Calvary Selection of Spiritual Songs with Music for the Church and the Choir

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d501Look ye saints the sight is glorious
d502Lord, as to Thy dear cross we flee [fly]
d503Lord, at this closing hour, Establish
d504Lord, at thy feet a [we] sinner [sinners] lie [lies]
d505Lord, at thy mercy seat, humbly [humble] I fall
d506Lord, before thy throne we bend Now to
d507Lord, bid thy light arise
d508Lord, dismiss us with Thy [your] blessing, Bid us now depart in peace
d509Lord God of hosts, by all adored, Thy name we praise with one accord
d510Lord, how mysterious are Thy ways
d511Lord, how secure and blest [blessed] are they
d512Lord, how secure my conscience was [lay]
d513Lord, I am thine, entirely thine, Purchased and saved by blood divine
d514Lord, I believe; Thy power I own
d515Lord, I cannot let thee go Till a blessing thou bestow
d516Lord, I have made thy word my choice
d517Lord, I hear of [that] [the] showers of blessing
d518Lord, if thou thy [the] grace impart
d519Lord, in the morning thou shalt hear My voice ascending high
d520Lord, it belongs not to my [our] care
d521Lord Jesus, are we [we are] one with thee
d522Lord, lead the way the [my] [our] Savior went
d523Lord, my weak thought in vain would climb
d524Lord of all being, throned afar
d525Lord of earth, thy forming [beauteous] [mighty] hand
d526Lord of hosts, to thee we raise
d527Lord of mercy, just and kind
d528Lord of the harvest, hear thy needy servants' cry
d529Lord of the worlds above, How pleasant and how fair
d530Lord, thou hast searched, and seen me [us] through
d531Lord, thou on earth didst love thine own
d532Lord, thou wilt bring the joyful day
d533Lord, thy glory fills the heaven
d534Lord, we come before thee now
d535Lord, when I all things would possess
d536Lord, when my [our] raptured thought surveys
d537Lord, when we bend before thy [the] throne
d538Lord, where shall guilty souls retire
d539Lord, while for all mankind we pray
d540Lord, with glowing heart I'd [I] [I'll] praise thee
d541Love divine, all loves [love] excelling
d542Majestic sweetness sits enthroned upon the Savior's brow
d543Make haste, O man, to live
d544May the grace of Christ [God] our [the] Savior
d545Meekly in Jordan's holy stream
d546Mighty God [Lord] while angels bless [praise] thee
d547Mine eyes and my desire [desires]
d548More love to thee, O Christ [God]
d549Mortals, awake, with angels join
d550Mourn for the thousands slain
d551Must Jesus bear the [his] cross alone
d552My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty
d553My days are gliding swiftly by
d554My dear Redeemer, and my Lord
d555My faith looks up to thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary
d556My Father, God, how sweet the sound
d557My God, and is thy table spread
d558My God, how endless [lasting] is thy love
d559My God, how wonderful Thou art, Thy majesty how bright
d560My God, my Father, blissful [blessed] [cheering] name
d561My God, my Father [My God and Father], while [whilst] [though] I stray [pray]
d562My God, my King, thy various praise
d563My God, my life, my love, to thee, to thee I call
d564My God, permit me [us] not to be a stranger
d565My God, permit my tongue this joy, to call thee mine
d566My God the covenant of thy love abides forever sure
d567My God, the spring of all my joys
d568My gracious Lord [God], I own thy right
d569My gracious Redeemer I [I'll] love
d570My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness
d571My Jesus [Father] [Savior], as thou wilt
d572My life flows [goes] on in [an] endless song
d573My opening eyes with rapture see
d574My Savior, my almighty Friend
d575My Savior, whom absent I love
d576My Shepherd will supply my need
d577My soul be on thy [your] guard
d578My soul complete in Jesus stands
d579My soul, how lovely is the place to which thy God
d580My soul lies cleaving to the dust, Lord, give me
d581My soul, repeat His praise Whose mercies are so
d582My soul, weigh not thy life Against thy heavenly
d583My spirit on Thy care, blest Savior, I recline
d584My times are in Thy hand, my God
d585My times of sorrow and of joy Great God, are in
d586Near the cross was Mary weeping
d587Nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee
d588No more, my God, I boast no more, Of all the duties I have done
d589No, no, it is not dying
d590None but Christ, his merit hides me
d591Not all the blood of beast [beasts], On Jewish altars
d592Not all the nobles of the earth who boast the honors of their birth
d593Not all the outward forms on earth, Nor rites that God hath given
d594Not to condemn the sons of men did Christ the son
d595Not to the terrors of the Lord the tempest fire and smoke
d596Not what these hands have done can save
d597Not with our mortal eyes have we beheld the Lord
d598Not worthy Lord to gather up the crumbs with trembling hand that from thy table fall
d599Now be my heart [our hearts] inspired to sing
d600Now be the gospel banner

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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