The Christian Psalmist; or, Watts' Psalms and Hymns: with copious selections from other sources; the whole carefully revised and arranged, with directions for musical expression

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
88O for a thousand tongues to sing my great [dear] Redeemer's praisePage Scan
89Majestic sweetness sits enthroned upon the Savior's browPage Scan
90Lord, assist us by thy gracePage Scan
91To thee, my God and SaviorPage Scan
92Now begin the heavenly themePage Scan
93Now for a tune [hymn] [song] of lofty praisePage Scan
94What equal honors shall we bringPage Scan
95Oh, could I speak the matchless worthPage Scan
96Glory to God on high, Let earth and skies replyPage Scan
97O the delights, the heavenly joysPage Scan
98Behold the glories of the Lamb, Amidst [amid] his father's thronePage Scan
99Come, let us join our cheerful songs With angels round the thronePage Scan
100All hail the power of Jesus' name, Let angels prostrate fallPage Scan
101Now to the Lord a noble [joyful] songPage Scan
102Hosanna, with a cheerful soundPage Scan
103Great Father of our feeble racePage Scan
104O thou that hearest prayerPage Scan
105Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly dovePage Scan
106Come, Holy Spirit, come!Page Scan
107Now may the Spirit's holy firePage Scan
108Come gracious Spirit, come with energy divinePage Scan
109Come Holy Spirit, heavenly guestPage Scan
110Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly DovePage Scan
111Gracious Spirit, Love divinePage Scan
112At anchor laid, remote from homePage Scan
113Why should the children of a KingPage Scan
114Sure the blest Comforter is nighPage Scan
115Eternal Spirit, we confessPage Scan
116Jesus, thy witness speaks withinPage Scan
117Father of glory, to thy namePage Scan
118Our soaring spirits fain would risePage Scan
119Come, thou almighty King, Help us thy name to singPage Scan
120Let those neglect thy glory, LordPage Scan
121Great Author of creationPage Scan
122This is the word of truth and lovePage Scan
123God, in the gospel of his [the] SonPage Scan
124Now let my soul, eternal KingPage Scan
125The Lord descending from abovePage Scan
126How sad our state [fate] by nature isPage Scan
127Christ and his [the] cross is [are] all our [my] themePage Scan
128The law by Moses camePage Scan
129They came to the forbidden treePage Scan
130Backward we look with grief and shamePage Scan
131Deep in the dust before thy thronePage Scan
132Sin has a thousand treacherous artsPage Scan
133Great King of glory and of gracePage Scan
134Ah how shall fallen manPage Scan
135Lord, how secure my conscience was [lay]Page Scan
136The deep defilement of the heartPage Scan
137How vain are all things here belowPage Scan
138I hate the tempter and his charmsPage Scan
139How helpless guilty [fallen] nature liesPage Scan
140Not all the outward forms on earth, Nor rites that God hath givenPage Scan
141Mighty Redeemer, set me freePage Scan
142Awaked by Sinai's awful soundPage Scan
143Not to condemn the sons of men did Christ the sonPage Scan
144Not to the terrors of the Lord the tempest fire and smokePage Scan
145Like sheep we went astrayPage Scan
146Plunged in a [the] gulf of dark [deep] despairPage Scan
147The Lord on high proclaims His GodheadPage Scan
148No more, my God, I boast no more, Of all the duties I have donePage Scan
149Dearest of all the names above, My Jesus and my GodPage Scan
150Lord, we confess our numerous faultsPage Scan
151Grace, 'tis a charming [cheering] [joyful] [pleasing] soundPage Scan
152Salvation, O the joyful soundPage Scan
153Now to the power of God SupremePage Scan
154Come, let us lift our joyful eyes Up to the [To heavenly] courts abovePage Scan
155Shall the vile race of flesh and bloodPage Scan
156Shall atheists dare insult the crossPage Scan
157Let the whole race of creatures liePage Scan
158May not the sovereign Lord on highPage Scan
159Sovereign Ruler of the skiesPage Scan
160Thy way, O God [Lord] is in the seaPage Scan
161Wait, O my soul, thy [the] Maker's willPage Scan
162Since all the changing [coming] [downward] varying [various] scenes of timePage Scan
163God moves in a mysterious wayPage Scan
164Lord, how mysterious are Thy waysPage Scan
165In songs of sublime adoration and praisePage Scan
166Who shall the Lord's elect condemnPage Scan
167When sins and fears prevailing risePage Scan
168Ah why should doubts and fears arisePage Scan
169Vain are the hopes the [that] sons of menPage Scan
170Faith adds new charms to earthly blissPage Scan
171Mistaken souls, that [who] dream of heavenPage Scan
172Faith is the brightest evidencePage Scan
173Grace, like an uncorrupted seedPage Scan
174Behold what wondrous gracePage Scan
175My God, my Father, blissful [blessed] [cheering] namePage Scan
176How wondrous that manner of lovePage Scan
177Blessed [Blest] are the sons of GodPage Scan
178Ye trembling souls, dismiss your fearsPage Scan
179Firm as the earth thy [the] gospel standsPage Scan
180How oft have [hath] sin and Satan [nature] strove [striven]Page Scan
181Broad is the road [stream] that leads to death [wrath]Page Scan
182Strait [straight] is the way [gate], the door is strait [straight]Page Scan
183How firm a foundation, ye [you] saints of the LordPage Scan
184Wait, my soul [heart] upon the LordPage Scan
185Our God how firm his promise standsPage Scan
186Whence do our mournful thoughts arisePage Scan
187Know, my soul, thy full salvationPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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