A Choice Selection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
d101The pure testimony put [poured] forth in the spirit
d102The rose and lilies in full bloom
d103The Son of Man they did betray
d104The song of salvation it is so divine
d105The voice of free grace cries escape
d106The voice of God to man doth cry
d107There is a heaven o'er yonder skies
d108There is a land of pleasure, Where streams of joy forever roll
d109There is an hour of peaceful rest
d110This day our souls have caught new fire
d111This morning most softly [sweetly] the gales are all blowing
d112This world is all a fleeting show
d113This world's not all a fleeting show
d114Through tribulation [tribulations] deep
d115Today if ye [you] will hear his voice
d116Waked by the gospel's powerful [joyful] sound
d117Wandering pilgrim [pilgrims], mourning Christian [Christians]
d118We will not be sad and mournful
d119We've found the rock, the traveler cries [travelers cried]
d120What heavenly music do I [we] hear
d121What poor despised company
d122What think ye [you] of Christ, is the test
d123What various hindrances we meet
d124When I set out for glory
d125When shall we three meet again
d126Where is our brother now
d127Where, saith [said] the mourner, is this [the] Christ
d128Whither goest thou, pilgrim stranger
d129Why should we be affrighted, at pestilence
d130Why stand ye here idle, my friends, all the day
d131With love of pity I look round
d132Ye jewels of my [our] master
d133Ye soldiers of Jesus pray stand to your arms
d134Ye virgin of Jesus arise
d135Young people, all, attention give

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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