
216"Our Father"—happy he that knowsPage Scan
217I lately talked with one who strovePage Scan
218Let thy gold be cast in the furnacePage Scan
219Wide the compass of the worldPage Scan
220"God is Love," the Heavens tell itPage Scan
221Immortal Love, for ever fullPage Scan
222Love hath descended from His Throne on highPage Scan
223All things that are on earth shall wholly pass awayPage Scan
224What joyful harvester did ere obtainPage Scan
225O bright Ideals, how ye shinePage Scan
226We all are in one schoolPage Scan
228Skirting the azure of the summer skyPage Scan
229"God is my strength!"—Be this my shieldPage Scan
230Evermore their lauds the Angel hosts are singingPage Scan
231Workman of God! oh lose not heartPage Scan
232Oh! help me, Lord, to seek Thy facePage Scan
233The Poet scanned with mighty awePage Scan
234Oft when of God we askPage Scan
235Hushed was the evening hymnPage Scan
236God called the nearest Angels who dwell with Him abovePage Scan
238Blessed Light of saints on highPage Scan
239One in one hundred lost! and ninety-ninePage Scan
240Dark was my lot, and long it spurnedPage Scan
241Not here, not here: not where the sparkling watersPage Scan
242Strive; yet I do not promisePage Scan
243Oh, deem not they are blest alonePage Scan
244Charming flowers! your day is comePage Scan
245Man hath a voice severePage Scan
246How beautiful is Truth! she wins her wayPage Scan
247Though I am slow to trust Thee, LordPage Scan
248One by one the sands are flowingPage Scan
249See how yon little lark is bornePage Scan
250There are no little things on earthPage Scan
251How sweet the ways of wisdom early gain'dPage Scan
252To be thought ill of, worse than we deservePage Scan
253My heart was glad to hear their callPage Scan
254Heaven from all creatures hides the book of FatePage Scan
255Tis first the true and then the beautifulPage Scan
256In thorny thickets blow the sweetest rosesPage Scan
257All things a prophecy containPage Scan
258If thou hast lost a friendPage Scan
259Let me count my treasuresPage Scan
260aFond heart, when learnest thou to sayPage Scan
260bWhere then shall hope and fear their objects find?Page Scan
261I walk as one who knows that he is treadingPage Scan
262This is true glory and renown, when GodPage Scan
263See the rivers flowingPage Scan
264Thousands completely fedPage Scan
265Life, believe, is not a dreamPage Scan
266O nature! all thy seasons please the eyePage Scan
267I walked the fields at morning's primePage Scan
268We cannot stay, said the winter starsPage Scan
269View not forms with heedless scornPage Scan
270Love hath taught me to obeyPage Scan
271Teach me, my God and KingPage Scan
272If Solomon for wisdom prayedPage Scan
273In silence mighty things are wroughtPage Scan
274This did not once so trouble mePage Scan
275aI would not ask Thee that my daysPage Scan
275bStill evermore for some great strength we prayPage Scan
276We seek a land of more delightPage Scan
277The child leans on its parent's breastPage Scan
278How happy is he born and taughtPage Scan
279Why throbs this breast? Why heave these piteous sighs?Page Scan
280Long have I view'd, long have I thoughtPage Scan
281aTo pray to God continuallyPage Scan
281bStay, Master, stay upon this heavenly hillPage Scan
282O only source of all our light and life
284Is thy cruse of comfort wasting? haste its scanty drops to sharePage Scan
285Show me the tears, the tears of tender lovePage Scan
286There is a dwelling-place abovePage Scan
287Prayer is omnipotence descending, whenPage Scan
288O Thou, the contrite sinner's FriendPage Scan
289Sower Divine!Page Scan
290To Thy temple, Lord, or tablePage Scan
291The Pharisee informed the LordPage Scan
292God never meant that man should scale the heavensPage Scan
293Sore was the famine throughout all the bouPage Scan
294Christian, did no one, thinkest thou, behold theePage Scan
295The voice of God was mighty, when it brakePage Scan
296Why dost thou heap up wealth which thou must quitPage Scan
297'Tis not the whirlwind, o'er our faith fields sweepingPage Scan
298Woman of pure and heaven-born fame!Page Scan
299Lead us aside, we would not ever stayPage Scan
300Ah! dearest Lord, I cannot prayPage Scan
301Come, Holy Spirit, heav'nly DovePage Scan
302My Maker! of Thy power the tracePage Scan
303True honour bides at home, and takes delightPage Scan

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