A Collection of Hymns: for the use of the Methodist Episcopal Church, principally from the collection of the Rev. John Wesley, A. M., late fellow of Lincoln College..(Rev. and corr. with a supplement)

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
476cEternal, spotless Lamb of GodPage Scan
477See how great a flame aspiresPage Scan
478aJesus the Conqueror reignsPage Scan
478bUrge on your rapid coursePage Scan
479Jesus shall reign where'er the sunPage Scan
480Arm of the Lord, awake, awake!Page Scan
481Jesus, from thy heav'nly placePage Scan
482Happy soul, who sees the dayPage Scan
483Glory to God, whose sovereign gracePage Scan
484Father of me and all mankindPage Scan
485All glory to God in the skyPage Scan
486Father, our hearts we liftPage Scan
487All hail! happy dayPage Scan
488Shepherds rejoice, lift up your eyesPage Scan
489While shepherds watch'd their flocks by nightPage Scan
490Hark! the herald-angels singPage Scan
491Mortals awake, with angels joinPage Scan
492Come let us anew our journey pursuePage Scan
493The Lord of earth and skyPage Scan
494Sing to the great Jehovah's praise!Page Scan
495Where is my God, my joy, my hopePage Scan
496We lift our hearts to theePage Scan
497All praise to Him who dwells in blissPage Scan
498Giver and Guardian of my sleepPage Scan
499When quiet in my house I sitPage Scan
500Once more, my soul, the rising dayPage Scan
501Lord, thou wilt hear me when I prayPage Scan
502Lord, in the morning thou shalt hearPage Scan
503See how the morning sunPage Scan
504My God, how endless is thy love!Page Scan
505Omnipresent God, whose aidPage Scan
506Awake, my soul, to meet the dayPage Scan
507Now from the altar of our heartsPage Scan
508Father to thee I lift mine eyesPage Scan
509Thus far the Lord hath led me onPage Scan
510O God, my God, my All thou art!Page Scan
511God, only wise, almighty, goodPage Scan
512Father of lights, thy needful aidPage Scan
513How shall I walk my God to pleasePage Scan
514Come, Father, Son, and Holy GhostPage Scan
515Master supreme, I look to theePage Scan
516I and my house will serve the LordPage Scan
517aFather of all, by whom we arePage Scan
517bOr if thou grant a longer datePage Scan
518Captain of our salvation, takePage Scan
519The pow'r to bless my housePage Scan
520God of my life, to theePage Scan
521Away with our fears! The glad morning appearsPage Scan
522The Lord of Sabbath let us praisePage Scan
523Our Lord is risen from the deadPage Scan
524He dies, the Friend of sinners diesPage Scan
525Ye faithful souls, who Jesus knowPage Scan
526Sweet is the work, my God, my KingPage Scan
527May I, throughout this day of thinePage Scan
528Welcome, sweet day of restPage Scan
529Return, my soul, enjoy thy restPage Scan
530The Saviour meets his flock to-dayPage Scan
531Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspirePage Scan
532Father of all, in whom alonePage Scan
533Inspirer of the ancient seersPage Scan
534The counsels of redeeming gracePage Scan
535Father of mercies, in thy wordPage Scan
536Spirit of Truth, essential GodPage Scan
537Leader of faithful souls, and guidePage Scan
538I long to behold him array'dPage Scan
539There is a land of pure delightPage Scan
540Thou, Lord, on whom I still dependPage Scan
541Away with our sorrow and fearPage Scan
542We know, by faith we knowPage Scan
543The Church in her militant statePage Scan
544Lift your eyes of faith, and seePage Scan
545Who are these array'd in whitePage Scan
546On Jordan's stormy banks I standPage Scan
547My span of life will soon be donePage Scan
548How happy is the pilgrim's lotPage Scan
549Still out of the deepest abyssPage Scan
550Thee we adore, Eternal NamePage Scan
551aAnd am I born to die?Page Scan
551bO thou that wouldst not havePage Scan
552And am I only born to die?Page Scan
553O God! our help in ages pastPage Scan
554And must this body diePage Scan
555And let this feeble body failPage Scan
556Happy soul, thy days are endedPage Scan
557Ah! lovely appearance of deathPage Scan
558Rejoice for a brother deceas'dPage Scan
559'Tis finish'd, 'tis done, the spirit is fledPage Scan
560Hosanna to Jesus on high!Page Scan
561Blessing, honour, thanks, and praisePage Scan
562Why should we start and fear to die!Page Scan
563Hark! from the tombs a doleful soundPage Scan
564Hark! a voice divides the skyPage Scan
565Why do we mourn for dying friendsPage Scan
566Shrinking from the cold hand of deathPage Scan
567Pass a few swiftly fleeting yearsPage Scan
568The morning flowers display their sweetsPage Scan
569Again we lift our voicePage Scan
570Vain man, thy fond pursuits forbearPage Scan
571Thy life I read, my gracious LordPage Scan
572Thou Judge of quick and deadPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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