A Collection of Psalms and Hymns, for Social and Private Worship (Rev. ed. with supplement)

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
201Hark! the glad sound! the Saviour comesPage Scan
202Hail to the Lord's anointedPage Scan
203Hear what God, the Lord, hath spokenPage Scan
204Hear what the voice from heaven proclaimsPage Scan
205How are thy servants blessed, O Lord!Page Scan
206How blessed the righteous when he dies!Page Scan
207How blessed is man, O God!Page Scan
208How blesssed the sacred tie that bindsPage Scan
209How gracious is our God!Page Scan
210How happy is he born and taughtPage Scan
211How happy is the man who hearsPage Scan
212Hour beauteous are their feetPage Scan
213How many millions draw their breathPage Scan
214How long shall dreams of earthly blissPage Scan
215How rich the blessings, O my God!Page Scan
216How rich thy favours, God of grace!Page Scan
217How still and peaceful is the gravePage Scan
218How swift the torrent rollsPage Scan
219How well our great Preserver knowsPage Scan
220If solid happiness we prizePage Scan
221If high or low our station bePage Scan
222If we the Saviour's laws obeyPage Scan
223I read my duty in the wordPage Scan
224I hear the voice of woPage Scan
225Immortal God! on thee we callPage Scan
226Imposture shrinks from lightPage Scan
227In all my vast concerns with theePage Scan
228In all thy dealings, gracious God!Page Scan
229I cannot shun the stroke of deathPage Scan
230In the soft season of thy youthPage Scan
231Is there no kind, no lenient artPage Scan
232Is there on earth a nobler namePage Scan
233Keep silence, all created thingsPage Scan
234Let children hear the mighty deedsPage Scan
235'Let heaven arise, let earth appear!'Page Scan
236Let men of high conceit and zealPage Scan
237Let none be envious when they seePage Scan
238Let thanks to God, all-sovereign Power, arisePage Scan
239Let party names no morePage Scan
240Let the whole race of creatures liePage Scan
241Life is the time to serve the LordPage Scan
242Like shadows gliding o'er the plainPage Scan
243Look round, O man! survey this globePage Scan
244Lord! how resplendent shines thy gracePage Scan
245Lord! thou hast been thy children's GodPage Scan
246Lord, thou hast searched and seen me throughPage Scan
247Lord! through the dubious path of lifePage Scan
248Lord! we adore thy vast designsPage Scan
249Lord! we adore thy wondrous namePage Scan
250Lord! we would make thy word our joyPage Scan
251Lord, who's the happy man that mayPage Scan
252Mistaken souls, that [who] dream of heavenPage Scan
253Mark the soft falling-snowPage Scan
254My Father! cheering name!Page Scan
255My Father--I adorePage Scan
256My God! the covenant of thy lovePage Scan
257My God! I thank thee: may no thoughtPage Scan
258My God! the steps of pious menPage Scan
259My God! thy boundless love I praisePage Scan
260My soul! forbear on transient thingsPage Scan
261My Maker, and my King!Page Scan
262My soul! repeat his praisePage Scan
263My soul shall bless thee, O my God!Page Scan
264Naked as from the earth we camePage Scan
265Not he whose baseless hope reliesPage Scan
266O for a firm and lively faithPage Scan
267O God! my strength! my hope!Page Scan
268O God! beyond that boundless seaPage Scan
269O God! on thee we all dependPage Scan
270O God! our help in ages pastPage Scan
271O God! to thee my sinking soulPage Scan
272O God! thou art my God alonePage Scan
273O help us, Lord! each hour of needPage Scan
274O Lord! my best desires fulfilPage Scan
275O happy souls, that dwell on highPage Scan
276O hear me, Lord! to thee I callPage Scan
277O that the Lord would guide my waysPage Scan
278O thou, the first, the greatest friendPage Scan
279O thou, the wretched's sure retreat!Page Scan
280One prayer I have,-- all prayers in onePage Scan
281O turn, great Ruler of the skies!Page Scan
282O ye immortal throngPage Scan
283O ye, who seek Jehovah's facePage Scan
284On God supreme our hope dependsPage Scan
285Our country is Immanuel’s groundPage Scan
286Our Father, throned above the sky!Page Scan
287Our heavenly Father, hearPage Scan
288O where shall rest be foundPage Scan
289Perpetual Source of light and grace!Page Scan
290Prayer is the soul’s sincere desirePage Scan
291Praise to the Lord of the boundless mightPage Scan
292Raise your triumphant songsPage Scan
293Rejoice, ye righteous! in the LordPage Scan
294Return, my roving heart, returnPage Scan
295Sing we the song of those who standPage Scan
296See from on high a light divinePage Scan
297'See how he loved!' exclaimed the JewsPage Scan
298Show mercy, Lord! O Lord, forgive!Page Scan
299Shine forth, Eternal Source of light!Page Scan
300Shine on our souls, Eternal God!Page Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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