Christ in Song

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
191Jesus, thy blood and righteousnessPage Scan
193Sweet the moments, rich in blessingPage Scan
194Surely Christ thy grief [griefs] [sins] hath [has] bornePage Scan
196There is a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Immanuel's vein [veins]Page Scan
198Hark, the voice of love and mercyPage Scan
199In the cross of Christ I [we] glory, toweringPage Scan
200We sing the praise of him who diedPage Scan
202Come to Calvary's holy mountainPage Scan
203Fling out the banner, let it floatPage Scan
204Wherefore weep we [ye] over JesusPage Scan
206Ride on, ride on in majestyPage Scan
207Bound upon the accursed treePage Scan
209Ask ye [me] what great thing I knowPage Scan
210Oppressed with noonday's scorching heatPage Scan
211Cling to the CrucifiedPage Scan
212I lay my sins on JesusPage Scan
214Wouldst thou learn the depth of sinPage Scan
215My sins, my sins, my SaviorPage Scan
217Jesus, gentle Sufferer, sayPage Scan
218Thou who didst hang upon a barren treePage Scan
219O Jesus, sweet the tears I shedPage Scan
220Wonder of wonders On the crossPage Scan
221O head, so full of bruises, Brow that its life blood losesPage Scan
222When wounded sore, the stricken soulPage Scan
223Are there no wounds for mePage Scan
227The sepulchre is holding Today within its bandPage Scan
228Rest of the weary, thou thyself art restingPage Scan
230Resting from his work todayPage Scan
231Rest, weary Son of God, and I, with theePage Scan
235Hail, day of days, in peals of praisePage Scan
237The supper of the Lamb to sharePage Scan
238We keep the festival of the slain LambPage Scan
240The church of God lifts up her voicePage Scan
241If the dark and awful tombPage Scan
242'Tis the day of resurrection! Earth, tell it out abroadPage Scan
243Come, ye [you] faithful, raise the strainPage Scan
245This holy morn, so fair and brightPage Scan
246The morning purples all the skyPage Scan
248Hallelujah, hallelujah, finished is the battle nowPage Scan
249Behold the day the Lord hath madePage Scan
251Now thy gentle Lamb, O ZionPage Scan
253Jesus Christ is risen today, Our triumphantPage Scan
254Let Zion's sons and daughtersPage Scan
256Mary, put thy grief awayPage Scan
257Still thy sorrow, MagdalenaPage Scan
259Christ, the Lord is risen againPage Scan
261In the bonds of death he layPage Scan
263Ere yet the dawn hath filled the skiesPage Scan
265Jesus, my Redeemer livesPage Scan
267O risen Lord, O conquering King! O Life of all that livePage Scan
269Blest morning, whose young, dawning raysPage Scan
270Welcome, thou Victor in the strifePage Scan
272O glorious Head, thou livest nowPage Scan
273Christ the [our] Lord is [has] risen today, [Alleluia] [Sons of men]Page Scan
275Jesus lives, and so shall I Page Scan
277I say to all men, far and nearPage Scan
279Come, ye saints, look here [behold] [draw nigh], and wonderPage Scan
280Morning breaks upon the tombPage Scan
281Again the Lord of life and lightPage Scan
283Sun, shine forth in all thy splendorPage Scan
286The foe behind, the deep beforeTextPage Scan
288The Lord of life is risen, Sing Easter heraldsPage Scan
290The tomb is empty wouldst thou have it fullPage Scan
292Angel [Angels], roll the rock [stone] awayPage Scan
293O Jesus, when I think of thee, thy mangerPage Scan
294Awake, glad soul, awake, awakePage Scan
296In thy glorious resurrectionPage Scan
299Sing aloud, children, sing to the glorious KingPage Scan
300Why should these eyes be tearfulPage Scan
305A hymn of glory let us singPage Scan
306Exalt, exalt, the heavenly gatesPage Scan
307Jesus, Lord of life eternalPage Scan
308On earth a while mid sufferingPage Scan
309Today above the sky he soaredPage Scan
311O Christ, who hast prepared a placePage Scan
312O Jesu, who art gone beforePage Scan
313Today our Lord went up on highPage Scan
314Since Christ has gone to heavenPage Scan
315Lo God to heaven ascendethPage Scan
317Hosanna [Hosannas] to the Prince of lightPage Scan
319Heavenward, doth our journey tendPage Scan
321Conquering Prince and Lord of gloryPage Scan
323Hail the day that sees him risePage Scan
325Our Lord is risen from the dead, Our Jesus [Savior] is gonePage Scan
326All hail the power of Jesus' name, Let angels prostrate fallPage Scan
328Soft cloud, that, while the breezePage Scan
330Lamb, the once crucified, Lion, by triumphPage Scan
334See the Conqueror mount [mounts] in triumphPage Scan
336He is gone, beyond the skiesPage Scan
337Sing, O heavens, O earth, rejoicePage Scan
341Christ, Thou the champion of the band who ownPage Scan
342My Jesus, if the seraphim, The burning host that near Thee standPage Scan
345Jesus shall reign where'er the sunPage Scan
346Behold the glories of the Lamb, Amidst [amid] his father's thronePage Scan
348Rejoice, the Lord is King, Your God [Lord] and King adorePage Scan
349Now let our cheerful eyes surveyPage Scan
350Where high the heavenly temple standsPage Scan
352He who on earth as man was knownPage Scan
353The head that once was crowned with thornsPage Scan
354The atoning work is done, The Victim's blood is shedPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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