The Christian Psalter

Editor: William P. Lunt
Publisher: C. C. Little & James Brown, Boston, Mass., 1841
Notes: Page Images available at Internet Archive
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d201Hark, my soul, it is the Lord
d202Hark, the glad sound, the Savior comes
d203Hark, 'tis our heavenly Leader's voice
d204Hark, 'tis the holy temple's bell
d205He dies, the heavenly Lover dies
d206Hear, O my people, to my law
d207Hear what God the Lord hath [has] spoken
d208Hear what the Lord in vision said
d209Hear what the voice from heaven proclaims
d210Here, in a world of doubt
d211Here, in the broken bread, here in the cup
d212Here to the High and Holy One
d213High as the heavens above the ground
d214High in the heavens, eternal God
d215High on a hill [throne] of dazzling light
d216Ho ye that thirst approach the spring where living waters
d217Holy, holy, holy Lord, be thy glorious [gracious] name
d218Honor and happiness unite To make the Christian's name
d219Hosanna [Hosannas] to the Prince of light
d220How are thy glories here displayed
d221How are thy servants blest, O Lord [God]
d222How beauteous are their [his] feet
d223How blest are they who always keep
d224How blest is he who ne'er consents
d225How blest thy creature is, O God
d226How gentle God's commands
d227How gracious and how wise
d228How happy is he born and [or] taught
d229How honorable is the place
d230How long shall death, the tyrant, reign
d231How long shall dreams of creature [earthly] bliss
d232How lovely are thy dwelling fairs, O Lord of hosts, how dear
d233How pleasant, how [and] divinely fair
d234How pleased and blest was I
d235How rich thy bounty, King of kings
d236How rich thy favors, God of grace
d237How rich thy gifts, almighty King
d238How shall I praise the eternal God
d239How shall the young secure their hearts
d240How short and hasty is our life
d241How should the sons of Adam's race
d242How still and peaceful is [Lord] the grave
d243How sweetly flowed the gospel's sound
d244How swiftly the torrent rolls
d245How vast the treasure we possess
d246How wondrous great, how glorious bright
d247I hear the voice of woe, I hear a brother's sigh
d248I lift my heart to thee, my God and Guide
d249I lift my soul to God, my trust is in
d250I send the joys of earth away
d251I sing my Savior's wondrous death
d252I sing the almighty power of God
d253I will extol thee, Lord, on high
d254I would not live alway [always], I ask not to stay
d255If God to build the house deny
d256I'll praise my Maker with my [while I've] [whilst I've] breath
d257I'll sing thy truth and mercy, Lord
d258Imposture shrinks from light
d259In all my [our] vast concerns with thee
d260In God's own house pronounce his praise
d261In Judah God of old was known
d262In Judah's rugged wilderness
d263In life's gay dawn [morn] when [blooming] sprightly youth
d264In pleasant lands have fallen the lines
d265In sleep's serene oblivion laid
d266In the soft season of thy youth
d267In the sun, and moon, and stars
d268In vain the erring world inquires
d269Indulgent God, whose bounteous care O'er all thy works is shown
d270Infinite leagues beyond the sky
d271Infinite power, eternal Lord
d272Interval of grateful shade
d273Is there ambition in my heart
d274Jesus is gone above the skies [sky]
d275Jesus shall reign where'er the sun
d276Jesus, the friend of man
d277Joy to the world, the Lord is [has] come
d278Keep silence, all created things
d279Laden with guilt, and full of fears
d280Let all the heathen writers join
d281Let all the just to God with joy
d282Let all the [on] earth their voices raise, to sing
d283Let every creature join To praise the eternal God
d284Let every mortal ear attend
d285Let every tongue thy goodness speak
d286Let God arise in all his might
d287Let heaven arise, let earth appear
d288Let heaven burst forth into a song
d289Let one loud song of praise arise
d290Let others boast how strong they be [are]
d291Let Pharisees of high esteem
d292Let the whole race of creatures lie
d293Let us with a joyful mind
d294Life is the time to serve the Lord
d295Lift your voice, and thankful sing
d296Like shadows gliding o'er the plain
d297Lo from the everlasting skies
d298Lo God is here let us adore
d299Lo my shepherd's hand divine
d300Lo what a glorious sight appears

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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