Christian Hymn and Tune Book, for use in Churches, and for Social and Family Devotions

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
601Death cannot make our souls afraidPage Scan
602Dear as thou wast, and justly dearPage Scan
603Not for the pious dead we weepPage Scan
604Go to thy rest, fair child!Page Scan
605Servant of God, well done!Page Scan
606Our fathers! where are theyPage Scan
607Oh where shall rest be foundPage Scan
608It is not death to diePage Scan
609Far from my heavenly homePage Scan
610Ye golden lamps of heaven, farewellPage Scan
611There is a calm for those who weepPage Scan
612Fallen--on Zion's battle-fieldPage Scan
613What though the arm of conquering deathPage Scan
614O for an overcoming faithPage Scan
615Jesus, while our hearts are bleedingPage Scan
616Dropping down the troubled riverPage Scan
617Sister, thou wast mild and lovelyPage Scan
618What is life? 'tis but a vaporPage Scan
619Jesus wept! those tears are overPage Scan
620Go to the grave in all thy glorious primePage Scan
621Through cross to crown! and though thy spirit's lifePage Scan
622Go to thy rest in peacePage Scan
623Breathe thoughts of pity o'er a brothers fallPage Scan
624The voice of free grace cries,--Escape to the mountainPage Scan
625Thou art gone to the grave; but we will not deplore theePage Scan
626How happy is the pilgrim's lot!Page Scan
627When thou, my righteous Judge shalt comePage Scan
628Thy mercy heard my infant prayerPage Scan
629The Church has waited longPage Scan
630In expectation sweetPage Scan
631Rest for the toiling handPage Scan
632Lo! he cometh--countless trumpetsPage Scan
633Lo! he comes, with clouds descendingPage Scan
634Hark, ye mortals, hear the trumpetPage Scan
635There is a land mine eye hath seenPage Scan
636Thy Father's house! thine own bright home!Page Scan
637On Zion's glorious summit stoodPage Scan
638There is an hour of peaceful restPage Scan
639O Saviour, lend a listening earPage Scan
640Blest is the hour when cares departPage Scan
641My latest sun is sinking fastPage Scan
642There is an hour of hallow'd peacePage Scan
643Thou God of love! beneath thy sheltering wingsPage Scan
644Weep not for the saint that ascendsPage Scan
645We speak of the realms of the blestPage Scan
646O could our tho'ts and wishes flyCOVENTRYPage Scan
647There is a land, a happy landCOVENTRYPage Scan
648There is a fold where none can strayCOVENTRYPage Scan
649We are on our journey homePage Scan
650I'm a pilgrim, and I'm a strangerPage Scan
651There is a land immortalPage Scan
652We have no home but heavenPage Scan
653The time for toil is past, and night has comePage Scan
654The day is ended. Ere I sink to sleepPage Scan
655A crown of glory brightPage Scan
656A sweetly solemn tho't Page Scan
657My heavenly home is bright and fairPage Scan
658Our blest Redeemer, ere he breathedPage Scan
659When we hear the music ringing Page Scan
660No night shall be in Heaven! no gath'ring gloomPage Scan
661Gently, Lord, Oh gently lead usPage Scan
662O thou Fount of every blessing!Page Scan
663Hear my prayer, O heavenly FatherPage Scan
664Have you heard, have you heard of that sun-bright climePage Scan
665Beautiful Zion, built abovePage Scan
666O you immortal throng of angelsCLARKSVILLEPage Scan
667Lord of the worlds abovePage Scan
668God of my life, to thee Page Scan
669Awake, my soul! and with the sunPage Scan
670Forth in thy name, O Lord! I goPage Scan
671God of the morning, at whose voicePage Scan
672I praise thy name, O God of LightPage Scan
673Thus far the Lord has led me onPage Scan
674Glory to thee, my God, this night Page Scan
675My God, how endless is thy love!Page Scan
676New every morning is the lovePage Scan
677Silently the shades of eveningPage Scan
678Tarry with me, Oh my Saviour!Page Scan
679Saviour! breathe an evening blessingPage Scan
680May the grace of Christ our SaviourPage Scan
681Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear mePage Scan
682Lord, a little band, and lowlyPage Scan
683Take my heart, Oh Father! mold itPage Scan
684See the leaves around us fallingPage Scan
685We are living, we are dwellingPage Scan
686Peace be to this congregation!Page Scan
687Softly, now, the light of dayPage Scan
688Thou that dost my life prolongPage Scan
689Now the shades of night are gonePage Scan
690For thy mercy and thy gracePage Scan
691We are on the ocean sailingPage Scan
692Shall we meet beyond the riverPage Scan
693By cool Siloam's shady rillPage Scan
694She was the music of our homePage Scan
695And now, my soul, another yearPage Scan
696Dear Jesus! ever at my sidePage Scan
697Think gently of the erring one!Page Scan
698Speak gently! it is better farPage Scan
699My Father! to thy mercy-seatPage Scan
700Only waiting till the shadowsPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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