Christian Psalmody, in Four Parts; containing Dr. Watt's Psalms Abridged; Dr. Watt's Hymns Abridged; Select Hymns from Other Authors; and Select Harmony: together with directions... (2nd. ed.)

Editor: Samuel Worcester, D. D.
Publisher: Samuel T. Armstrong, Boston, 1817
Language: English
Notes: Watt's Psalms (WP), Watt's Hymns (WH), Books 1, 2, and 3, and Select Hymns (SH) are numbered separately
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
WP60Lord, hast thou cast the nations offPage Scan
WP61When overwhelm'd with griefPage Scan
WP62My spirit looks to God alonePage Scan
WP63aEarly, my God, without delayPage Scan
WP63bGreat God, indulge my humble claimPage Scan
WP63cMy God, permit my tonguePage Scan
WP65aThe praise of Zion waits for theePage Scan
WP65bOn God the race of man dependsPage Scan
WP65cPraise waits in Zion, Lord, for theePage Scan
WP65d'Tis by thy strength the mountains standPage Scan
WP66aSing, all ye nations, to the LordPage Scan
WP66bNow shall my solemn vows be paidPage Scan
WP67Shine on our land, Jehovah, shinePage Scan
WP68aLet God arise in all his mightPage Scan
WP68bLord, when thou didst ascend on highPage Scan
WP68cWe bless the Lord, the just and goodPage Scan
WP69aFather, I sing thy wondrous grace Page Scan
WP69bDeep in our hearts let us record Page Scan
WP69c'Twas for our sake, eternal GodPage Scan
WP71aMy God, my everlasting hopePage Scan
WP71bMy Saviour, my Almighty FriendPage Scan
WP71cGod of my childhood, and my youthPage Scan
WP72aGreat God, whose universal swayPage Scan
WP72bJesus shall reign, where'er the sunPage Scan
WP73aGod, my supporter, and my hopePage Scan
WP73bLord, what a thoughtless wretch was IPage Scan
WP73cSure there's a righteous GodPage Scan
WP74Will God forever cast us off?Page Scan
WP75To thee, most Holy and most HighPage Scan
WP76In Judah, God of old was knownPage Scan
WP77aTo God I cry'd with mournful voicePage Scan
WP77b"How awful is thy chast'ning rod"Page Scan
WP78aLet children hear the mighty deedsPage Scan
WP78bO what a stiff, rebellious housePage Scan
WP78cGreat God, how oft did Israel provePage Scan
WP80Great Shepherd of thine IsraelPage Scan
WP81Sing to the Lord, aloudPage Scan
WP82Among th'assemblies of the greatPage Scan
WP83And will the God of gracePage Scan
WP84aHow pleasant, how divinely fairPage Scan
WP84bGreat God, attend while Zion sings Page Scan
WP84cMy soul, how lovely is the place Page Scan
WP84dLord of the worlds abovePage Scan
WP85aLord, thou hast call'd thy grace to mindPage Scan
WP85bSalvation is forever nighPage Scan
WP86Among the princes, earthly godsPage Scan
WP87God, in his earthly temple, laysPage Scan
WP89aForever shall my song recordPage Scan
WP89bMy never-ceasing songs shall showPage Scan
WP89cWith rev'rence let the saints appearPage Scan
WP89dBlest are the souls, who hear and knowPage Scan
WP89eHear what the Lord in vision saidPage Scan
WP89fYet, saith the Lord, if David's racePage Scan
WP89gRemember, Lord, our mortal statePage Scan
WP89hThink, mighty God, on feeble manPage Scan
WP90aThrough ev'ry age, eternal GodPage Scan
WP90bOur God, our help in ages pastPage Scan
WP90cLord, if thine eyes survey our faultsPage Scan
WP90dReturn, O God of love, returnPage Scan
WP90eLord, what a feeble piecePage Scan
WP91He, who hath made his refuge--GodPage Scan
WP92aSweet is the work, my God, my KingPage Scan
WP92bLord, 'tis a pleasant thing to standPage Scan
WP93aJehovah reigns; he dwells in lightPage Scan
WP93bThe Lord of glory reigns; he reigns on highPage Scan
WP93cThe Lord Jehovah reignsPage Scan
WP94Who will arise, and plead my rightPage Scan
WP95aSing to the Lord Jehovah's namePage Scan
WP95bCome, sound his praise abroadPage Scan
WP95cCome, let our souls address the LordPage Scan
WP96aSing to the Lord, ye distant landsPage Scan
WP96bLet all the earth their voices raisePage Scan
WP97aHe reigns--the Lord, the Saviour reignsPage Scan
WP97bThe Lord is come; the heav'ns proclaimPage Scan
WP97cThe Almighty reigns, exalted highPage Scan
WP97dYe shores and isles of every seaPage Scan
WP98aTo our Almighty Maker GodPage Scan
WP98bJoy to the world--the Lord is come!Page Scan
WP99aThe God, Jehovah, reigns!Page Scan
WP99bExalt the Lord of GodPage Scan
WP100aYe nations of the earth, rejoicePage Scan
WP100bBefore Jehovah's awful thronePage Scan
WP101aMercy and judgment are my songPage Scan
WP101bOf justice and of grace I singPage Scan
WP102aHear me, O God, nor hide thy facePage Scan
WP102bLet Zion and her Sons rejoicePage Scan
WP102cIt is the Lord, our Saviour's handPage Scan
WP103aBless, O my soul, the living GodPage Scan
WP103bThe Lord, how wondrous are his ways!Page Scan
WP103cO bless the Lord, my soulPage Scan
WP103dThe Lord, the sov'reign King Page Scan
WP104My soul, thy great Creator praise Page Scan
WP105Give thanks to God, invoke his namePage Scan
WP106aTo God the great, the ever blest Page Scan
WP106bGod of eternal lovePage Scan
WP107aGive thanks to God; he reigns abovePage Scan
WP107bFrom age to age exalt his namePage Scan
WP107cWould you behold the works of GodPage Scan
WP107dThy works of glory, mighty LordPage Scan
WP107eWhere nothing dwelt but beasts of preyPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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